Thermodynamic Pair Interaction Parameters on Various Concentration

Derivations are given for the relationships of the conversions of thermodynamic pair interaction parameters on various concentration scales. A compari...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 7460-7462

Thermodynamic Pair Interaction Parameters on Various Concentration Scales Kelei Zhuo* School of Chemistry and EnVironmental Science, Henan Normal UniVersity, Xinxiang, Henan 453007, People’s Republic of China ReceiVed: October 30, 2004; In Final Form: NoVember 17, 2004

Derivations are given for the relationships of the conversions of thermodynamic pair interaction parameters on various concentration scales. A comparison is made between the free energy pair interaction parameters obtained from different measurement methods or conversions, indicating that the values on the same concentration scale are in good agreement with each other.

Introduction theory1

In the McMillan-Mayer of ternary systems, the excess thermodynamic functions (F), such as free energy (G), entropy (S), enthalpy (H), volume (V), isotonic heat capacity (Cp), etc., can be expressed in terms of pair, triplet, and higherorder interactions between the two solutes. For an electrolyte (E)-nonelectrolyte (N)-water (W) system, as an example, a function of transfer of nonelectrolyte (∆tFN) from W to W + E can be written as2

∆tFN(W f W + E) ) 2νfENmE + 3ν2fEENmE2 + 3νfENNmEmN + ... (1) where fEN, fEEN, and fENN are the pair and triplet interaction parameters, mE and mN are the molalities of E and N relative per kilogram of pure water, and ν is the number of moles of ions into which the electrolyte dissociates. For the transfer of electrolyte, a similar equation can be written as

∆tFE(W f W + N) ) 2νfENmN + 3νfENNmN2 + 3ν2fEENmEmN + ... (2) For standard functions of transfer, the terms in mN or mE on the right-hand side of eq 1 or eq 2 will vanish. For instance, eq 2 will be reduced for the free energy to

∆tG0E(W f W + N) ) 2νgENmN + 3νgENNmN2 + ... (3) Pair interaction parameters fEN are an average of interactions of anions and cations with the nonelectrolyte3 +


fEN ) (ν fMν+-N + ν fXν--N)/ν


Pair interaction parameters represent the contribution to the thermodynamic functions when the two solutes (N and E) approach each other from infinity to some critical distance. Therefore, they are significant for exploring interactions of solutes in dilution solutions and have been applied widely to ternary systems by many authors.2-9 Values of free energy and entropy pair interaction parameters depend on the concentration scales chosen. This paper is devoted * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

to derivations and interpreting the relations of the conversion of pair interaction parameters based on various concentration scales. Conversions of Pair Interaction Parameters The interaction parameters can be obtained by fitting experimental data to eq 1 or eq 2. However, the values of the free energy and entropy parameters depend on the concentration scales of the solute. We take the transfer of E from W to W + N as an example. Concentration correlations can be expressed by

xE )

0.001cEM hS F + 0.001cE(νM h S - M E)


mM E 1000/M h S + νmM E

M mW E ) (1 + 0.001mNMN)mE

mN )

1000wt MN(1 - wt)

(5) (6) (7)

where xE and cE are the mole fraction and molarity of E, mM E and mW E are molalities of E per kilogram of mixed solvent (N + W) and per kilogram of pure water (mW E is simply written as mE in eqs 1 and 2 and the following), wt is the mass fraction of N to mixed solvent (N + W), ME and MN are the mole masses of E and N, M h S is the average mole mass of the mixed solvent (N + W), and F is the density of the ternary solution. The chemical potential of electrolyte in the ternary solution can be expressed, in any concentration scale, as

µE ) µ0E + RT ln aE


where aE is the activity of E, µ0E is the standard chemical potential of E (i.e., standard free energy, G0E), depending on the concentration scale of E. For the free energy, we get 0c G0x E ) GE + νRT ln

1000FS 1000 ) G0m(M) + νRT ln E M hS M hS

) G0m(M) - νRT ln(1 + 0.001mNMN) G0m(W) E E

(9) (10)

where superscripts x, c, m(M), and m(W) indicate the concentration scales for GE° and FS is the density of the mixed solvent (W + N).

10.1021/jp045045r CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/19/2005

Thermodynamic Pair Interaction Parameters

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 109, No. 15, 2005 7461

TABLE 1: Comparison between Free Energy Pair Interaction Parameters on Different Concentration Scales at 298.15 K -2 2νgm(W) EN /J kg mol

electrolyte-nonelectrolyte KCl-glucoseh NaCl-glucoseh HCl-glucoseh MgCl2-glucoseh CaCl2-glucoseh NaCl-fructosei CaCl2-ribose

2νgxENa/ J kg mol-2

b -2 2νgm(M) EN / J kg mol





109 ( 9 296 ( 7 484 ( 33 13 ( 28 925 ( 11 94 ( 7

902 ( 11 1089 ( 6 1251 ( 39 1197 ( 16 2159 ( 9 879 ( 14 -1160j

17 ( 8 205 ( 7 363 ( 40 -130 ( 14 832 ( 12 7(7

19 207 395 -121 818 2

9 196 358 -143 819 -14 -2277 -2200k -169 -100k

9 207 395 ∼0 877 12n



g 217l 467 ( 16m

0x 0m(M) Obtained from the plot of ∆tG0x using eq 11. b Obtained from the plot E /mE versus mE, where the values of ∆tGE were converted from ∆tGE 0m(M) 0m(W) 0m(W) c of ∆tGE /mE versus mE. Obtained from the plot of ∆tGE /mE versus mE, where the values of ∆tGE were converted from ∆tG0m(M) using eq E x m(M) d e f g 12. Converted from 2νgEN using eq 15. Converted from 2νgEN using eq 15. Taken from ref 16. Obtained from the plot of ∆tG0m(W) /mE versus E 0m(M) h mE, where ∆tG0m(W) was calculated from the emf values for mW were taken from ref 16. i Values of ∆tG0m(M) were taken from E E . Values of ∆tGE E j k l m ref 9. Taken from ref 7. Taken from ref 11. Taken from ref 19. Taken from ref 17. n Taken from ref 9. a

From these relations, we can derive the conversion equations between the standard free energies of transfer (∆tG0E) on different concentration scales

∆tG0x E


∆tG0c E

[ ]

MW FS M W + νRT ln ) ∆tG0m(M) + νRT ln E FW M hS M hS (11)

) ∆tG0m(M) - νRT ln(1 + 0.001mNMN) (12) ∆tG0m(W) E E where MW is the mole mass of water. To obtain the pair interaction parameters, values of the free energies of transfer are first conversed into ones on the mW E scale from eqs 11 and 12, then used to fit eq 2 or eq 3. If the free energies of transfer don’t be converted into ones on the mW E scale, the obtained pair interaction parameters from eq 2 or eq 3 are necessary to be converted into ones on the mW E scale. We will derive these conversion equations for the free energy pair interaction parameters as follows. From eqs 1 and 2, we have

( ) ∂∆tFE ∂mN


mN)0 mE)0

( ) ∂∆tFN ∂mE

mN)0 mE)0

) 2νfEN


Particularly, for the free energy function in the standard state, this equation reduces to

( ) ( ) ∂∆tG0E ∂mN

∂∆tGN0 ) ∂mE mN)0


) 2νgEN


From eqs 11-14, we have

RT MN RT Mw m(M) 2νgm(W) ) 2νgxEN - 2ν EN ) 2νgEN - 2ν 2 1000 2 1000

( )

2RTMN dFS RT MN + 2 1000 1000FW dwt

) 2νgcEN - 2ν



m(M) x c where gm(W) EN , gEN , gEN, and gEN are the free energy pair w M interaction parameters on mE , mE , x, and c scales, respectively. Similarly, the entropy interaction parameters depend also on the concentration scales. From eqs 11 and 12 and the differential

correlation S ) (∂G/∂T)p, the following relations between the entropies of transfer on various scales have been derived

FS MW ) ∆tS0m(M) + νR ln E FW M hS


∆tS0m(W) ) ∆tS0m(M) - νR ln(1 + 0.001mNMN) E E


0c ∆tS0x E ) ∆tSE + νR ln

Through the use of these equations, one can convert values of standard entropies of transfer of E from one concentration scale to another. However, the relations between entropy pair interaction parameters on different concentration scales can also be derived from eq 15 and the basic thermodynamic relation sEN ) (∂gEN∂T)p

R MN R Mw ) 2νsxEN - 2ν 2 1000 2 1000

m(M) 2νsm(W) EN ) 2νsEN - 2ν

( )

2RMN dFS R MN + 2 1000 1000FW dwt

) 2νscEN - 2ν



It is easy to verify that some interaction parameters, such as enthalpy (hEN), volume (VEN), and isotonic heat capacity (c p,EN), are independent of the concentration scales. Discussion Enthalpic interaction parameters can be obtained from the enthalpies of dilution and mixing.7,4,10 Isotonic heat capacity interaction parameters can be determined by microcalorimetry or derived from cp,EN ) (∂hEN/T)p.11 Volumetric interaction parameters can be evaluated from density measurements. These parameters are independent of concentration scales. Free energy interaction parameters can be evaluated from freezing point depression,12,13 chromatography,14 solubility,15 and electromotive force (emf) measurements.3,4,11,16,17 The emf method has been used widely for evaluating the gEN values. It can be divided 3,11,16,18 and the into two types: one based on the mM E scale W 4,17,19 In the first method, standard emf’s are other on mE scale. determined on the mM E scale, and then standard free energies on this scale are calculated from

) -nF(E0M - E0W) ∆tG0m(M) E


where E0M and E0W are standard emf’s in mixed solvent and in

7462 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 109, No. 15, 2005


water, respectively. In the second method, standard free energies and interaction parameters are obtained from4,17, 19

to compare them with ones obtained from new experimental measurements.

∆tGm(W) (W f W + N) ) -nF∆E E

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by grants from the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of Henan Province (Grant No. 0112000500), the Innovator Foundation of Colleges and Universities of Henan Province, and the Excellent Teacher Foundation of Henan Province.

) 2νgENmN + 3νgENNm2N +

6ν2gEENmNmE + ... (20)

References and Notes

or, at mE f 0,

∆tG0m(W) (W f W + N) ) -nF∆E0 E ) 2νgENmN + 3νgENNmN2 + ...


where ∆E is the difference in emf’s, ∆EM ) EM - EW and ∆E0M ) E0M - E0W. On the basis of different methods and conversions, some free energy pair interaction parameters were obtained and listed in Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that the gm(W) values EN evaluated from the emf measurements based on the mM E scale are in good agreement with ones on the mW E scale. In my opinion, the gEN values obtained from experimental measureM ments on the mW E scale are more accurate than ones on the mE scale, because in the former, the gEN values can be obtained directly using the emf values from experimental measurements. However, through the use of a set of measured data (i.e., on the mM E scale), there are different processes for evaluating the gEN values. Thus, obtained values are consistent with each other. It is necessary to point out that a lot of data on the thermodynamic functions of transfer has been published in the literature.20 Therefore, they can be applied to calculate the corresponding interaction parameters. At the same time, the pair interaction parameters can be conversed from one concentration scale to another by using the equations derived in this paper. This will make it possible to explore further the interactions between the solute molecules (electrolytes and/or nonelectrolytes) in water or in other solvents using the literature data and

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