Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Disulfide - Industrial

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1951, 43 (2), pp 506–510. DOI: 10.1021/ie50494a053. Publication Date: February 1951. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem...
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ties of L. J. O'BRIEN 4ND W. J. ALFORD The P u r e Oil Co., Chicago, 111.

A search of the literature reFealed onlj a limited amount of data on the physical properties of carbon disulfide, usually over a restricted range in pressure and temperature. No report on P-V-T data in the superheated region could be found, although knowledge of these properties is essential to engineering and process design calculationb. It was believed worth while to present the existing data and expand them by empirical correlations, and to calciilate values for the desired properties which were entire15 lacking, using certain empirical relationships. The present paper presents a Mollier-type chart coilsisting of the logarithm of pressure us. enthalpy with parameters of temperature, entropy, and specific voluine and tables of these thermodynamic properties for the saturated and superheated regions. It is believed that the availability of these data on carbmi disulfide will prove time-saving and useful to the chemist and chemical engineer in various studies of this substance, inasmuch as the range in pressure and temperature which has been covered will he applicable in most problems.

vir.lded a compilation of vapor presiures and saturated vapor densities over a tempexatuie raiigr up to the critical, and a correlation relating saturated liquid densities t o temperature in thp range from -30" t o 140" F. A correlation of heat capacity data