Thermodynamic Theory of Affinity. By Th. De Donder and Pierre Van

May 1, 2002 - Thermodynamic Theory of Affinity. By Th. De Donder and Pierre Van Rysselberghe. F. H. MacDougall. J. Phys. Chem. , 1937, 41 (5), pp 775â...
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T o those with the necessary mathematical and physical background this will certainly prove a most interesting book. I n view of the title the average reader may perhaps be pardoned for thinking that Dr. Jordan’s perceptions are more than usually acute. J. T. RASDALL. Blatter jur Geschichte der Technik. Herausgegeben von Osterreichen Forschungsinstitut fur Geschichte der Technik. Heft 3. 25 x 18 em.; 101 pp.; one plate. Vienna: Julius Springer, 1936. Price: 3.60 RM. This number contains a biography of the inventor of the Kaplan turbine, an account of the Welsbach exhibition in Vienna in 1936, a bibliography of the history of Austrian industrial firms, and other matter. J. R. PARTISGTOS. Thermodynamic Theory o j Aginzty. By TH. DE DOSDERand PIERRE VAS KYSSELBERGHE.xx 141 pp.; 4 fig. Stanford University, California: Stanford University Press, 1936. Price: $3.00. We quote from the preface: “In presenting to the English-speaking physical chemists the thermodynamic theory of affinity, we are convinced that this synthetic work will be of definite usefulness t o them. The systematic application of the various concepts upon which the theory is based (degree of advancement of the reaction, uncompensated heat, affinity considered as a function of the instantaneous state of the system, etc.) should not only result in greater formal clarity in the discussion and interpretation of experimental results but should also lead t o new developments in fields where a particularly accurate thermodynamic treatment is required.’’ The reviewer does not believe that the high hopes expressed by the authors will be completely fulfilled; he can, however, recommend the book to the attention of advanced students of thermodynamics. F. H. RIACDOUGALL.
