Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (MacDougall, FH)

in college courses, in which the ... Elementary and Secondary Schools. Francis. D. Curtis. ... press; overlapping; technical vocabularies in the scien...
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VOL.3,No. 10

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the selection of those experiments whieh are best suited t o the needs of the individval course. The hook is well-written; the directions are clear and specific; and numerous helpful hints are given lor the aid of t h e student. By thoughtfully following the directions given for each determination, the student should be able t o obtain good results and should acquire the habit of cmreet manipulation. In the opinion of the re. viewer, the author has provided n excellent manual, and one which will be fotmd very useful i n college, in whieh the inexperienced student finds the more complete treatiees on the subject rather clrmbersome far his work. The author does not attempt t o d i r u r r fully the theoretical arpects of the subject, and the hook does not purport to he a dass-room tert. m to develop this important ,,base of the course in quantitative analysis, there will he required a wries of lectures and emphasis upon the collateral readings to which the author refers. SIIIART R. B B I N ~ S Y Thermodynamics and Chemistry. F. H. MA+ DODOALL.Second edition, 1926. John Wiley and Soon, Inc., New York. vii 414 PP. 14 X 21.5 em. $5.50 net. The appearance d the seeand edition of this well-known work will be a sowee of gratification t o the many users of the erst Edition. Proferror MaeDougsll has completely rewritten the c h a p ters on Ionic Equilibria, Electromotive Force, and the Third Law. An extensive discurrion of the Debye and Huckel theory has brought the presentation of t h e first two subjects thoroughly up-to-date, while a new treatment of the Third Law will render i t more readily grasped by students. In addition certain minor alterations have been made in other ehnpters. The arrangement of subjects renders this hook very ureful from the pedagogical standpaint After three chaotcrs of fundamental coneentr. . . etc., the First Law is discussed, followed hg itn eonreqllences and applications. In the same manner the author takes up the Second and Third Laws. This leading up t o and discnuion of practical applications is so thorovghly done that few students will remain vneonvineed of "the


the clear and logical subheadings, the very numerous problems at the end of each chapter. the many full tables of useful thermachemical data, the discussion of dimensional formulae (too often neglected by ehemirtsl, and a careful cornpariron of the Van der W a d s and Dietedei equations. "Thermodynamiea and Chemistry" covers so manv that it will he a useful volume for . nuhiecto . any teacher or research worker to possess. Those offering courses in thermodynamics will do well ta consider thia hook as a tert. MALCOLM M. HAIIIND

Investigations in the Tcachiry: of Science in the Elementary a n d Sceondaw Schoola. h . w u s D C r a l t i . P.\tun',%n and Co.. Pbln340 pp. 14 X 20 em. delphia, 1926. xvii $2.50. For one interest~din science teaching, who has spent hours running down some promising reference perhaps to find that the results sought are scattered through pages of uoderirahle detail or the volume containing the article not available, the book under review will find a ready nelcome. Here, io the space indicated. "seventy different learning and curricular studies" by Mty-seven different authors are abstracted and placed in a readily aece%sihleform. I t is surprising what a compass the phrase "learning and evrricuiar studies" can cover. The hook's genera1 theme. include: t m e s of laboratory work; the project; lecture vs. book vs. experiments ss methods of instruction; sire of classes: lahorntory resourcefulness: reading lor increased science hoaledge: developing scientific attitudes; tests, including range of information, diagnostic, and current college entrance and high-rhwl tmes: ehil&en'= interest3 a3 an indication of subject-matter content: tert-books analyzed and the proper principles of construction eonsidered; committee reports for physics; sex education, biology, and chemistry; rontent of eouras for ehemirtry, biology, phy-iics; objectives far general science and chemistry; science related t o the publie p r e r ~ ;overlapping; technical v-hularics in the reienees; and sequence of seiencer. Grouped as t o subjects agriculture h e one study; botany. one; biology, eleven; chemistry. twelve; senera1 xicncc, rcucn; nnrurc study, five; p h p i c ~five: , phyaology, one; and zonloep. two. llorr of the rtuclirr xrrr made b c t w r m Lbc "ears 1920 and 1925. "Tht farm of digest of each article is that adopted h g the Department of Superintendence, N. E. A. in it. Third Year Book. A brief state. ment of the Problem: a dewiption of the method or technic -d in obtaining t h e data: and a detailed list of the Findings including, uoually, conclusions and oeea~ionallyreeommendatiom when the inventigator has summarired the results of the inventigation, or of several separate invcstigatlono or units of investigation.." "The hook should prove a valuable part of the professional equipment" of: all heads of dcpartments of and teachers of seenee: r v p e r v i m of science: principal. and svperintendents of public schools in whieh science is t a u g h t As a text-book i t should make an crpeeial appeal to teachers of classes for training Jeienee teachers. graduate students interested in problems of education in science, and teachers of sdenee in vniversitier and colleges who may be conducting advanced and graduate seminar c o r n s having t o do with the teaching of ecienees. Such class use is greatly aided by problems, exercises, n complete table of contents, and both author and ~"bjeetindices.
