Thermodynamics of the Electron and the Proton [Erratum to document

Thermodynamics of the Electron and the Proton [Erratum to document cited in CA121:19495]. John E. Bartmess. J. Phys. Chem. , 1995, 99 (17), pp 6755–...
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Additions and Corrections

J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 99, No. 17, I995 6755

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 1992, Volume 96 Simon L. Clegg,* Kenneth S. Pitzer,* and Peter Brimblecombe: Thermodynamics of Multicomponent, Miscible, Ionic Solutions. 2. Mixtures Including Unsymmetrical Electrolytes. Page 9472. In addition to the corrections noted in a previous erratum ( J . Phys. Chem. 1994, 98, 1368), the following typographical errors in eq 16 and eq 17 have come to our attention: the factors of 2 and 4 preceding the first two terms on the last lines of both equations should be 1 and 2 respectively. Thus, the last lines of eq 16 and eq 17 should begin

This mistake does not affect any of the applications of the equations described in the paper. We have recently checked eqs 15-17 against eq 13 (from which they are derived) by numerical differentiation, and no further errors were found. P9505789

1993, Volume 97 S. Goyal, D. L. Schutt, and G. Scoles*: Infrared Spectroscopy in Highly Quantum Matrices: Vibrational Spectrum of (SF&=’,* Attached to Helium Clusters.

Page 2236. A typo made in the abstract of a previous paper on the same subject (Phys. Rev. Left. 1992, 69, 933) has unfortunately found its way into this paper. The SFhelium clusters absorption line reported to occur at 946.1 cm-’ is located instead at 946.4 cm-’. The numbers to be corrected are in line 6 of the abstract, line 5 of the first paragraph, and line 18 of the second paragraph of the Experimental Results and Analysis section on p 2239, line 4 from the bottom of the second column on p 2240, line 4 from the bottom of the second paragraph of the second column on p 2241, and line 6 of the first paragraph of the Summary and Future Outlook section on p 2244. These “typographical” errors have had no influence in the discussion of the results since the spectral shifts of the absorption lines and the positions of the measured absorptions have been reported correctly. JP9506752

1994, Volume 98 John E. Bartmess: Thermodynamics of the Electron and the Proton. Page 6423. The headings in Table 3 are reversed: all those headed as EC-FD are really EC-B, and all those headed EC-B are really EC-FD. Page 6420. Equation 6 should contain an additional multiplier of T within the curly brackets. Neither of these corrections affects any other numbers or any conclusions in the article. JP950674+