Thermogelling Properties of Triblock Copolymers in the Presence of

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Thermogelling Properties of Triblock Copolymers in the Presence of Hydrophilic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Surfactants J. S. Nambam and John Philip* SMARTS, Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT: We investigate the supramolecular structure formed by thermogelation of a triblock polymer in the presence of nanoparticles and surfactant using rheometry and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The triblock copolymer, nanoparticle, and surfactant used in this study are poly(oxyethylene−oxypropylene−oxyethylene), Pluronic F108, Fe3O4 nanoparticles, and sodium dodecyl surfactant, respectively. Addition of 1−5 wt % of Fe3O4 nanoparticle, of average particle size ∼10 nm, in a weak template of F108 (15 wt %) shows a decrease in the onset of gelation temperature and dramatic alteration in the viscoelastic moduli. The nanocomposite samples show a linear viscoelastic regime up to 5% strain. The SAXS measurement shows that the intermicellar spacing of the supramolecular structure of pure F108 is ∼16.5 nm, and the supramolecular structure is destroyed when nanoparticles and surfactants are incorporated in it. Further, the addition of anionic surfactant to nanocomposites leads to a dramatic reduction in the viscoelastic properties due to strong electrostatic barrier imparted by the surfactant headgroup that prevents the formation of hexagonally ordered micelles. Our results show that the thermogelation is due to the clustering of nanoparticles into a fractal network rather than a close-packed F108 micelles, in agreement with the recent findings in Pluronic F127−laponite systems.

1. INTRODUCTION Amphiphilic triblock copolymers PEOm−PPOn−PEOm, (where PEO stands for poly(ethylene oxide) and PPO stands for poly(propylene oxide)), commonly known as Pluronics, form self-assembled structures in selective solvents.1 The selfaggregation arises from the limited and temperature-dependent solubility of the PPO block, which gives rise to aggregates with a hydrophobic, water-free core surrounded by more hydrophilic and hydrated PEO blocks.2,3 Long-range order in these systems occurs when the number of micellar aggregates (spherical, cylindrical, or planar) exceeds the crystallization volume fraction. The repulsion between the monodisperse spherical micelles drives the formation of cubic phase (face-centered cubic or body-centered cubic) that persists over macroscopic length scale.4−8 The temperature-induced micellation and the transformation of a low-viscosity liquid to an elastic solid, upon heating above a critical temperature, popularly known as thermogelling,9 have potential applications in drug delivery10 and tissue engineering, paints, microfluidic devices, fire fighting, etc. As a result, there have been a focus on synthesis of functional water-soluble copolymers with controlled structures11 and systematic studies on interactions of nanoparticle dispersions under various conditions.12−14 Various characterization techniques such as rheology, smallangle neutron scattering (SANS),15 X-ray diffraction (XRD), and light scattering have been used to investigate the supramolecular structure of triblock copolymers.7,10,14−43 Very recently, the polymer−nanoparticle composite materials have been a topic of interest among researchers due to their synergistic hybrid properties.9,12,44−60 Such composite nano© 2012 American Chemical Society

scale structures made of soft polymeric materials and hard metallic materials can form hybrid nanomaterials with interesting optical, magnetic, electronic, and catalytic properties.13,61 Starr et al.62 have investigated the mechanism of controlling clustering of nanoparticles in polymer−nanocomposites. It has been shown that the introduction of magnetic particles in polyacrylamide gels can enhance their Young modulus.63 Studies on the influence of added disklike synthetic clay particles (Laponite RDS) on rheology and structure of Pluronic P123 show that the Laponite particles drives a transition from a hexagonal phase of rodlike micelles at low temperature to a lamellar phase at high temperature.56 The shear alignment of binary crystals of polymeric micelles and small particles, demonstrated using SANS,50 show that the binary crystals align at significantly lower shear rates compared to neat micellar crystals. The effect of laponite clay particles on thermal and rheological properties of Pluronics triblock copolymer was also investigated.45,47 The thermogelling studies in aqueous fluids containing low concentrations of Pluronics F127 and laponite nanoparticles show that the thermogelling occur due to depletion flocculation of laponite particles into a network by spherical micelles.9 There are also a few systematic studies on triblock copolymer−Fe3O4 nanocomposites.44,64,65 Thermoreversible gelation studies of aqueous ferrofluids in triblock copolymer P123 show a reversible temperature-triggered Received: June 7, 2012 Revised: July 27, 2012 Published: July 30, 2012 12044 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053



Figure 1. (a) XRD pattern of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles. (b) Size distribution profile of 25 wt % F108 with 5% Fe3O4 obtained from SAXS (red circle) and the size distribution of primary particle obtained from DLS (blue). (c) Schematic of TMAOH-coated Fe3O4 where the nanoparticles have diffuse layer of negative hydroxide ions. (d) Schematic of binding of F108 molecules on nanoparticles and agglomeration of surfactant capped magnetic nanoparticles.

transition from a cubic hard gel to a hexagonal gel.44,66 Pluronic F127-based magneto-responsive hydrogels are produced using magnetite nanoparticles of low concentrations ( G′. With increasing temperature it is transformed to a soft gel (G′ > G″) at moderate concentration (15 wt % F108) as a consequence of weak attraction between spherical micelles due to poor solvent condition. The transition from sol to soft gel occurs when aggregates of spherical micelles reach a percolation threshold, yielding sufficient structure to characteristic increase in elastic modulus.82 For 1 wt % Fe3O4 loading, the nanocomposite shows a behavior similar to that of the pure copolymer. For 2 and 3 wt % Fe3O4 loading, the onset of increase in G′ is shifted slightly to a lower temperature of ∼15 °C. Above 15 °C, the G′ increases with temperature, followed by a plateau region in the temperature interval 25−45 °C, where the maximum value of G′ is 30 kPa. Above 40 °C, the magnitude of G′ decreases by a factor of 2, probably due to the 12046 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053



Figure 4. Variation of intensity as a function of scattering wave vector for 25 wt % F108 with and without Fe3O4 at 25 °C.

cubic structure of close-packed micelles. The intermicellar spacing (d) of the cubic crystal is found to be ∼16.5 nm (d = 2π/q). Literature results show that the distance between adjacent micelle centers for pluronics F127 are 24.9 and 19.7 nm for 15 and 35 wt % polymers, respectively.51 A recent study shows that the d-spacing of the micelles of the bcc gels of F127 in ethanol is in the range 12.1−14.3 nm.83 For 1, 2, 3, and 5 wt % Fe3O4, the number of nanoparticles (NP) in the solutions is 3.78 × 1021, 7.62 × 1021, 1.15 × 1022, and 1.95 × 1022, respectively. The calculation (where intermicellar spacing is used as 16.5 nm) shows that the ratio of the number of particles to micelles (NP/NM) for 1, 2, 3, and 5 wt % of Fe3O4 is 0.475, 0.96, 1.46, and 2.48, respectively. However, the ratio become much smaller than unity when the cluster size becomes larger. For example, for 22 nm size cluster, the (NP/NM) ratio for 1, 2, 3, and 5 wt % of Fe3O4 is 0.0056, 0.011, 0.017, and 0.029, respectively. In general, the templating quality is expected to be better when the ratio of particles to interstitial sites is of the order of one or less. When the ratio is above one, the crystalline order of the matrix can become distorted which will give rise to less correlation between the particles and the template structure. When the concentration of polymer in the matrix is large, the template should become stiffer crystals due to increased nanoparticle organization. As the concentration of polymer is increased, the micelles are pushed closer, thereby reducing the dimensions of interstitial cavities, which eventually pushes the agglomerates out of the cavities. This results in a nanoparticle-rich and -poor phase within the templates. The first-order diffraction peak disappears when micelles are no longer close packed in a cubic structure. It is interesting to note that though the average crystallite size of nanoparticles is ∼10 nm, the SAXS analysis shows that the average cluster size is about 46 nm with a spread across 10−300 nm, when the nanoparticles are within the supramolecular assembly formed by the triblock polymer. Interestingly, a previous study shows a similar polymer-mediated self-assembly of nanoparticles into structured ensembles.84 Here, the assembly between 2 nm gold particles and polymer was achieved using the diaminotriazine−thymine three-point hydrogen-bonding interaction. When the cluster (particle) becomes larger than the intermicellar spacing, the effective incorporation of clusters inside the template structure become impossible, resulting in distortions in the close packing of F108 micelles where the gelation and mechanical properties shows different trends.9 Figure 5A shows the phase contrast optical microscopy images of 15 wt % F108 with 2 wt % Fe3O4. Figure 5B shows

Figure 3. (a) Temperature-dependent elastic (G′) and storage (G″) moduli for 15 wt % F108 at different Fe3O4 concentrations (0, 1, 2, 3, and 5%); applied strain is 0.5%. (b) Gelation (Tg) as a function of Fe3O4 concentration.

collapse of gel structure. In the presence of 5 wt % Fe3O4, no observable change in the onset of gelation is observed (∼15 °C). However, the G′ in the presence of 5 wt % nanoparticles reaches a maximum value of ∼90 kPa, which is about 5 times the value of neat copolymer. Compared to pure F108, the onset of increase in the dynamic moduli of nanocomposite sample occurs at lower temperature. This observation is in sharp contrast with the temperature-dependent complex modulus variation observed in Pluronic F127 with silica nanoparticles of primary particle size of 7 nm where the increase in the moduli and the transition was much slower, which is attributed to the weakening of the crystallite state.81 It should be noted that the size of the nanoparticles used in both the studies are smaller than the micelle size and the octahedral interstitial sites of the FCC crystal. Therefore, the observed difference may be attributed to the nature of conformation of nanoparticles within the polymeric template that alter the particle to micelle ratio. The ratio of the number of particles to micelles (NP/NM), particles to octahedral sites (NP/NO), and particles to tetrahedral sites (NP/NT) derived from the crystal unit cell dimension (d), particle radius (r), and particle volume fraction (ΦP) by using simple geometrical ratio for an FCC crystal is given by81 NP/NM = ϕP/[(1 − ϕP)(16π/3)(r/d)3], where NP/ NO = NP/NM and NP/NT = 0.5(NP/NM). This equation assumes monodisperse particles and a uniform micelle crystal structure. These equations provide an approximate estimate of packing of composite. To find out the d-spacing of the cubic phase, SAXS experiment is performed on 25 wt % F108, which is found to be an ideal concentration for SAXS measurements. Figure 4 shows the SAXS profiles for 25 wt % F108 without and with 5 wt % of Fe3O4 nanoparticles at 25 °C. The intensity profile of pure F108 shows a higher order diffraction peak at a wave vector (q) ∼ 0.038 Å−1, confirming the presence of a 12047 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053



only slightly perturbed where particles are well templated. The slight reduction in the dynamic modulus observed at intermediate particle concentrations could be due to particlerich and -poor regions within the matrix, which is evident in Figure 6. At intermediate nanoparticle loadings such phase

Figure 5. (A) Phase contrast optical microscopy images of 15 wt % F108 with 2 wt % Fe3O4. (B) Gray level line profiles across the lines a−e on the optical image is shown in (A). (C) Size distribution obtained from line profiles where the average size of the clusters within the triblock template is about 200 nm. Figure 6. Optical microscopic images of 5 wt % nanoparticle in (a) 15 wt % and (b) 25 wt % of Pluronics F108 at 40 °C; inset shows the corresponding photographs of inverted sample vials. The sample with 25 wt.% F108 shows a gel-like behavior holding its weight on the inverted vial whereas the sample with 15 wt.% F108 exhibits a fluid-like behavior.

the line profiles across the optical image (lines a−e) shown in (A), and Figure 5C shows the size distribution obtained from several such line profiles. It was demonstrated that the soft gels near the hard gel boundary are defective versions of the cubicpacked gel, i.e., structured domains in an overall fluid matrix, and have higher elastic moduli than the more diffusive percolation structures.83,85 At low temperature (15 °C), both pure copolymer and the nanoparticle−copolymer mixture are in the fluid state where a decrease in the gelation temperature with increase in nanoparticle concentration is observed. The dramatic reduction in the elastic modulus above 40 °C is probably due to the collapse of nanocomposite due to insufficient polymer concentrations to form a hard gel. Another plausible reason for the decrease in mechanical moduli at higher temperature is due to the deteriorating solvent conditions because of dehydration of EO chains and the eventual collapse of micellar polycrystals.22 Studies show that if the number of particles exceed the number of available template sites (structure rich in defects), the crystalline nature of the material is lost where the structure resembles a locally disordered amorphous fluid.53,81 This results in the weakening of the nanocomposite properties. In concentrated samples, the formation of particle-poor and particle-rich phase occurs due to the stress caused by lattice incompatibility. At low particle loadings, the crystal structure is

separation are indeed observed.51 Figure 6 shows the optical microscopic images of 5 wt % nanoparticles in (a) 15 wt % and (b) 25 wt % of Pluronics F108 at 40 °C. The insets show the corresponding photographs of inverted sample vials. The sample with 25 wt.% F108 shows a gel-like behavior holding its weight on the inverted vial whereas the sample with 15 wt.% F108 exhibits a fluid-like behavior. The changes in the macroscopic properties of nanocomposite with nanoparticle loadings can be understood as follows: The addition of nanoparticles causes a change in the crystal structure, like swelling of the lattice or spontaneous phase separation driven by lattice incompatibility between the crystal containing particles and the pure micelle crystal. Such a phase separation results in thermodynamically favored states as the interfacial area between incompatible lattices is minimized. Finally, the excess particle will contribute to a loss of long-range order and the disruption of the crystal. The formed kinetically hindered, but locally disordered phase often resembles a glassy state. 12048 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053



In F108 samples, prepared with different Fe3O4 loadings, amplitude sweep measurements are performed. The G′ and G″ are measured while varying the strain amplitude between 0.1 and 100% at a fixed angular frequency of 1 rad/s. Amplitude sweep measurement is important to find the linear viscoelastic regime of samples and realize their response to strain deformation. The G′ and G″ of 15 wt % F108 at different Fe3O4 concentrations (0, 3, and 5 wt %) at a temperature of 40 °C as a function of strain amplitude are shown in Figure 7. The

Figure 8. Viscoelastic moduli as a function of frequency for 15 wt % F108 with (a) 0 wt % Fe3O4, (b) 3 wt % Fe3O4, and (c) 5 wt % of Fe3O4 nanoparticles at 40 °C; applied strain is 0.5%.

The G″ also decays as a weak power law (G″(ω) ∼ ω−δ″) where the exponents are found to be 0.63, 0.38, and 0.60 respectively for 0, 3, and 5 wt % of nanoparticle loading. The weak dependence of moduli on frequency indicates the occurrence of structural changes in the system. The observed decay of moduli suggests a weakening of the gel at larger frequencies. The larger exponent seen in the case of 5 wt % of particle loading suggests that the maximum weakening occur at this particle loading. Similar behavior is reported by Pozzo when 5 wt % silica nanoparticles are added in polymeric concentrations.53 The weakening of nanocomposite gel at lower polymer concentrations can occur due to lowering of the chemical potential difference between the micelle corona and water matrix in the presence of added particles.81 The weakening could also happen due to nanoparticle motion, which could be prominent at lower polymer concentration where particle motion can be large enough to affect the longrange crystal order because of the low modulus.81 Based on the rheology, microscopy, and SAXS results, the possible nanoparticle conformation within the templates of pluronics are shown in Figure 9. Figure 9a shows the cubic packing of F108 micelles, and Figure 9b shows the conformation of nanoparticles in the F108 micellar templates. The agglomeration of nanoparticle leads to a particle-poor and particle-rich regions above the gel temperature (>Tg). The approximate spacing between the nanoclusters are found to be about 200 nm, from microscopic image analysis, which was in good agreement with the SAXS results. This observation corroborates the fact that higher polymer concentration or reduced interstitial cavity dimensions can lead to nanoparticlerich and -poor phases within the templates, which is schematically depicted in Figure 9. 3.3. Nanoparticles in Strong Templates of Triblock Polymers. The viscoelastic moduli as a function of temperature of a nanocomposite with 5 wt % Fe3O4 nanoparticles with two different concentrations of F108 (20 and 25 wt %) are shown in Figure 10. For pure F108 of 20 wt %, at 30 °C (the gelation temperature is 17 °C) the elastic modulus value is ∼10 kPa, which increases by 7-fold when 5% nanoparticle is added. For 25 wt % F108, the G′ value increases 8-fold (17 to 25 kPa

Figure 7. Amplitude sweep for 15 wt % F108 with two different Fe3O4 concentrations at temperature 40 °C: (a) G′ and (b) and G″. Solid lines show power law fit.

samples show linear viscoelastic regime up to 5% strain, above which both G′ and G″ are found to decrease with the strain amplitude that follow a power law scaling (γ−υ′). The exponents for 0, 3, and 5 wt % for G′ are found to be 1.12, 1.48, and 1.52, respectively. The exponent of G″ for the same concentrations are found to be 0.75, 0.68, and 0.91, respectively. For samples with 3 wt % nanoparticles, the G″ decays slower compared to pure solutions (exponent value of ∼0.69). However, for samples with 5 wt % of nanoparticles, the decay is faster than that of pure copolymer (exponent value of 0.91). The G′ and G″ ratio for 3% nanoparticles is found to be ∼2. But for pure copolymer and the one with 5% nanoparticle the ratio is found to be less than 1.5, which is the value for a typical Maxwellian fluid.86 The exponents are found to be independent of copolymer concentration at larger oscillatory strain.22 Amplitude sweep studies in pure F108 sample (0.25 g/ cm3) show that above a critical yield strain G′ is found to decrease with strain γ0 followed by a power law relation: G′(γ0) ∼ γ0−υ′ and G″(γ0) ∼ γ0−υ″.22 The exponents are found to be υ′ ∼ 1.24 ± 0.06 and υ″ ∼ 0.82 ± 0.06. The observed values of these exponents are comparable with the reported data. Figure 8a−c shows the viscoelastic moduli as a function of frequency for 15 wt % of F108 at three different concentrations of Fe3O4 particles at 40 °C where the measurements are performed in the linear viscoelastic regime. In all the cases, the elastic modulus G′ is found to be greater than the viscous modulus G″, indicating the elastic behavior. For pure copolymer, the G′ decay weakly as a power law in the frequency range of 0.1−100 rad/s where the exponents for 0, 3, and 5 wt % Fe3O4 were 0.243, 0.102, and 0.356, respectively. 12049 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053



at 30 °C) when 5 wt % of nanoparticles is added. Studies show that depending on the type of gels formed (cubic or hexagonal) the modulus can vary. A recent study shows that the storage modulus value in hexagonal gel is significantly lower than that of a cubic gel.44 What is the reason for the observed lower storage modulus for 25 wt % copolymer composite compared to that of 20 wt %? An increase in the volume fraction of F108 micelles at higher polymer concentration (25 wt %) reduces the interstitial volume available for the nanoparticles, which in turn disturbs the formation of close packing of micelles. This can indeed reduce the storage modulus of the gel. Such a reduction in the storage modulus was observed by Krekhova et al. in ferrogels prepared by addition of magnetic nanoparticles in Pluronics P123 matrix.44 Also, the increase in stiffness of the gel prevents particle motion when polymer concentrations was larger than 20 wt %.81 Another study shows that the addition of 5 wt % silica nanoparticles (size ∼7 nm) significantly reduces the modulus of 20 wt % F127 copolymer while nanocomposite with 30 wt % of F127 showed a higher modulus than the neat gel. The large increase in the modulus values of nanocomposite is attributed to the transfer of long-range order of the cubic crystal indirectly to nanoparticles by the excluded volume at higher temperature.53 As the nanoparticles are solids, the polymer chains must stretch around these obstacles, causing a loss in conformational entropy that increases with particle radius.87 The entropic penalty associated with chain stretching leads to transitions to different microstructures. In the absence of interactions, larger nanoparticles are expelled from bulk copolymers, whereas smaller particles remain in the interstitial spacing, which affects the spatial distribution of nanoparticles within the polymer matrix and its rheology. This seems to be the plausible reason for the observed dramatic changes in the rheology of nanocomposites. 3.4. Effect of Surfactant on Rheology of Nanocomposites. The viscoelastic modulus as a function of temperature for 15 wt % F108 with 2 wt % Fe3O4 at different SDS concentration is shown in Figure 11a. It is observed that the presence of 2 wt % Fe3O4 not only reduces the onset of gelation temperature but also improves the mechanical properties at lower temperatures. A collapse of modulus is observed above 42 °C in all the cases. Addition of 2 cmc (∼16.2 mM) of SDS to the sample drastically reduces the elastic modulus value of nanocomposites. Further addition of SDS (5 and 10 cmc) shows a drastic reduction in the elastic behavior throughout the temperature range. This drastic

Figure 9. Schematic diagram showing the micellar packing of pure Pluronic F108 and with addition of nanoparticles: (a) cubic packing of F108 micelles and (b) the clustering of nanoparticle in F108 micellar templates leading to a particle-poor and particle-rich regions above gelation temperature (>Tg).

Figure 10. Viscoelastic moduli as a function of temperature for (a) 20 wt % F108 without and with 5 wt % Fe3O4 (b) 25 wt % F108 without and with 5 wt % Fe3O4. The measurements are performed at 0.5% strain and applied frequency of 1 rad/s.

Figure 11. (a) Viscoelastic moduli as a function of temperature for nanocomposite samples in the presence of SDS of different concentrations. (b) G′max as a function of SDS concentration at 40 °C. 12050 | Langmuir 2012, 28, 12044−12053

Langmuir reduction in the mechanical properties of nanocomposite can be attributed to the destruction of templating structure due to the formation of pluronic−surfactant complexes. Figure 11b shows G′max as a function of SDS concentration, where G′max falls exponentially with the surfactant concentration with a weak decay length (∼0.04). To understand the effect of surfactant on nanocomposites, it is necessary to know the role of surfactant on triblock micellar assembly. The addition of anionic surfactants like SDS to triblock polymer results in the adsorption of DS− chains to the hydrophobic central PPO core of the micelles, which imparts negative charges to mixed aggregates. The intra-aggregate repulsion leads to breakdown of large spherical micelles into smaller mixed micelles comprising of both triblock and SDS.88,89 At low F108 concentrations, the surfactant micelles prevent self-assembly of F108 micelles due to effective electrostatic repulsion. However, at higher copolymer concentrations, the electrostatic repulsion among the surfactant headgroup reduces due to the penetration of hydrophilic PEO that favors micellar assembly and growth. Therefore, the addition of small amounts of SDS can result in the formation of large copolymer-rich charged complexes, while larger amount of SDS results in the breakup of these complexes and the formation of smaller surfactant-rich complexes.90 The large decrease in the elastic modulus of the nanocomposite in the presence of SDS indicates a dramatic reduction in the mechanical properties. Further, the presence of charged species at higher cmc enhances the fluidity of the samples due to intermicellar repulsion that makes the condition unfavorable for the growth of micelles and a reduction in viscosity. This explains the reason for the observed variation in the elastic modulus with surfactant concentration. Studies on the influence of amphiphilic substances with Pluronic L64 shows that both rotational and translational mobility of the additive are significantly reduced by L64, and the additives significantly influence the conformation and association of the PPO block in L64.31



J.P. thanks BRNS for funding for under perspective research grant on development of advance nanofluids. Authors thank Dr. T. Jayakumar, Director, Metallurgy and Materials Group, for fruitful discussions.

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4. CONCLUSION The thermogelling properties of F108−iron oxide nanocomposites are studied using rheometry and SAXS. Addition of 1−5 wt % of Fe3O4 nanoparticle in a weak polymeric template shows a decrease in the onset of gelation temperature and dramatic alteration in the viscoelastic moduli. The nanocomposite samples show a linear viscoelastic regime up to 5% strain, above which both G′ and G″ follow a power law scaling (γ−υ′) with applied strain. The SAXS measurement in the strong gel shows an intermicellar spacing of 16.5 nm. The nanoparticle clusters size distribution obtained from SAXS is found to be in good agreement with the microscopic image analysis. The addition of an anionic surfactant to nanocomposites leads to a dramatic reduction in the viscoelastic properties due to the formation of smaller size surfactant-rich complexes. Our results show that the thermogelation is due to the clustering of nanoparticles rather than the close packing of F108 micelles.



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