All models have counter-weighted doors, thick insulation, steel - welded cases, protected heating elements, cool-design control areas, dual-scale mete...
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HEAT There is a "furnace for every


service" — industrial

labs, clinics, research, biochemical, metal­

lurgical, machine shop heat treat, industrial arts, school labs. degree of control from fully automatic built-in or separate

The range of sizes, temperatures,


to built-in



the needs of everyone. All models have counter-weighted doors, thick insulation, steel - w e l d e d elements, cool-design control areas, dual-scale meters Dubuque

and either

cases, protected


or separate

heating controls:

I I I , Capacitrol, Amplitrol®, or Temcometer (percentage timer input control).

Types 1300 (3 models) and 1400 (3 models) are portable, plug-in furnaces f o r general process control, and heat-treating.

lab w o r k ,

Compact, light (16 lbs.) and easy to store, Type

chamber 4 " w χ 3 % " h χ 4Vi" d , heats to 1 9 0 0 ° F , built-in controls. chamber 47/e" w χ 414" h χ 6 " d , heats to 1 9 0 0 ° F , weight 2 7 lbs.

Type 1 5 0 0 (12 models) has larger chamber and higher



1 3 0 0 has


1 4 0 0 has

Built-in controls.


Models best for heat-treat, ashing,

hardening and food analysis are found in the 4 " w χ 33/4" h χ 4V4" d or 9 " d chambers heating to 2 0 0 0 ° F or to 2 1 5 0 ° F for either chamber size.

Durable and ideal f o r school labs.

$ 1 4 5 . 0 0 to

$165.00. Type 2000 (6 models) does anything Types 1300, 1400 and 1500 can d o and is FULLY A U T O M A T I C . A Dubuque II Controller is built-in, freeing operator from supervision and giving precise control. User merely DIALS TEMPERATURE. Chamber 4 " w x VA" h χ 9 " d heats to 2 0 0 0 ° F or another model heats to 2 1 5 0 ° F .

$ 2 4 7 . 5 0 to $ 2 5 7 . 5 0 .

Types 1 6 0 0 and 1700 are heavy duty lab or production furnaces.

Dependable and durable, they

are best f o r ashing, ignitions, assaying, optical glass,


or high chromium steel heat treating.

12 Type



f o r carbon

1 6 0 0 models have chambers 5Va" w x 47/a" h

χ 9 " d . o r 13'/ 2 " d , heat to 2 0 0 0 ° F or other models to 2 1 5 0 ° F .

8 Type 1700 models, chambers

9Vi" w x 8!/ 2 " h x 13'/ 2 " deep or 1 8 " d , heat limits are same as Type 1600. $ 1 5 7 . 5 0 to $ 1 9 2 . 5 0 for Type 1600; $ 3 1 0 . 0 0 to $ 3 8 2 . 0 0 f o r Type 1 7 0 0 . A l l controls are separate. self-contained.

Amplitrol or Capacitrol come complete

in cabinet



III is

or can be panel-

mounted. Type 1800 (10 models) meets heavy duty, high production demands f o r heat treat, including most high speed steels to 2 3 0 0 ° F — 2 0 0 0 ° F models offered f o r general lab uses—in chambers 1 0 " w x 9'/ 2 "

h χ 2 2 " d.


to 4 8 0 volts.

$685.00 to $795.00.

Controls separate, same as

Types 1 6 0 0 and 1 7 0 0 . DURIJOUF



p e

" " 0 ( ° models) features long chamber ( 4 % " w x 4 % " h x 13V4" d) for a w k w a r d parts,

'1ea* , r e a , s




P e e d steels to 2 3 0 0 ° F .

$ 2 3 5 . 0 0 and $215.00 respectively.





for other



Controls separate, same as Types 1600 and 1700.

Type 6 0 0 0 (3 models) Elements on all six sides give uniform

heat in this all-purpose furnace f o r

heat treating, ignitions, fusions, and glass drying. In clinical labs, PBI ignitions up to 80-tube cap., sterilization, and preparation of oxalate tubes are simplified. 1 0 " d heats uniformly to 1 8 0 0 ° F . $ 3 1 0 . 0 0 .



Chamber Dubuque


proportioning and cold junction compensation required; otherwise Dubuque CONTROLS ONLY may be purchased for other applications.

12%" w x 6%" h x recommended


II recommended.

Write for prices and data.

40-Page complete line catalog of h e a t / l i g h f / m o t i o n items: furnaces, controllers, hot plates, mag­ Write now for F R E E copy of Catalog 6 5

netic stirrers, Stir-Plates, constant temperature apparatus, Dri-Baths, culture incubators, PBI Appara­ tus, lab lights, meters.



2555 KERPER BLVD., DUBUQUE, IOWA 52003 U.S.A. ' C o n t a c t D e p t . 478E f o r n a m e o f n e a r e s t Circle No. 92 on Readers' Service Card

dealer" VOL. 3 8 , N O . 6, M A Y 1 9 6 0 ·

21 A