thermovac industries corp. - ACS Publications

terials and Industrial Products is rather brief and the materials covered are limited. Many sections arc merely lit- erature references. Chapter VII (...
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nescence) ; electrochemical methods under which polarographic, potentiometric and coulometric are considered; and radiochemical methods. Physical methods consider radiometric ; spectrographs ; and radioactivation. In this chapter polarographic methods are given considerable coverage whereas more generally applicable methods are not covered as thoroughly. For example 21 pages are given to titrimetric methods; 33 to colorimetric methods and 17 to fluorometric methods while polarographic methods have 42 pages. In several instances the authors are noncritical in their presentation and some methods that are now rarely used are discussed at length. The colorimetric methods section is well worth while. The important work done in the U.S.S.R. on these methods is well presented. The work in the U.S.S.R. on the fluorescence (luminescence) of the solutions of uranium is of considerable interest. The physical methods under which the radiometric determination of uranium in natural materials is included gives a good but brief coverage. Chapter V (74 pages) on Methods for the Separation of Uranium from Accompanying Elements considers precipitation, solvent extraction, chromatographic and electrolytic methods. In general the coverage is quite adequate. Chapter VI (13 pages) on the Determination of Uranium in Natural Materials and Industrial Products is rather brief and the materials covered are limited. Many sections arc merely literature references. Chapter VII (37 pages) on the Determination of Impurities in Pure Preparations of Uranium is very spotty in its coverage. The section on spectral analysis is quite useful although of nécessité' somewhat limited. The section on the chemical determination of impurities is chiefly a collection of procedures some of which are covered quite well while others are of doubtful value. For example 5 !ine^ are given to the determination of oxygen. Taken as a whole the book is quite useful especially in the description on the work carried out in Russia. It appears that much of their work was held up in publication since a lapse of time up to 10 years is noted between the time that the work is stated to have been performed and the date of publication. Many errors were found especially in the spelling of references. The spelling in the text does not agree with that in the references. It appears that much of this has been in the translation of the original into Russian which on retranslation was not changed. For example it is a little disturbing to find

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