of fields of interest to instrumental analysts ... Interest in Astronomy. R. H. Hardie,. Vanderbilt University. WHY ALL THESE when THIS SINGLE- ... Sp...
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I n f r a r e d Spectroscopy Institute

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T h e Canisius College D e p t . of Chem­ istry announces its seventh annual in­ frared spectroscopy institute to be held from August 19 to 23. T h r e e programs will run simultane­ ously. T h e programs are designed for: those who have no background and wish to learn spectra interpretation, those experienced in infrared who wish to have further background, and those who wish to learn theoretical spectros­ copy. Some of the general topics included are spectra of inorganic and organometallio compounds, spectra of polymers, spectroscopy in biology and medicine, spectra of heterocyclic com­ pounds, and studies of rotational iso­ merism, and keto-enol forms. F u r t h e r information is available from D r . H e r m a n Szymanski, Chair­ man, D e p t . of Chemistry, Canisius Col­ lege, 2001 M a i n St., Buffalo 8, Ν . Υ.

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Eastern A n a l y t i c a l Symposium T h e 1963 E a s t e r n Analytical Sym­ posium will be held at t h e Statler Hilton Hotel in New York City, N o ­ vember 13 to 15. This meeting is sponsored by the Analytical Groups (ACS) of the New York and N o r t h Jersey Section, four sections of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy, and the American Microchemical Society. T h e meeting will consist of a series of 3-hour symposia of invited papers of extended length by experts in a number of fields of interest to instrumental analysts, chemists, and spectroscopists. An instrument exhibit will consist of a display of scientific a p p a r a t u s and supplies from 90 manufacturers. M o r e information is available from R o b e r t F . O'Connell, Sperry R a n d R e ­ search Center, Sudbury, Mass.

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