T h e s e 13 Bendix scientific instruments solve problems in over lOO different r e s e a r c h a n d analysis a r e a s . (By the time you write for our literature, w e may have 14 or 15. Or more.)
1. Time-of-Flight Moss Spectrometer: Physically and chemically analyzes gases, liquids, solids. Separates ions of different mass-to-charge ra tios continuously, and with unmatched speed.
2. Polormotic Spectropolarimeter: Plots op tical rotation of solutions as a function of wavelength, simultaneously recording the optical transmission.
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4. Magnetic Electron Multiplier: Basic com ponent detects photons, other particles. Small, rugged, lightweight, undamaged by exposure to atmospheric pressure.
6. Dosimeters: Pen-sized meters for imme diate and accurate measurement of person nel radiation exposure.
7. Helium-Neon Gas Laser: Inexpensive portable tool that demonstrates basic prop erties of lasers. Highly monochromatic light source.
3. Automatic Polarimeter: Rapidly ures rotation of monochromatic polarized light passing through a with angular sensitivity of 0.0002 of arc.
η BS 5. Polarotrace 1660A: Polarography sys tem using drop-synchronized linear voltage sweep to detect and measure trace elements in solutions.
S^. 8. Lab-Vis®: Uses unique ultrasonically vi brating blade to measure Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquid viscosities from 1 to 50,000 centipoises.
9. Electrostatic Air Sampler: Light, com pact and portable kit for rapidly sampling large quantities of air.
10. Interference S p e c t r o m e t e r : P e r o t Fabry unit ideally suited to studies of hyperfine structures, isotopic shift and the Zeeman effect.
11. Reactor Instrumentation: Measures core neutron flux, safeguards reaction opera tion. Solid-state modules can be assembled into any system.
12. Personnel Ratemeter: Small, light weight instrument for measuring radiation rates from 0 to 500 rads per hr.
13. Radioassay Unit: Sensitive instrument for measuring small amounts of radio activity.
F o r details on a n y of our 13 scientific i n s t r u m e n t s for research and analysis (or one designed and built to your specifications), w r i t e us a t 3625 Hauck Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45241.
Cincinnati Division