these four applications are improved with DAPON resin - C&EN

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these four applications are improved with

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\ A P P L I A N C E H A N D l ; S to match any color decor of the modern kitchen are now possible. The exceptional heat stability o f DAPON resin molding " compounds (producible in a wide range of colors) permits the finished article to withstand high temperature exposure for prolonged periods of time with substantially no loss or change in color. Moldability of DAPON resin com­ pounds i s excellent. Added advantages of good impact strength, high deter­ gent resistance, unmatched resistance to food and beverage staining make DAPON the number one,resin f o r appliance handles.

D E C O R A T I V E L A M I N A T E S made with D A P O N resin do not require the usual "facing" steps~ The printed paper can be lami­ nated directly to the backing material in a single operation. For applications requiring soft backing materials excellent flows can be effected at pressures as l o w as 50 ps*. With either high or low pressures, laminates o f DAPON resin exhibit exceptional resist­ ance t o abrasion, chemicals and heat. , -

I N D U S T R I A L L A M I N A T E S made with D A P O N resin have a number of outstanding properties: Superior electrical properties e.g., hig~h insulation resistance retained under conditions of high humidity; heat resistance without degradation even under sustained vibrational stress. Other advantages exist in end uses.requiring a high degree o f chemical and moisture resistance, good dimensional stability, mechanical strength and ease o f machinability. Formulated wither without volatile solvents DAPON resin is suitable for use in the full range of pressure curing conditions.

D A P O N resin is a solid prepolymer of diallyl phthalate; making available the outstanding properties of this materia! in a form readily usable in all types of thermosetting resin operations, In selected applications these properties are unmatched by existing resins. D A P O N resin should be evaluated for use as t h e base resin in any thermosetting application requiring chemical resistance, heat and humidity resistance, superior electrical properties, good moldability, or dimensional stability, Extensive testing programs have been completed to point up those uses and applications in which D A P O N resin has distinct merit and produces decidedly better properties. Molding compounds with various fillers, ieinforcing fibers a n d colors are now available. Government approval under a number of military specifications has been obtained, Lei us know the application you have in mind for DAPON resin • . . write now for literature and technical daU

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MOLDED ELECTRICAL P A R T S containing DAPON r e s i n ^ exhibit highest resistance to humidity changes. Maximum retention^ and rapid recovery of electrical properties are insured by the un- -, matched stability of DAPON resin and the absence of deleterious^ ", products of degradation under long term use conditions. Properties"-, of dielectric strength* dielectric loss» volume resistivity and arc, resistance are particularly outstanding. Very low molding and.postlv * molding shrinkage allow clos.e tolerances and the use of closely