They're particles of CELITE that adds strength-the diatomite mineral

Nov 6, 2010 - They're particles of CELITE that adds strength-the diatomite mineral filler soaks up dirt-controls gloss. Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (44...
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What have these "warriors' \\ got to do?with better product

shields" performance


A m o n g t h e h u n d r e d s of different types of particles found in Celite diatomaceous earth are these "warriors' shields." Shown here magnified hundreds of times, are, from left to right, Navicida splendida, Raphoneis amphiceros and Navicula lyra.

They're particles of CELITE t h a t adds s t r e n g t h C e l i t e ' s u n i q u e d i a t o mi t e s t r u c t u r e is shown in this photomicrograph. The infinite variety of particle shapes and sizes gives Celite its exceptional performance characteristics in a wide range of process applications.

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A d d s s t r e n g t h t o m o l d e d p l a s t i c s . T i i e harder grades of Celite i m p a r t high impact strength to many plastic products. Celite fillers also provide a more attractive surface finish and. greater resistance to heat and moisture.

H e l p s p o l i s h - c l e a n e r s s o a k u p d i r t . Celite's highly porous diatomite structure soaks up and retains dirt a n d grease . . . provides easier "wipe-off" of polish-cleaners. This same structure gives tliese products a mild, non-scratching abrasive action.

C o n t r o l s g l o s s in p a i n l s . Wlien included i n paint formulations, irregular Celite particles protrude through the surface, diffusing light a n d providing a highly desirable flat appearance. Celite's high oil absorption also provides viscosity control for t h e finishes industry.

-the diatomite mineral filler soaks u p dirt-controls gloss 1 HE structure of the individual diatom particle is the key to the success achieved by Celite* diatomite in so many process applications. I t requires 40 million whole or fragmentary particles to form a cubic inch of crude Celite. Consequently, even when added in small proportions, their properties are greatly magnified and widely dispersed throughout a formulation. R e l a t i v e l y h a r d and i r r e g u l a r l y shaped, particle contact is mainly limited to protruding outer points. Therefore, Celite won't pack down and has

an extremely low apparent bulk density of 10 l b / c u ft. T h i s explains Celite's high bulking action, excellent s u s p e n d a b i l i t y , and large particle surface area. This same limited particle contact means that 93% of a given volume of Celite is composed of air pockets or voids. And, since the particles themselves are porous and cellular in structure, Celite can absorb more than twice its weight of liquid before reaching its limit. Celite is produced from the world's purest source of commercially avail-

able diatomaceous silica at Lompoc, California. Celite comes i n a wide range of grades . . . each carefully controlled for complete uniformity. Ask your nearest J-IM Celite engineer t o tell you how Celite can help solve your formulation problems. He's backed b y Johns-Manville's extensive research facilities and years of practical diatomite experience. Call him today or write Johns-Manville, Box 14, New York 16, New York. I n Canada, write Port Credit, Ontario. *Celite i s Johns-Manville's registered trade m a r k for its diatomaceous silica products. JOHN S-MANVILLI

Industry's most versatile MINERAL FILLERS

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