Thiamin Analogs. III. 4-Methyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)-thiazole1 - Journal of

J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1945, 67 (3), pp 400–403. DOI: 10.1021/ja01219a013. Publication Date: March 1945. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc...
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Thiamin Analogs. 111. 4-Methyl-5-(hydroxymethy1)-thiazole' BY EDWINXi. BL-LEXAN AXD HERBERT SARGENT?

4-hIethyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)-thiazole I) was required for the synthesis uf (Ig) (see preceding paper3). Its possible preparation by methods AI-Ewas investigated.





Br2-H20 HCSXH2 CH3COCHeCH20H(111) -------+ (I) + isomer (IVj




+ isomer (VII)







HI 1


CHICOCH=CH~ (XIII) ---+ H CS"2 CH2COCHBrCH2RrX ( I V ) -------+ Th-CHlHr (XV)

The patent literature8b clairns the preparation of (I) from (XV) made according to E. i i ' e have not been able to realize the preparation uf (XV) by this path. The preparation of (I) by method I3 has been reported by Pesina'"; in our own work we have obtained (I) as yell as its isomer, 1-13. hydroxyethy1)-thiazole (IV), by this procedure. Of the four succtsftil syntheses (.I,H, Ba, C ) presented here, the lirst (A) is of interest inasmuch as the structure of (I) follows from its synthesis in this manner. Method C is by far the most convenient; it involves but few steps and the presence of isomer could not be detected in the product.

4-Methyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)-thiazole(I) (Method A) .-

A specially purified thiazole aldehyde (11),5 m. p. 75.6-, i b.1') from isopropyl alcohol (picrate,12 m. p. 105.0-105.6° froin ether) was used in these experiments. Four grams of (11) was mixed with 7 5 cc. of isopropyl alcohol (distilled over a small amount of sodium) and 8 g. of aluminum isopropylate and the mixture distilled under a short column at such a rate that acetone was removed as formed. After two hours the distillate gave no further test for acetrlne with dinitropheriylhydrazine. Most of the isopropyl alcohol was then distilled off, 5 cc. of water and approximately 20 g. of potassium hydroxide were added to the residue and iL was extracted repeatedly with ether until a portiou of the extract gave no precipitate with cthereal picric acid. Solvent was removed in iruczio from the combined extracts arid the residue distilled in vucuo, yield 3.2 g . (goy0)of rather viscous oil, which on redistillatioil boiled almost entirely at 113-114' (2 mm.). After standing for about two months the substance crystallized, i n . 1). fi5.8-Gfi.2C from henzene. ilnnl. Calcd. for CsH7NOS: C, 46.49; H, 5.46; N , 10.84. Foiinrl: C, 46.78;€I, 5.43; X, 10.93. Supercooled liquid ( I ) had dZ6, 1.2.10, picrate, yellow needles, 111. 11. 133.5-133.7' from alcohol (analysis for CIIHloN40$S), picrolonate, from components in methanol, 111. p. 205.5-205.7' from alcohol (lit.lcm. p. 196-197'). Attempts to effect the catalytic reduction of (11) were unsuccessful; small amounts of (11) completely inhibitedI3 the reduction of benzaldehyde (Adanis platinum oxide catalyst). The reduction of (11) with aluminum amalgam and moist ether however led to a small yield of (I) which was isolated as the picrate (mixed m. p.). (1) was converted to (VI) by treatment with excess of acetic anhydride anti a drop of concentrated sulfuric acid. The 1-eaction mixture was washed with ether and the base liberated from the aqueous solution of the residue with potassium carbonate, taken up in ether and converted to the picrate, in. p , 132.5-138.1 , rhombs from ethanol, which considerably depressed the m. p. when mixed with ( I ) picrate. Anal. Calcd. for CI3H12K409S: C, 39.00; H, 3.02; N, 1-i.00. Found: C, 39.27'; H, 3.11; N, 14.09. A mixture of 0.1g. of (I) and 0.4 cc. of aqueous hydro') was heated for ten hours in a bromic acid (saturated at 0 waled tubc a t 100". The contents were evaporated in w c u n to a small volume, taken up in water and the base liberated with potassium carbonate, taken up in ether and dried ovcr sodium sulfatr. E v e n in solution iXVj reacted appreciably with itself; 011 evaporation (XV) was left as an oil, a powerful lachrymator (compare benzyl bromide), which in five to t e n minutes was converted to a water soluble resin. Addition of ethereal picric acid to (XV) yielded the picrate which was recrystailized from ethyl acetate :recrystallization from water yielded (I) picrate, mixed 111.

p . ) , in. 1). 137.3-1:38.0".

Calcd. for CIIIIVBrX,OTS: C, 31.3163; 11, 2.1*?, Found: C,31.74; H, 2.M; S , 1 3 . i - i . I 1 I wa5 dissolved in three volunies of concentrated SUIfuriv aciri aiid the ~iiixtiiri.heateti for t \ v o hours a t 113'. r1ftt.r coolipig and diluting with 1 c c . of water, tht. product was treatet! with excess of potassium carbonate aiitl extractcd with ether. Froin the coilcentrated extracts, e t h e r 4 picric :iL.iti threw tionm a n oily picrate which 10011 ..Itid.

X , 1330.

crystallized and, after recrystallization from water, melted a t 180.0-180.2". The analysis gave figures for the dipicether. rate of di- [(4-methylthiazolyl-5)-methyl] Anal. Calcd. for C Z . ~ H ~ ~ O C,~ 37.82; ~ S ~ : H, 2.60; N,16.04. Found: C, 38.12; H, 2.73; N, 16.37. (I) (Method B) .-Butanol-1-one-3 (111) was prepared according to directions in the literature148;from ,500 g. of acetone, 35 g. of product15 was obtained, b. p. 65-70' a t 8 mm. To 17.6 g. (0.2 mole) of (111) dissolved in 90 cc. of water, was added with stirring 32 g. (0.2 mole) of C. P. bromine, while the temperature was maintained a t about 20' by external cooling with tap water. The bromine was added from a dropping funnel a t such a ratel6 that the solution remained practically colorless during the initial part of the reaction; as the reaction proceeded the solution assumed an orange color; the same slow rate of addition was maintained throughout. After the addition (ten and three-quarters hours) the reaction mixture was decanted from abqut l cc. of heavy oil which had formed, was saturated with ammonium sulfate and extracted several times with ether. Evaporation of solvent a t room temperature in vacuo yielded 30.0 g. (89%) of almost colorless oil (compare ref. 10). Brominated (111) (15.0 g.) was mixed with 8.3 g. of crude thioformamide and 10 cc. of absolute alcohol; the reactants were kept a t 0" during the mixing. After the mixture stood for one week in the ice-box and then for two days a t room temperature, it was worked up,3 yield of crude thiazole, b. p. 80-110" (2 mm.), 3.7 g.17 (28% from (111)). Material thus obtained (6.45 g.) was added to a hot solution of the theoretical amount (11.5 g.) of picric acid in ethyl acetate. On cooling, needle crystals separated which were identified as (I) picratel8 (mixed m. p.). The mother liquors on further cooling and standing deposited a mixture of needles and diamond-shaped tablets; separation was accomplished by seeding a supersaturated solution in ethyl acetate with either form, allowing it to crystallize, removing the crystals and obtaining the other form from the mother liquors. The diamond-shaped orange crystals, (IV) picrate, melted a t 132.Eh33.0" (from alcohol or ethyl acetate) and considerably depressed the m. p. when mixed with either (I) picrate or (VI) picrate. Anal. Calcd. for C11HI(,N40&3: C, 36.87; H, 2.81; N, 15.64. Found: C.36.83; H, 2.88; N, 15.82. These crystals exhibited dimorphism; when suddenly introduced into a bath a t 123" they liquefied and after resolidification melted a t 132.5; interesting is also the fact that small amounts of this picrate could be distilled without appreciable decomposition. From the above reaction, 3.0 g. of (IV) picrate was obtained together with 5.8 g. of its isomer. One may conclude that the bromination of butanol-1-one-3 (111) gave the 2- and 4-bromo derivatives in a ratio of approximately 2: 1. (I) (Method Ba).-Ten grams of (111) was acetylated conveniently- bv - mixing- with 20 g . of acetic anhydride and (14) (a) Rayer and Co., German Patent 223,207; Friedlaendcr, Forlschr. Teeifai-beiifabrikatioii, 10, 1007 [Chem. Z e n t r . , 81, 11, 347 (1910)]; (b) more recent literature see White and Haward, J. Chem. Soc.. 25 (1943). (15) Unsuccessful attempts were made t o improve upon this procedure; the method of Quattlebaum, U. S. Patent 2,064,564 (to Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation) gave poor results. (16) When bromination was carried out more rapidly, the product, on treatment with thioformamide, gave no appreciable amount of thiazole (rapidly brominated acetopropyl alcohol [Buchman. THIS JOURNAL, 58, 1803 (1936)l gave a relatively good yield of thiazole). (17) Compare ref. 10; a parallel experiment in which the reactants were mixed a t room temperature Rave 2.75 g . (18) I n another experiment in which an evidently less pure sample of (111) was used, the-picrate after several recrystallizations from alcohol and from ethyl acetate melted at 160.5-161.5°. A n a l . Calcd. for CIZHMNIOIS:C,40.41; H, 3.65; N, 14.50. Found: C, 40.83; H , 3.73; N, 14.35. This material did not depress the m. p. of a like picrate (see ref. 3, footnote 33) obtained from a brominated crude acetone-acetaldehyde condensation product; evidently it is formed from brominated diacetone alcohol.

adding a drop of concentrated sulfuric acid. The reaction proceeded with evolution of heat; the mixture was allowed to stand for one-half hour and fractionated in vacuo, yield 9.0 g. of the acetate (V), b. p. (8 mm.) 76-7801Q(analysis). This method of acetylation (compare ref. 14a) was found superior to methods involving acetylation in the presence of pyridine either with acetic anhydridez0 or with acetyl chloride. A t room temperature (V) goes into solution slowly on shaking with water probably due to hydrolysis. (V) (8.4 9.) dissolved in 8 cc. of e. P. benzene was chlorinated a t room temperature by adding dropwise with stirring and under anhydrous conditions 8.7 g. of sulfuryl chloride. After removal of solvent in vacuo, 10.2 g. of oilz1 remained which was condensed in alcohol solution with 8 g. of crude thioformamide. The mixture was allowed to stand a t room temperature for one week and then worked ups; yield of crude thiazole, b. p. (3 mm.) 90-99'. 1.8 g. (1670). This was treated with the theoretical amount of picric acid in ethyl acetate and the resulting picrates were recrystallized from alcohol; (VI) picrate was isolated (mixed m. p.). Crude (VI)-(VII) mixture (2.5 9.) was saponified by heating for ten minutes with 10 cc. of 20% aqueous potassium hydroxide, yield of (I)-(IV) 0.6 g.22 From this, (I) and (IV) were isolated as picrates (mixrd m. p.s) by the procedure described above. Chloroacetone (VIII).-In connection with the investigation described below, it was found that a commercialpreparation of (VIII), although agreeing in b. p. and density with the literature description, nevertheless, reasoning from analytical results obtained, contained considerabfe amounts of osyrn-dichloroacetone which is known to have nearly the same b. p. (VIII), reasonably free from higher chlorinated products was made by chlorinating 2320 g. (40 moles) of c. P. acetone with a relatively small amount (320 g. = 2.37 moles) of sulfuryl chloride (practical grade) The latter was added slowly with stirring from a dropping funnel over a period of five and one-half hours, taking precautions to exclude moisture and maintaining the reaction flask immersed in an ice-bath. After removal of excess acetone in vacuo, the residue was washed with aqueous potassium carbonate solution, dried*3 over sodium sulfate and fractionated. The yield was 158 g., 72% based on sulfuryl chloride, b. p. 11&120°, d154 1.135, d", 1.123.*4 2-Chlorobutanol-I-one-3 (IX) .26-To a mixture of 62.5 g. of (VIII) (see above) and 1.7 g. of c. P. potassium carbonate, 29.0 g. of 37% aqueous formaldehyde (reagent grade) was added dropwise with stirring in an ice-bath over a period of four hours; the reaction was slightly exothermic. Stirring was continued for twenty-four hours a t room temperature; the reaction mixture was then extracted with ether and the extracts dried over sodium SUIfate and fractionated in vacuo. After removal of (VIII), (19) The values in the literature are not in good agreement: b. p. (15 mm.) 96Olla; b. p. (30 mm.) 125-13020; b. p. (30 mm.) Y8-1OZ0: Chem. Zcntr., 104, I , 1961 (1936). (20) Compare Morgan and Holmes. J . Chem. Soc., 2667 (1932). (21) This material decomposed extensively when fractionated at 8 mm. (22) There is evidence that the low yield was due t o partial destruction of the thiazole ring by the strong caustic; saponification with acid should be satisfactory. (23) (VIII) apparently forms a constant boiling mixture with water and acetone. (24) Pure (VIII) would exhibit a somewhat lower density. The figures reported for (VIII) ( d l 6 1.162, Linnemann, Ann., 184, 171 (1865); d'a 1.158, Cloez, A n n . chim. fihys., [6] 9, 158 (1886)) indicate a considerable admixture of dichloroacetone; it is doubtful whether any of the physical constants recorded for (VIII) are valid for the pure substance. (25) The preparation of (IX) from (XIII) and hypochlorous acid appears to offer no advantages over the method described here. Although the reaction between (VIII) and formaldehyde bas not previously been studied, the work of Pictet and Misner, Bcr., 46, 1802 (1912). indicates the direction which the reaction would be expected t o take; compare also H. 0. L. Fischer, Baer, Pollock and Niedecker, Hclo. Chim. A d a , 10, 1214 (1937).

18.0 g. of distillate was obtained, b. p. 50-90" (2 mm.). This material is sufficiently pure for conversion to (I); on refractionation a t 5 mm. there was considerable loss due to the instability of the compound; even on standing it was converted slowly to an insoluble substance. AnaIysis was carried out on a sample b. p. (5 mm.) 70". A n d . Calcd. for C4H7C102: C, 39.20; H, 5.7G. Found: C, 39.14; H , 5.45. The residue from the above distillation crystallized on standing; the crystals were freed from oil (yield 3.5 g.) and recrystaIlized from toluene, white needles, m. p. 63.2i i 3 . 7 O , readily soluble in water and the usual organic solvents except petroleum ether and carbon tetrachloride; on csposure t o light the crystals turn reddish. The analysis indicates the probable formula CHBCOCCI(CH,OH)~. .4naZ. Calcd. for CsHpClOZ: C, 39.36; H, 5.95; C1, 2;3.24. Found: C, 39.16; H , 5.81; Cl,23.67. (I) (Method C).-(IX) (4.0 g., b. p. 70-75" (5 mm.)) was mixed a t 0" with 2.8 g. of crude thioformamide and 3.0 cc. of ethanol. After standing for two weeks, the mixture was worked up,3yield of base 0.95 g. (22%). From this, 2.0 g. of (I) picrate was obtained; no indication could be found of the presence of the isomeric picrate. 4-Methyl-5-( carbethoxymethy1)-thiazole (X).2e-Ethyl levulinate (213 g. = 1.48 moles, b. p. 78-80' (8 nun.)) dissolved in 145 cc. of benzene (some experiments were run without solvent) was conveniently chIorinated by adding, with stirring a t 0' and under anhydrous conditions, 200 g. (1.48 moles) of sulfuryl chloride over a period of four and one-half hours ; careful fractionation of the product gave 203 g. (76%) of chloro ester,$' b. p. S-86' (8mm.). Chioroester (72 9.) was condensed with 52 g. of crude thioformamide and 20 g. of alcohol, the reaction mixture allowed to stand for two weeks and worked up,3 yield 34.1 g. (45%) of crude (X), b. p. 112-114" (5 nim.). Thiazole (11.8 g.) made in this fashion was treated with 14 g. of picric acid in ethyl acetate and the crystalline picrate (20 8 . ) recrystallized from alcohol. The lemon-yellow picrate of (X) (6.3 8.) was obtained, m. p. 126.3-126.6' (ref. 7 gives in. p. 130"); the mixture of picrates in the mother liquors was separated by recrystallizing several times alternately from ethanol and froin ethyl acetate. Cldditional (X) picrate was recovered together with a second similarly colored picrate (1.9 g.), in. p . 128.0o)2 128.5" (mixed m. p. with (X'I picr:ite l 1 3 - I ~ . ~ ~isomeric" with (X) picrate. ( 2 6 ) T h e experimental work reported in this connection represents extension of accounts in t h e literature.7~8 Iu ciinncctioii uitli earlier work (Uiichman, Williams and Keresztesy, 'i'ms J O U R N A L , 6 1 , 1849 ( l ! j K ) ) ) , these authors (unpublished) made a search ior 'l'itCHgCOOIT among t h e products of oxidation o f the vitamin thi.izule (ThCHrClIrOH) with nitric acid: none of tiiis acid was found 'compare oxidations of ThCIi?CHxCH&H). For comparison, ' T ~ C H I C O O Hand ~ its esters7 were synthesized (at 'Teachers College, Culurnbia Uui\-ersityj, t h e methyl ester was made by condensatiou of brominated methyl levulinate (Kondo, Ohno and I r k , J . P h a r m . SOC.Jlapon. 67, 78 ( 1 9 3 i ) . cornpart- P a ~ ~ lGilrnolir y, a n d I V i l l , Avw., 403, 1 5 0 (footnote) ( l ! r l l ) ) with crude thioIormamide and 11150 by the action of diazomethane on t h e corresponding acid,' b. ri. ( 3 m m . ) 85-92', b. p. (13 mm.) 128- 130" (these valiics are not in agreement wit11 t h e b. [I. ;it? n1iii.j 111' rrpiirtedt by Cereccdo a n d 'Tolpin) picrate. m. p. 141.0-1 1 1 . 5 " ' (analysis), difiiciiltly soluble in ether (means of separ;ition" from 'ThCOOCIIa picr.ite). T h e reduction of ( S )with sodium ;tiid alcohol icompare ref. 7 , 8b. c) has been carrird out by onc of ns 1 li. K . 1 3 . ) a n d tile re:iction products subjected t o bioloxical assay: t h e prrsence of vitamin thiazole could not be detected (cornpare Erkniueyer ; i r i d S i n w n , ilriw. C h i m . Acta. 26, 528 IiO42j). (27) Cornware Conrad and Guthzeit. R e i . , 17, 2286 (1884). (28) T h e chlorination of levuliuic ester proceeds therefore in two directions. T h e structures assigned t o (X)and t o (XI) follow from t h e conversion of (XI) into T h C H S N and ThCHzCfItNHa (carried out in this Laboratory by Drs. E. M. Richardson and M . J. Schlatter; compare ref. 9 ) . ThCHiCHlNHr has been independently synthesired b y methods indicative of striicture (Ilarinqtiiu a n d Momridge, kn

Anal. Calcd. for C14HllN40pS: C, 40.58; H,3.41; X , 13.52. Foutid: C, 40.89; H , 3.38; N, 13.29. (X) was regenerated from the picrate, b. p. 114-115' (3 mm.) (considerably higher than found for crude base), dZ5, l.lN), hydrochloride, m. p. 154-155'' from alcoholether; on long stailding (X) deteriorates. A n d . Calcd. for CRHI,NO?S: C, 51.87; H, 5.99; N, 7.56. Found: C, 51.4; H, 6.13; W. 7.80. 4-Methylthiazole-5-acetamide (XI) was prepared by treatment of (X) (regenerated from picrate) with 20yo methyl alcoholic ammonia. More conveniently it was made7,$ from crude distilled (X). Such ester (104 g.) was mired with 650 cc. of 2070 methyl alcohoiic ammonia and the solution allowed t o stand for two days at room temperature. After removal of solvent, the residue was recrystallized from dioxane,m yield 71 g. (SO%), m. p. 137.2-137.7°75 (analysis). 4-Methyl-5-(aminomety~)-thiazoIe ( X r f ).m--To a solution of 10.8 g. of bromine in 150 g. of 2.5 N potassium hydroxide was added 10.5 g. of (XI) while cooling in an ice-bath. After solution was complete, 22 g. of potassium hydroxide pellets was added and the mixture heated a t 95' for one and one-half hours. (XII) was isolated by continuous extration with ether and dlstillation in vacuo; 1.4 g. (16%) was obtained, almost all of which boiled a t 94-95' (5 mm.). Anal. Calcd. for CaHsNzS: C, 46.84; H, 6.29; K, 21.85. Found: C, 47.29; H, 6.20; N, 21.10. (XII) is stable in a sealed container, dihydrochloride (analysis) m. p. 259.5-260.0" dec. from methanol-ether, monopicrate (analysis) m. p. 213-214' dec. from 9iJ% ethanol. Action of Nitrous Acid on (XII).-(XII) (0.95 9.) was dissolved in 10 cc. of an aqueous solution containing 4.17 cc. of concentrated sulfuric acid. The solution was cooled to cu. -40", 0.55 g. of sodium nitrite in 2 cc. of water was added and the reaction mixture allowed to warm gradually t o room temperature (one hour) and to stand for a n additional t.hree hours after which gas evolution had ceased. After neutralizing by gradual addition of potassium carbonate and making strongly alkaline with 6 N sodium hydroxide, the product was extracted with ether and the extracts evaporated, yield 0.3 cc. of oil not readily soluble in ether. This oil was converted with ethereal picric acid to the picrate, yellow pearly flakes from water, m. p. 220" dec. (rapid heating; 213-214" dec. on slow heating), yield 0.1 g . ; no (I) picrate could be detected.s1 Anal. Calcd. for ClsH17N701oS~.H~0(tentative formula): C, 34.97; H, 3.49; N, 17.84; S, 11.67; loss in C, 36.16; H, weight, 3.28. Calcd. for C!dHlrN70&: 3.22; K , 18.45. Found (dried a t room temperature in v u n t o ) : C, 38.49; H , 3.54; N, 18.26; S, 11.86; loss in weight on drying a t 80" in vucuo, 3.56. Found (dried a t 80" i i z z~acuo): C, 37.29; H, 3.46; N, 18.63.

Reaction32 between 3,4-Dibromobttanone-2 (XIV) and Thioformamide.-Methyl

vinyl ketone (XLII) was pre-

(20) A small amount (2.5 9 . ) of dioxane-insoluble material was also olitained, colorless crystals from methanol. m. p. 141-142' dec.. readily soluble in water, less so in methanol and difficultly in ethanol. T h e substance arises from an impurity in crude (X). A n d . Calcd. for C.LHIOSAO&:C, 11.88; H , 4.98; N, 27.70; S, 31.70. l'ound: C, 12.05; 11, 4.98; N, 27.21; S, 30.80. ( 3 0 ) Various modifications of t h e Hofmann reaction were tried, the above procedure (cornpare ref. 8) seemed t o give the best consistent resiilts. T h e instability of the thiazole ring under these conditions was demonstrated by tests made with 4-methylthiazole aiid with Z,i-rlimethylthiezole. These substances react readily (with production of sulfate ion) a t room temperature with aqueous or aqueous alkaline N-hromoacttamide. (31) Compare I'ymar,, J. Chem. Soc., lOS, 190 (1916). (32) Acrolein dibromide was found (io experiments carried out by Dr. E. M. Richardson) t o react with thioformamide in alcohol with almost explosive violence. .4lthough t h e reactants were brought together under a variety of conditions, only insoluble products were n!.>ia:iacui arstl t h e r e w a s n o indir.ntion t h a t any monomeric thiazole

\larch, 1045



pared by dehydrations3 of (111),yield 75%, b. p. 75-78'. (XIV)34was prepared by adding bromine diluted with petroleum ether to a solution of (XIII) in the same solvent until color persisted, keeping the tempewture a t about - 15' (below this temperature the reaction rate was slow). After removal of solvent in nacuo, (XIV) remained as an almost colorless oil, yield 92%. Ethanol solutions of (XIV) and of thioformamide were mixed at --,50', allowed to warm slowly to 5" and kept a t this temperature for three days; a substantial crystalline deposit had formed. The basic products were taken up in acid, liberated with potassium carbonate and converted directly to picrates; no halogen containing picrate could be detected. The products35 were not identified;

however, it seems reasonably certain that (XV) (see above) was not formed by this reaction.

Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted to Dr. E. M. Richardson for preliminary studies in this field, to Dr. R. T. Major and his associates of Merck and Co., Inc., for many courtesies and to the Reseerch Corporation for financial aid in the form of a grant to this Institute.

Summary The preparation of 4-methyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)-thiazole by several different methods has been investigated. A convenient two-step synthesis starting from chloroacetone has been developed.

derivative was formed. When acrolein dibromide was mixed with a n equimolar amount of thiourea in t h e presence of absolute alcohol. n o reaction (other t h a n acetal formation)'took place nt room temperature. However, on warming on t h e steam-bath an apparently crystalline precipitate formed, only sparingly soluble in water, m. p. On fractionation, 0.3 g. of material b. p. ca. 70' a t 2 mni. was obtained 235' dec. from aqueous ethanol (Found: C, J8.05; H , 2.65; IT, which gave a halogen-free picrate, m. p. 154.5-154.8' from ethanol; 14.96). On t r w t m e n t with aqueous potassium carbonate this solid t h e rest was considerably hixher boiling. Another condensation was converted t o a n amorphous material insoluble in t h e usual solcarried o u t a t room temperature gave a product which behaved in a vents b u t soluble in acids. Hubacher (Ann.. 269, 243 (1890)) had similar fashion on distillation. The picrate however (also halogenreported t h a t acrolein dibromide does not react with thiourea. free) melted a t 184.0-184.5° from water. Anal. (154' picrate): (33) Dkcombe, Compf. rend., 202, 1685 (1936); compare ref. 14b. C, 35.97; €I, 2.93; N, 14.71; S, 19.99. A n d (184' picrate): C, (34) Schlotterbeck, Be?.. 42, 2563 (1909). 36.23; €I, 2.78; N,14.86; S, 19.94. ' ) gave 9.0 K. (from 40 g. of (35) One condensation (carried out a t 5 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA IXIV) and 17 K of thioformamide) of viscous ether-soluble oily bases. RECEIVED Nov. 13, 1944




Studies on Ionone. 111. Structure of Ethyl Ionylidene-acetates' BY HARRYSOBOTKA, HUGHH. DARBY,DAVIDGLICK AND EDITHBLOCH I t has been reported in a preceding publication2 that the important ionylidene acetaldehyde cannot be obtained by dry distillation of the mixed barium salts of ionylidene acetic acid and formic acid, but that ionone is obtained. It has also been stated that dry distillation of barium ionylideneacetate leads invariably to a-ionone regardless of whether the ionylidene-acetic acid was prepared from a- or p-ionone in the Reformatsky condensation. Since both series thus converge, the question arises whether the transition from the 0-to the a-series takes place in the course of the Reformatsky reaction or during the ensuing dry distillation. As has been indicated in the first paper of this series, spectrographic evidence points to the occurrence of this rearrangement during the synthetic reaction. The study of the ultraviolet absorption spectra of ethyl ionylidene-acetate forms the subject of the present communication. The double bond of the carbethoxy group in ethyl a-ionylidene-acetate is conjugated with two ethylene bonds, whereas the cyclic double bond is not conjugated with this system and is not expected to influence the position of the main absorption band. Conversely, the C 4 - bond (1) T h e work described in this paper was done under a contract, recommended by t h e Committee on Medical Research, between the OWce of Scientific Research and Development, and t h e Mount Sinai Hospital. Original manuscript received November 12, 1943. (2) H.Sobotka, E. Bloch and E. Glick. TRISJOURNAL, 66, 1961


of ethyl 0-ionylidene-acetate is conjugated with three ethylene bonds; this should produce a difference, a t the very least, of 25 mp and up to 45 mp, between the main absorption band of the two compounds. Table I gives the absorption bands for the pair a-ionone-0-ionone and also for the pair of isomeric hydrocarbons C14H22 (formulas I and 11) which we hare prepared according to Kipping and Wild.Y TABLE I ABSORPTIONMAXIMAO F ETHYLIONYLIDENE-ACETATES AND RELATED COMPOUNDS Max




Compound (mol. wt.)

wave length, mfi

Ionorie (192.3) a-Isomer 228 &Isomer 296

Mol extinction coefficient, ernax.

15,550 12,700

Cyclocitrylidene-isobutene (190.3) 2

a-Isomer &Isomer

3 4 5 6 7

Ethyl ionylidene-acetate (262.4) Prepn. A 27 1 Prepn. B 284.5 Prepn. B (purified) 281.5 Prepn. C 269 Prepn. D 275


230 281.5

(3) Kipping and Wild, J . Chem. Soc., 1239 (1940)

30,100 21,900

10,750 12,550 34,000 27,200 17,400