Thiol Reduction of Arsenite and Selenite - American Chemical Society

Nov 17, 2014 - ABSTRACT: The reactivity of arsenite and selenite with biological thiols plays an important role in the toxicity of these elements. How...
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Thiol Reduction of Arsenite and Selenite: DFT Modeling of the Pathways to an As−Se Bond Lenora K. Harper,‡ Sonia Antony,‡ and Craig A. Bayse* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The reactivity of arsenite and selenite with biological thiols plays an important role in the toxicity of these elements. However, toxic effects are eliminated when the species are coadministered, due to the antagonistic relationship between selenium and arsenic. The reduction of arsenous acid and selenious acid by thiol and the formation of an As−Se species have been modeled using density functional theory (DFT) and solvent-assisted proton exchange (SAPE), a microsolvation technique that uses a network of water molecules to mimic the participation of bulk solvent in proton transfer processes. Activation barriers and relative energies were calculated for the stepwise thiol reduction of arsenite to form As(SR)3 and selenious acid to first form a selenotrisulfide (Se(SR)2) and then H2Se. Several pathways were explored for the formation of an As−Se bond: the nucleophilic attack of selenide or selenopersulfide on As(OH)3, (RS)As(OH)2, and (RS)2AsOH to form (RS)2AsSeH. On the basis of the lower activation barrier and bioavailability of (RS)2AsOH, the reaction of H2Se with (RS)2AsOH is deemed the most favorable, consistent with previous experimental studies.

thioredoxin reductase.32 As(III) and Se(IV) can deplete GSH, an essential redox buffer that plays a critical role in cellular defense and is found in high concentrations in cells.33 The reaction of selenite with GSH forms selenopersulfide (HSSe), which promotes cell death in various cancer cell lines.34 Arsenic is most likely introduced to the body as As(V) where it is reduced by arsenate reductase (ArsC),35 human glutathione-Stransferase ω (hGST-01),36 or available thiols (RSH)37 to produce arsenite. Arsenite can then disrupt the function of pyruvate dehydrogenase by binding to the lipoic acid substrate in the enzyme38 and cellular defense mechanisms by reacting with up to three equivalents of RSH to form As(SR)3 4 (eq 1). According to Delnomdedieu et al., As(SG)3 is stable from pH 1.5 to 7.5 and readily forms under physiological conditions.39−41 Similarly, selenite 5 reacts with four equivalents of thiol (eq 2) to produce selenotrisulfide 9 (RSSeSR), which is further reduced to selenide 11 (Se2) by thiols including thioredoxin42,43 or glutathione reductase.44

INTRODUCTION Arsenic and selenium compounds are important naturally occurring environmental toxicants.1−4 Consumption and inhalation of arsenic through contaminated drinking water and industrial byproducts have been shown to increase the risk of neuropathy; skin lesions; and cancers of the skin, lung, and bladder.5,6 Ingestion of significant amounts of selenium, an essential trace element, results in gastrointestinal complications, hair and nail loss, as well as central nervous system damage.7 Arsenic and selenium can assume inorganic and organic forms, which exist mainly in two oxidation states: As(III) and As(V), and Se(IV) and Se(VI). Arsenate (As(V)) and selenate (Se(VI)) species are found in well-oxygenated surface waters, whereas arsenite (As(III)) and selenite (Se(IV)) are observed in groundwater.8,9 Arsenite (LD50 of NaAsO2: 41 mg/kg),10 is more toxic than arsenate,11−14 which is more toxic than the organic arsenic species dimethylarsinic acid and monomethylarsonic acid.14,15 Se(IV) (LD50 of Na2SeO3: 5 mg/kg)16 has been determined to be several times more toxic than selenoethers7 such as selenomethionine.17 Interactions of arsenite and selenite with sulfhydrylcontaining biomolecules are key factors in their toxicity18−20 in addition to mechanisms that induce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).21 Other modes of toxicity for both selenium and arsenic compounds include reactions involving proteins: selenite inhibits the activity of zinc finger transcription factors TFIIIA, Sp1, and AP1,22 and arsenite inhibits the DNA damage-repairing protein poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1).23−26 Arsenite and selenite also release Zn2+ from metallothionein (MT),27 xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA), and formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycolyase (Fpg)28−30 and disrupt the function of glutathione reductase31 and © 2014 American Chemical Society

As(OH)3 + 3RSH → As(SR)3 + 3H 2O


SeO(OH)2 + 4RSH → Se(SR)2 + 4H 2O + 2RSSR (2)

Se(SR)2 + 2RSH → H 2Se + 2RSSR

In the 1930s, Moxon and DuBois first observed an antagonistic relationship between selenium and arsenic when selenium toxicity decreased in rats exposed to As(III)-laced drinking water.45 Further studies by DuBois et al. determined that arsenite protected against liver damage caused by Received: September 17, 2014 Published: November 17, 2014 2119 | Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 2119−2127

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seleniferous wheat.46 Later, Levander and Argrett found that arsenite inhibited the excretion of dimethylselenide,47 which was replaced by an arsenic−selenium−glutathione species in rat bile.48 Conversely, selenite increased gastrointestinal excretion of arsenic.49 When excess arsenite was present in vitro, selenite formation by glutathione reductase was indirectly inhibited by the formation of an As−Se byproduct of arsenite and selenite reduction.50 More recently, Gailer et al. isolated the As−Se complex ion 17  (selenobis(S-glutathionyl)arsinium [(GS)2AsSe]) from rabbit bile providing a molecular link to the antagonistic relationship. They also independently synthesized 17 from Se2− and (GS)2AsOH 3 under physiological conditions, and characterized the compound using X-ray absorption spectroscopy.51−56 In order to understand the mechanisms of arsenic and selenium toxicity and their antagonistic relationship, density functional theory (DFT) and solvent-assisted proton exchange (SAPE) were used to model the mechanisms for (1) the reaction of arsenous acid As(OH)3 and selenious acid SeO(OH)2 with thiols and (2) formation of the arsenic− selenium species (RS)2AsSeH. SAPE is a method of microsolvation that models proton exchange by connecting the protonation and deprotonation sites with a network of water molecules. The indirect proton transfer in these models is an approximation of the role of bulk solvation and avoids the strained transition states and high activation barriers found in gas phase models. Previous studies have utilized SAPE modeling to determine redox mechanisms of biologically relevant selenium compounds57−61 and the oxidation and disulfide formation of cysteine62,63 with excellent agreement with experimental data.

Scheme 1. SAPE Models Used in DFT Calculations

Scheme 2. Mechanisms for the Reduction of (a) Arsenate and (b) Selenitea


RSH represents glutathione or other available thiols.

discussed first, followed by possible pathways for As−Se bond formation. The stationary points (reactant complex (R), transition state (TS), or product complex (P)) for each pathway are labeled by mechanistic step (for example, 1 → 2TS is the transition state for the conversion of 1 to 2). Activation barriers and reaction energies are reported as the solvationcorrected Gibbs free energy (ΔG + ΔGsol) unless otherwise noted. Reduction of As(OH)3 to As(SR)3 (1 → 2 → 3 → 4). The conversion of 1 to 4 was modeled as the sequential SN2-like nucleophilic attack of three equivalents of MeSH on the As center eliminating a water molecule at each step (Figure 1). Proton transfer from the thiol to the leaving water is facilitated by SAPE network 1 (Scheme 1) and occurs in tandem with As−S bond formation. Each additional sulfur bonded to the arsenic center of 1−3 decreases the partial positive charge on As (qAs(1) = 1.49e, qAs(2) = 1.25e, and qAs(3) = 1.02e). As a result, the As···S interaction with the thiol in the reactant complexes increases by ∼0.1 Å from 1 → 2R to 2 → 3R due to the lower As partial charge but decreases by 0.1 Å in 3 → 4R due to softening of the arsenic center in 3. Transition states were found by following the OA−HA bond for proton transfer to the leaving water (Scheme 1). The increase in activation barriers (Table 1) from 1 → 2 (+20.0 kcal/mol) to 2 → 3 (+21.7 kcal/mol) correlates to the change in the As partial charge; however, the lower barrier in step 3 → 4 (+16.7 kcal/ mol) is attributed to the greater affinity of 3 for a soft nucleophile. The high barriers for steps 1 → 2 and 2 → 3 are consistent with the experimental studies in which the reaction temperature had to be increased to 37 °C in order to speed the production of As(SR)3.75 DFT As−S bond distances for 3 → 4P ((2.26 and 2.27 Å) are comparable to XAS values obtained by


Geometry optimizations of the reaction of As(OH)3 and SeO(OH)2 with MeSH were performed in Gaussian 0364 and Gaussian 0965 using the mPW1PW9166 functional. Arsenic, oxygen, and hydrogens connected to noncarbon heavy atoms or involved in the SAPE network were represented by the Dunning split-valence triple-ζ basis set with polarization functions (TZVP).67 The Ermler−Christiansen relativistic effective core potential (RECP) basis set was used for selenium.68 Sulfur was represented by the Wadt−Hay RECP basis set.69 S, Se, and As basis sets were augmented with diffuse s-, p-, and dtype functions. A double-ζ basis set with polarization functions was used for hydrocarbon fragments.70 Two SAPE networks were used in this study. In network 1 (Scheme 1), a square cluster of water molecules form a hydrogen bonding network to provide a pathway for proton transfer from the thiol proton to the leaving −OH group (network 1, Scheme 1). This square network reduces strain introduced in smaller network sizes as shown in previous studies.57 For steps in which the leaving group is sulfur or arsenic, longer distances are required between the sites involved in proton transfer, and an open three-water SAPE network is utilized (network 2, Scheme 1). Transition states were found either by a manual scan of the selected reaction coordinate followed by a full optimization of the initial guess or by using a quadratic71 Synchronous Transit-Guided Quasi-Newton (STQN) method (QST3 in Gaussian 09).72 Each transition state was found to have one imaginary frequency along the appropriate reaction coordinate. Reported energies include zero-point energy (ZPE), thermal, and entropic corrections. Polarizable continuum models (PCM)73 using Bondi atomic radii74 were employed for bulk solvation corrections for water.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DFT-SAPE models of the mechanism of the reactions of As(OH)3 and SeO(OH)2 with MeSH (Scheme 2) are 2120 | Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 2119−2127

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Figure 1. Selected bond distances (Å) for the three steps involved in the reaction of arsenous acid with methyl thiol ((a) 1 → 2, (b) 2 → 3, and (c) 3 → 4). Imaginary vibrational modes are listed for each transition state.

Table 1. Relative DFT(mPW1PW91) Energies for the Three-Step Reaction of Arsenous Acid with Methyl Thiol (1 → 2, 2 → 3, and 3 → 4) reaction 1→2



ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv



11.1 16.9 20.0 9.2 17.5 21.7 6.8 14.4 16.7

−13.3 −14.5 −14.9 −10.4 −7.2 −1.8 −16.7 −16.3 −16.8

Figure 2. Selected bond distances for the four steps involved in the reduction of selenious acid by methyl thiol ((a) 5 → 6, (b) 6 → 7, (c) 7 → 8, and (d) 8 → 9). Imaginary vibrational modes are listed for each transition state.

Miot et al. (2.25 Å).76 Each step is exothermic by −10 to −17 kcal/mol, consistent with ab initio calculations on the reaction of As(V) species and thiols.77 Thiol Reduction of SeO(OH)2. Kice et al., Forastiere et al., and Seko et al. have proposed mechanisms for the thiol reduction of 5 based upon experimental studies.78−80 Based upon these proposed mechanisms, the reduction of 5 to the selenotrisulfide 9 (Scheme 2b) under neutral conditions was modeled in four steps using SAPE networks to facilitate proton exchange. Decomposition pathways to Se0 are not considered. Selected structural parameters and energetics for the DFTSAPE models are given in Figures 2 and 3 and Table 2. Reduction of (HO)2SeO to (RS)2SeO (5 → 6 → 7). The reduction of 5 to 7 was modeled as two sequential nucleophilic attacks of MeSH on 5 using SAPE network 1 (Scheme 1). The optimized reactant complex 5 → 6R had a short Se−S distance (Figure 2, 2.80 Å), due to a high positive charge (qSe = 1.71e). The lower positive charge on the selenium of 6 leads to the weaker Se···S interaction (2.91 Å) in 6 → 7R relative to the first step. The TS 5 → 6TS is seesaw shaped with the nucleophile and leaving group almost linear (169.4°). The low barrier (+6.3

Figure 3. Selected bond distances (Å) for the formation of selenide ((a) 9 → 10 and (b) 10 → 11). Imaginary vibrational modes are listed for each transition state.

kcal/mol) is comparable to the reaction of PhSeOH to PhSeSMe (+6.6 kcal/mol).57 The SAPE network in the product complex 5 → 6P (−24.7 kcal/mol) rearranges to enhance hydrogen bonding to 6. The TS for the reaction of 6 with a second thiol to form (MeS)2SeO 7 (6 → 7TS, Figure 2b) was found when the Se−S and S−H bond distances increased by 0.25 and 0.28 Å, respectively. The barrier is comparable to the previous step (+6.6 kcal/mol), but the reaction is less 2121 | Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 2119−2127

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alkaline conditions and also assigned 6 as the only intermediate. Our calculations suggest that since the first two steps (5 → 6 → 7) have low activation barriers, 6 is unlikely to be an observable intermediate. The barrier for the third step (7 → 8) is relatively high, which suggests that selenotrisulfide oxide 7 may be the stable intermediate at pH 7. Reduction of Se(SMe)2 to H2Se (9 → 10 → 11). Selenotrisulfide 9 reacts with two more equivalents of thiol to be fully reduced to 1180 (Figure 3 and Table 2). The threewater SAPE network 2 is used to facilitate proton transfer in reactant complexes 9 → 10R and 10 → 11R (Scheme 1). The nearly linear positioning of the MeSH nucleophile (∠S···S−Se = 173.3° and 173.7°, respectively) is comparable to the S···S− Se bond angle (172.9°) in the SAPE reactant complex for the reduction of PhSeSMe to PhSeH by MeSH.57 The high activation barriers for 9 → 10TS and 10 → 11TS (+19.0 kcal/ mol and +19.9 kcal/mol, respectively), which are similar to those for the reduction of selenenyl sulfide by thiol (+21.7 kcal/mol57). The endergonicity of these reactions (+7.2 kcal/ mol and +1.4 kcal/mol, respectively) suggests that 9 → 10 and 10 → 11 are reversible processes that will be driven to completion by excess thiol. Formation of the Arsenic−Selenium Complex. The antagonistic biological relationship between arsenic and selenium has been traced to the formation of an arsenic− selenium species [(GS)2AsSe] which can be safely excreted.51,54 Gailer et al.52 considered two possible mechanisms for the coupling of As(III) and Se(IV) (Scheme 3). In pathway

Table 2. Relative DFT(mPW1PW91) Energies of the Four Mechanistic Steps Involved in the Reduction of Selenious Acid by Methyl Thiol (5 → 6, 6 → 7, 7 → 8, and 8 → 9) and the Formation of Hydrogen Selenide (9 → 10 and 10 → 11) reaction 5→6




9 → 10

10 → 11










2.8 5.8 6.2 1.1 5.3 6.6 11.4 19.4 19.2 4.7 8.6 7.8 17.2 24.4 19.0 13.9 20.6 19.9

−22.2 −23.9 −24.7 −15.4 −15.7 −16.0 0.0 4.7 3.8 −39.8 −44.1 −43.9 7.8 8.3 7.2 1.8 1.6 1.4

exothermic (−16.8 kcal/mol). The low barriers for these two steps are consistent with experimental rates observed by Kice.78 Recently, Burriss et al.81 have suggested that a cyclic compound similar to 7 could rearrange to shift the oxygen to a sulfur center or transfer the oxygen between a sulfur and selenium center (Se−O−S). The related species MeSSe-O-SMe is 3.3 kcal/mol less stable than 7 suggesting that the release of ring strain may be important to Burriss’s species. Reduction of (MeS)2SeO to Se(SMe)2 (7 → 8 → 9). Formation of the hypervalent (MeS)3SeOH 8 from 7 by the addition of MeS−H across the SeO bond was modeled using SAPE network 2 (Scheme 1) with the nucleophilic thiol approaching the Se center (dSe···S = 3.37 Å) trans to the SeO bond (7 → 8R, Figure 2c). The decreased positive charge on Se of 7 contributes to the high activation barrier for 7 → 8TS (+19.2 kcal/mol). The product 8 has a seesaw structure with elongated Se−S and S−OH bonds in each of the trans positions consistent with three-center-four-electron hypervalent bonding. The reaction energy (+3.8 kcal/mol) is comparable to that of selenurane formation in selenomethione selenoxide.82 The reduction of 8 to the selenotrisulfide 9 is assumed to proceed by the attack of thiol on the equatorial S−Se bond of 8. The axial sulfur center of 8 is more negatively charged (−0.55e) than the equatorial sulfurs (−0.22e), leading the nucleophile to attack one of the equatorial −SR groups. In 8 → 9R, SAPE network 2 connects the thiol proton to the leaving OH group. The thiol interacts weakly with the partially negative equatorial sulfur center (S···Sb 3.13 Å). The transition state (8 → 9TS, +7.8 kcal/mol) for this step is found when the S−S distance has decreased to 2.40 Å and Se−S has increased to 2.59 Å (Figure 2d). The low activation barrier and high reaction energy (8 → 9P (−43.9 kcal/mol) suggest that the formation of 9 is rapid with a stable product. Kice et al.78 studied the reaction of 5 with thiols in 60% dioxane solution under acidic conditions. Compound 6 was reported as the first stable intermediate, and the identity of a second intermediate was not established because of its short half-life. Forastiere et al.79 studied the same reaction under

Scheme 3. Proposed Mechanisms by Gailer et al.52 for the Biological Formation of an As−Se Bond

A (Scheme 4), six equivalents of GSH convert 5 to 11, which reacts with 3 to form 17. The second proposed mechanism (pathway B, Scheme 4) combines 3 with selenopersulfide 10 to form methylthioseleno-bis(S-methylthionyl)arsenite 16, followed by thiol reduction to 17. The DFT-SAPE activation energies for arsenic reduction (1 → 2 → 3) are relatively high Scheme 4. Proposed Pathways for the Biological Formation of an As−Se Bond

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(vide supra), suggesting the possibility that the formation of intermediates 2 and 3 will take place slowly, allowing available arsenous acid to react with the stronger H2Se nucleophile. Therefore, a third mechanism is considered in which 1 and 11 form 12, followed by thiol reduction to 17 (pathway C, Scheme 4). To investigate other possible competing pathways to 17, the nucleophilic attacks of 10 on 1 (1 + 10 → 14, pathway D) and 2 (2 + 10 → 15, pathway E), and 11 on 2 (2 + 11 → 13, pathway F) were also modeled (Scheme 4). SAPE models (Figures 4−7) for the As−Se bond formation steps were constructed using the water networks shown in Scheme 1. Reaction energetics for each step are listed in Table 3.

Figure 4. Selected bond distances (Å) for pathway A (3 + 11 → 17). The imaginary vibrational mode is listed for the transition state.

stretching frequency is slightly higher (311 cm−1) than that reported for [(GS)2AsSe] (290 cm−1).51 The formation of 17 (16 → 17P, +2.4 kcal/mol) is likely stabilized under biological conditions by hydrogen bonding to the GSH backbone and deprotonation to 17. Pathway A was used by Gailer et al.52 to successfully synthesize 17. Pathway B (3 + 10 → 16 → 17) was modeled as the nucleophilic attack of 10 on 3 to form 16, followed by thiol reduction to form 17 (Figure 5) using SAPE network 1 for 3 +

Table 3. Relative DFT(mPW1PW91) Energies and Activation Barrier for the Complexation of (MeS)2AsSeH (3 + 11 → 17, 3 + 10 → 16, 16 → 17, 1 + 11 → 12, 12 → 13, and 13 → 17) reaction 3 + 11 → 17

3 + 10 → 16

16 → 17

1 + 11 → 12

12 → 13

13 → 17

1 + 10 → 14

2 + 10 → 15

2 + 11 → 13

Pathway A ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv Pathway B ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv Pathway C ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv Pathway D ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv Pathway E ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv Pathway F ΔH ΔG ΔG + ΔGsolv



1.2 6.9 8.6

−19.8 −19.9 −21.5

0.3 6.9 10.8 15.3 23.3 21.9

−21.0 −20.7 −15.9 2.4 5.7 8.4

8.1 14.7 13.6 9.6 15.5 19.4 8.5 16.3 10.4

−16.7 −17.3 −18.6 −10.3 −9.7 −8.9 −18.4 −17.8 −17.2

5.4 14.0 15.0

−12.6 −10.4 −8.4

7.3 13.9 13.3

−21.1 −25.4 −12.7

7.6 14.7 14.3

−21.1 −25.4 −24.6

Figure 5. Selected bond distances (Å) for pathway B ((a) 3 + 10 → 16 and (b) 16 → 17). Imaginary vibrational modes are listed for each transition state.

10 → 16 and network 2 for 16 → 17. The activation energy for the exergonic reaction (−21.0 kcal/mol) between 3 and 10 is relatively low (+10.8 kcal/mol) compared to the barrier for 1 + 10 → 14 (+15.0 kcal/mol) due to the greater affinity of the soft arsenic center of 3 for the soft nucleophile 10. The high barrier for step 16 → 17 (+21.9 kcal/mol) is consistent with those calculated for other disulfide bond formation reactions (e.g., 9 → 10 (+19.0 kcal/mol), 10 → 11 (+19.9 kcal/mol), and the reduction of a selenenyl sulfide to selenol in the glutathione peroxidase-like cycle of benzeneselenols (+21.7 kcal/mol)57). Given that the barrier heights for this mechanism are comparable to pathway A, As−Se bond formation by this pathway cannot be entirely ruled out. In pathway C, the steps leading to the As−Se species (1 + 11 → 12 → 13 → 17) are modeled as a sequence of nucleophilic attacks to form final product 17 (Figure 6) using SAPE network 1 (Scheme 1). In the first step of pathway C, 11 attacks 1 and forms intermediate 12, while in subsequent steps, RSH acts as the nucleophile to form 17. The activation energy barrier in 12 → 13 is significantly higher (+19.4 kcal/mol) than both the

For pathway A (3 + 11 → 17), the nucleophilic attack of 11 on 3 to form the As−Se bond in 17 was modeled using SAPE network 1 to aid proton transfer (Figure 4). The one-step exergonic reaction 3 + 11 → 17 (−19.8 kcal/mol) has a lower activation barrier (+8.6 kcal/mol) than 3 + 10 → 16 below (+10.8 kcal/mol) due to the greater nucleophilicity of 11. The Se−As (2.42 Å) and As−S (2.26 and 2.25 Å) bond distances calculated for 17 in 3 + 11 → 17P are comparable to experimental bond lengths (dAs−Se = 2.39 Å; dAs−S = 2.25 Å) obtained for [(GS)2AsSe] from EXAFS. The As−Se 2123 | Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 2119−2127

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steps are exergonic and have barrier heights (+15.0, +13.3, and 14.3 kcal/mol, respectively) similar to those of other pathways modeled in this study. Pathways E (2 + 10 → 15) and F (2 + 11 → 13) could compete with step 2 → 3, which has an activation barrier ≈6 kcal/mol higher than 2 + 10 → 15 and 2 + 11 → 13. All steps require significantly more energy than reaction 3 + 11 → 17; therefore, these reactions are less favorable and depend upon the relative rates of consumption of 1 and production of 10 and 11. On the basis of our DFT-SAPE results, the reaction of selenide 11 with 3 (pathway A) is likely to be the most favorable mechanism in the formation of the As−Se bond. Reaction 3 + 11 → 17 has a low activation barrier due to a stronger interaction between the soft nucleophile 11 and the soft electrophile 3. Concurrent with selenite reduction, arsenite will be converted to 3 by excess thiols, making 3 available for reaction. The first two steps of selenite reduction, 5 → 6 (ΔG⧧ = +6.2 kcal/mol) and 6 → 7 (ΔG⧧ = +6.6 kcal/mol), will yield no observable intermediates. Step 7 → 8 will take place slowly based on the higher barrier (+19.2 kcal/mol), creating a bottleneck at 7. Intermediate 8 is rapidly reduced to 9 (+7.8 kcal/mol), and further reduction of 9 to 10 and 11 have high barriers (+19.0 and +19.9 kcal/mol) comparable to steps 1 → 2 and 2 → 3 of arsenite reduction (ΔG⧧ = +20.0, +21.7 kcal/ mol). Therefore, it is expected that formation of 3 could occur parallel to 10 and 11 and that it is unlikely that 1 would be available for reaction through pathway C. This conclusion is consistent with experimental results by Hsieh and Ganther who determined that 1 completely inhibits the formation of 11 and will react with selenite reduction byproducts.50

Figure 6. Selected bond distances (Å) for pathway C ((a) 1 + 11 → 12, (b) 12 → 13, and (c) 13 → 15). Imaginary vibrational modes are listed for each transition state.

previous (+13.6 kcal/mol) and proceeding (+10.4 kcal/mol) step, making this the rate-determining step along this proposed pathway. The alternate pathways to As−Se bond formation D (1 + 10 → 14), E (2 + 10 → 15), and F (2 + 11 → 13) were modeled using SAPE network 1 (Scheme 1) to aid proton transfer for each step (Figure 7 and Table 3). Each of these


Computational modeling of the interactions of trace elements with biological systems is an important tool in deciphering their mechanisms of activity. The thiol reduction of arsenite and selenite, as well as the formation of an arsenic−selenium complex, was modeled using DFT-SAPE methods. In the threestep reduction of arsenous acid by thiol, the first two steps were determined to take place slowly such that the intermediates may be long-lived enough to interact with other species, such as intermediates in the reduction of selenite. The first four steps in the reaction of selenious acid with thiols have low activation barriers with the formation of selenurane 8 as the ratedetermining step. The selenurane is unstable and is further reduced to selenotrisulfide 9, which is a stable product, which has been observed experimentally by various groups and may further react with thiols or act as a substrate for certain enzymes for incorporation into proteins. The DFT-SAPE models in this study may be used as a basis for examining the reactions of arsenite and selenite with zinc finger or other thiol-containing proteins. The formation of an arsenic−selenium product is predicted to proceed through the attack of selenide on arsenic-reduction intermediate 3 to form 17. Alternate pathways to As−Se bond formation were less favorable due to large barrier heights and the lower likelihood that required intermediates would be bioavailable. However, experimental evidence such as the isolation and characterization of reaction intermediates, as well as kinetic studies, could provide information on the possibility and stability of intermediates.

Figure 7. Selected bond distances (Å) for pathways (a) D (1 + 10 → 14), (b) E (2 + 10 → 15), and (c) F (2 + 11 → 13). The imaginary vibrational mode is listed for the transition state structure. 2124 | Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2014, 27, 2119−2127

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S Supporting Information *

Cartesian coordinates of the structures in Figures 1−9. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Author Contributions ‡

L.K.H. and S.A. contributed equally to this work.


This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (CHE-0750413). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Calculations were performed using high performance clusters managed by ODU Information Technology Services. ABBREVIATIONS DFT, density functional theory; SAPE, solvent-assisted proton exchange; RSH, thiol; APT, atomic polar tensor REFERENCES

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