Third summer conference of the N. E. A. C. T. [New England

Aug 12, 2018 - Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut. The N.E.A.C.T. is one of the oldest and most ener- ... all over the United States. Its Report has ...
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THIRD SUMMER CONFERENCE OF THE N.E.A.C.T. THE third summer conference o f the New England Association of Chemistry Teachers will be held a t the University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, August 12-15. An attractive program, both scientific and social, has been arranged, and a number of prominent guest speakers will participate. The success of the two previous summer conferences was so complete that a large attendance is expected this year. The sessions are open to anyone, whether a member of the Association or not, and visiting chemists who may he in New

England a t that time are cordially invited. More complete information concerning the program, registration, room reservations, etc., can be obtained from the chairman of the conference, Mr. George B. Savage, Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut. The N.E.A.C.T. is one of the oldest and most energetic organizations of chemistry teachers in the country and includes a large number of associate members from all over the United States. Its Report has been frequently quoted in the chemical literature.