Third Symposium on Surface Mining and ... - ACS Publications

BOOKS. Third Symposium on Surface Mining and Reclamation. Vol. I, v + 243 pages; Vol. 11, iii + 239 pages. National. Coal Association, 1130 17th St., ...
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Third Symposium on Surface Mining and Reclamation. Vol. I, v 243 239 pages. National pages; Vol. 11, iii Coal Association, 1130 17th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1975. $14 for 2 vols., paper.



These volumes describe what was presented at the NCA/BCR Coal Conference and Expo 11, held at Louisville, KY, in October 1975, concerning surface mining. Among the many subjects covered were arid zone hydrology, revegatation, use of coal mine spoil, preplanning, and environmental baseline studies. Reclamation in Appalachia and the West, and its costs, were also discussed, as was transition from spoil to soil. Noise and Noise Control. Vol. 1. Malcolm J. Crocker and A. John Price. 299 pages. CRC Press, Inc., 18901 Cranwood Pkwy., Cleveland, OH 44128. 1975. $27.50, hard cover. Noise is an unfortunate by-product of the industrial revolution, and its control is essential. This volume, first of a twovolume set, points out that no two noise control problems require exactly the same solution. It gives necessary theoretical and mathematical background, as well as data concerning psychological acoustics. Practical noise monitoring is discussed, as well as the physiology of the human ear. Chromatographic Analysis of the Envi752 ronment. Robert L. Grob, Ed. x pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madi-, son Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1975. $49.50, hard cover. In this book, one finds a comprehensive series of methods to determine toxic substances in air, water, waste effluents, and soil. The main chromatographic techniques-gas, liquid, paper, thin layer, and ion exchange-are discussed for each environmental area. The work can also be used as a text, and can save environmental scientists much literature searching.


Industry Solutlons ‘75: Air, Water, Noise, Solid Waste. Virgil W. Langworthy, Ed. xi 915 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. 1975. $25, hard cover. Last April, the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) held its third annual pollution control conference at Chicago.


This book consists of the papers presented, which cover many aspects of water pollution and control, design of wastewater treatment systems, water and resource recovery and reuse, and monitoring. Also discussed are related problems of air, solid waste, and noise pollution and control. Sulfur Dioxide Removal From Waste Gases. A. V. Slack and G. A. Hollinden. xii 294 pages. Noyes Data Corp., Mill Road at Grand Ave., Park .Ridge, NJ 07656. 1975. $36, hard cover. What can be done about SO2 and its sources? This book updates a previous edition published in 1971, and gives the latest answers to this question. New technology is fully described, and technology of 1971 that has been superseded has been omitted. Methods utilizing throwaway or recovery processes for SO2 control are exhaustively described, as well as absorbent chemistry, catalytic oxidation/reduction, and control economics.


Is Nuclear Power Safe? Melvin R. Laird, Moderator. 44 pages. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1150 17th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036. 1975. $2, paper. No, nuclear power is dangerous because of theft and waste disposal accident problems. Yes, the risks inherent in nuclear power use are less than risks inherent in massive coal use. Nuclear power is the only way to offset the growing shortage of fossil fuels. These views are expressed in this booklet resulting from a round table discussion in which Ralph Nader, Ralph Lapp, and Laurence Moss, and others, presented these differing views. Cracking Down, Oil Refining and Pollution Control. Gregg Kerlin and Daniel Rabovsky. 478 pages. Council on Economic Priorities, 84 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011. 1975. $140 (non-profit organizations should contact CEP for sDecial mice). Daoer. Oil refining is considered one of the prime sources of environmental pollution. This book tells who has the best and worst air and water pollution control records, what compliance technology has been develoDed. and how Dollution control can resuit in’cost, material, and energy savings. It also tells how control varies as to region, and why government enforcement is the single greatest pollution control determinant.

Growth for Water Treatment Chemicals. 89 pages, 54 tables. Business Communications Co., Inc., 471 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06906. 1975. $450. The public demands improved drinking water quality. Water reuse and recycling must increase. Growing urbanization, industrialization, and irrigation for agriculture, and attempts to achieve economic, energy, and environmental goals in the same decade are in the offing. These reasons, among others, have prompted the publishers to predict that municipal sales of water treatment chemicals should be $240 million by 1985, and industrial sales, $818 million by 1985. The Air Pollution Abatement Market. 233 pages. Frost & Sullivan, Inc., 106 Fulton St., New York, NY 10038. 1975. $445. The market for air pollution abatement equipment will expand to $1.7 billion or more by 1979, including related goods and services. This report explains why this is the case, and covers the cost of air pollution, forthcoming and existing government programs, air pollution control state-of-the-art, capital expenditures and markets, and the air pollution control industry itself. Market forecasts to 1985 are given and justified. Lllly on Dolphins. John C. Lilly. 500 pages. Anchor Press, Doubleday & Co., Inc., 245 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017. 1975. $3.50, paper. Is interspecies communication possible? What implication might this have on man and his environment? The author sets forth his thesis that the dolphin is, in fact, an intelligent creature, and that an appreciation of this intelligence could reveal the answers to these questions. He points out that the major obstacle to successful research in interspecies communication is “the inflated human ego.” Land Use Controls in New York State: A Handbook on the Legal Rights of Citizens. Elaine Moss, Ed. 368 pages. The Dial Press, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, NY 10017. 1975. $14.95, hard cover; $6.95, paper. Suppose a wetland area is about to be filled; a power plant is planned for an ecologically fragile area; or a lake is threatened by sewage from a condominium complex. This book, prepared by Volume 10, Number 2, February 1976


the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (NRDC), explains what legal resources are now available to citizens and groups who wish to safeguard land. While the focus is on New York State, most of the problems covered are shared by other states. NCRP Report No. 46, Alpha-Emitting Partlcles In Lungs. 28 pages. NCRP Publications, P.O. Box 30175, Bethesda, MD 20014. 1975. $3, paper. Plutonium and transplutonium elements are examples of alpha-emitting elements that nuclear power plants may produce, and that can get into lungs. These elements are highly toxic and are suspected carcinogens. This book explains what is known about the plutonium problem in lungs at present, and describes experimental animal data that helped in the formation of certain conclusions on the subject. Water Supply and Wastewater in Coastal Areas. 187 pages. Water Resources Research institute of the University of North Carolina, 124 Riddick Bldg., N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC 27607. 1975. $10 if billed; $8 prepaid. This work contains 17 major presentations aimed at reviewing the state-ofthe-art of proper planning and manage-

ment of water supply and wastewater disposal in coastal areas. Special attention is paid to defining technological and institutional alternatives, their relation to land use planning and environmental protection, and identification of significant water and wastewater problems in coastal areas.

collection practices in their municipalities is presented. Localities in the U S . and Canada are covered. Data from 675 questionnaires were examined and run through computers in order to generate this state-of-the-art manual for daily use and reference by managers of solid waste activities.

Odor Control and Olfaction. James P. Cox. 500 pages. Pollution Sciences Publishing Co., P.O. Box 175, Lynden, WA 98264. 1975. $50,hard cover. Odors are a part of the environment, and they can sometimes be pleasing, sometimes offensive. However, the field of odor control has been neglected. This book fills that gap, and gives full data concerning over 2000 osmogenes, as well as a patent study from 1890 to the present. Means of odor control are covered, as well as properties of odorous materials. The book can be a legal guide to odor pollution offense. A comprehensive glossary is given.

Water Laws of Alabama. William T. Watson and Stephen F. Harrison. 242 pages. Publication Sales, Geological Survey of Alabama, P.O. Drawer 0, University, AL 35486. 1975. $1.50. This work embodies a complete restatement of statutes relating to water, as well as important court decisions concerning and use and control of water and waterways. It is presented in a format that will facilitate periodic revisions, as necessary. In-depth consideration is given to the Alabama Water Management Act, as well as conservance districts, coastal areas, and other relevant topics.

Solid Waste Collection Practice. 556 pages. American Public Works Association, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637. 1975. $20 ($16 for APWA members). In this book, an extensive survey of public works administrators concerning

Businessman’s Guide to Washington. William Ruder and Raymond Nathan. 320 pages. Ruder & Finn, Inc., 110 E. 59th St., New York, NY 10022. 1975. $8.95, hard cover: $4.50, paper. Often, the businessman views the EPA as a threat because of its regulatory powers. However, EPA has money to let for research projects. This book tells about the services and information available to the businessman from EPA and other agencies, and gives addresses and telephone numbers for making contact with the least lost motion. Logistic essentials for the businessman in Washington are also covered.


Materials and Society. Walter R. Hibbard, Editor-in-Chief. Periodical. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523. $ l o o / yr; $25/yr for individuals whose library subscribes at the full rate. This periodical will offer a broadbased forum that will cover reserves, conservation, substitution, and recycling. Environmental factors, including land use, will be discussed, as will air and water quality associated with extraction and use, solid waste disposal, and other factors. Economic and societal trade-offs will receive heavy consideration.




Environmental Science & Technology

Role of Secondary Flber In the U.S. Pulp and Paper Industry 1973-1983. 3 vols., 1000 pages. Arthur D. Little, Inc., Public Relations Dept., 25 Acorn Park, Cambridge, MA 02140. 1975. $85, 3 vol. set. This report is in fulfillment of a contract that Arthur D. Little has with the EPA to evaluate the role of secondary fiber, and to look over the pulp and paper industry in general. It is the most complete data bank of industry statistics and economic analyses presently available in one publication.