This Divining Rod Talks to Searchers ...prompted by DPi HIGH

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This Divining Rod Talks to Searchers . . . p r o m p t e d b y DPi H I G H V A C U U M


HE divining rod in this case is a helium probe. It is moved slowly along suspected areas. If it "sniffs" a leak so minute that a thimbleful of air would take 30 years to get through, an alarm sounds. The probe is part of a highly sensi­ tive instrument used to show presence or absence of any leak in pressure or vacuum lines and equipment—in lines buried underground, in welds, soldered joints, gasket connections.

Leak-finding can be a difficult and costly process with ordinary methods. The Consolidated Leak Detector, em­ bodying DPi high vacuum pumps, pro­ vides a unique and inexpensive method for locating the defective line or faulty spot and for accurately measuring rate of leakage. Scores of industries can use this device for controlling production pro­ cesses or testing finished products. It is one of many fine instruments made

available by D P i for broader and more efficient use of high vacuum techniques. We shall be glad to work with you on any problem involving the use of high v a c u u m . For c o m p l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n write t o : Vacuum Equipment Depart­ ment, Distillation Products Industries, 741 Ridge Rd. West, Rochester 4, Ν . Υ. (Division ofEastman Kodak Company).

high vacuum research a n d engineering Also · . . vitamins A and Ε . . . distilled monoglycerides . . . more than 3 3 0 0 Eastman Organic Chemicals for science and industry.


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