This is our new still... the newest most advanced ... - ACS Publications

They're handsome ...and pure ...and stable ...and... Chem. Eng. News , 1969, 47 (19), p 31. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v047n019.p031. Publication Date: May 05, ...
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This is our new still... the newest most advanced fractionating unit in the business. You should see the highpurity, stearic and palmitic acids it's putting out. They're handsome ...and pure ...and stable ...and...

t a k e a new look at Swiftr They're waiting for your evaluation... new and different 70%, 80%, and 90% pal­ mitic acids... new and different 80%, 90%, and 95% stearic acids. These high-purity acids are new because they're fresh from a still that just went on stream. They're different because our still is different... incorporating the latest design improvements to give minimal heat histories. See for yourself how white, how fight, how heat stable, and how waxy in odor these new Swift high-purity stearic and palmitic acids are. Send for samples and detailed information. We'll send both back plus a free, handy property data rule • . . also brand new.


SWIFT CHEMICAL COMPANY, A Division of Swift & Company Chemicals for Industry 1211 West 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60521 Please send me samples and specifications of the fatty acid(s) checked, plus one of your new Calculators. I'm interested in the following application(s)

Π 70% Π 80%

D 80% D D 90% D

90%- -Palmitic Acid 95%- -Stearic Acid

Name Address

Chemicals for Industry



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In Canada: Swift Canadian Co., Limited, Ontario In Great Britain: Swift's Chemicals (U.K.) Ltd., Liverpool In France: Swift Chimie, Paris 8e 11E9