This "product" may solve your chemical service problems! - C&EN

Nov 11, 2010 - This "product" may solve your chemical service problems! Chem. Eng. News , 1957, 35 (6), p 11 ... Email a Colleague · Add to ACS ChemWo...
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= Durco Type F Valves Sold since 1951 -^H-λ Α Ι Λ Ι Α Λ Λ A Jk'JkÂA « S i -S :ï^A'J-v-3^\Jï2n->' This "product" may solve your service problems I


100,000 Durco T y p e F Valves in six s h o r t years is ample testimony of the performance of these valves in tough chemical service—especially w h e n practically all of t h e m are still in service. With, t h e recent introduction of the 3-inch size, Durco T y p e F Valves (Vi" through 3 " , inclusive) offer the b r o a d size range needed for a large majority of applications. Their simple design a n d t h e corrosion resistance of Durco alloys and Teflon sleeves extend their versatility. Full details in free Bulletin V/4b. Manufactured under o n e or more o f the following patents. U. S. Patent N o s . 2713987» 2729420, 2735645, 2728550. Patented in Canada, 1955, N o . 519424.

THE DURIRON COMPANY, INC., DAYTON, O H I O Branch Offices: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Dayton, Detroit, Houston, Knoxville, L o s Angeles, r*ew York, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.