This resin bonds, coats, complexes, cross-links, cures, detackifies

Nov 7, 2010 - This resin bonds, coats, complexes, cross-links, cures, detackifies, disperses, emulsifies, entrains, esterifies, forms films, gels, inh...
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This resin bonds, coats, complexes, cross-links, cures, detackifies, disperses, emulsifies, entrains, esterifies, forms films, gels, inhibits, modifies, precipitates, protects, regulates, solubilizes, stabilizes, suspends, tackifies,thickens...andmore!

GANTREZ'AN This highly polar, water-soluble polyelectrolyte can do practically anything you ask of it. It has cost-saving applications in almost a n y industry you can n a m e . A n d n e w uses are continually being f o u n d . GANTREZ A N resin is a linear, polymeric a n h y d r i d e w i t h reactive functionality, typical of dibasic acids. It can be reacted to form polymeric esters a n d amides...cross-linked with polyfunctional chemicals, as polyhydroxy compounds a n d polya m i n e s . . . complexed w i t h polyvinylpyrrolidone, iodine, gelatin a n d certain heavy m e t a l ions. A n d much more. A n outstanding n e w application is as a soil release a g e n t for d u r a b l e press fabrics w h e r e GANTREZ A N creates a hydrophilie p a t h w a y , a l lowing detergent to penetrate a n d ' l i f t " the stain. A n d a n a b u n d a n t supply of GANTREZ A N is a v a i l a b l e w i t h a n e w plant n o w on stream. GANTREZ A N can provide a solution to your formulation problems. Send for technical literature a n d samples t o d a y .


1 Where GANTREZ A N is used | | | 1 | | | I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • D • •

Abrasives Adhesives Aerosols Agriculture Asbestos Cement Ceramics Chemical processing Coatings Cosmetics Detergents Explosives Filtrations Fire extinguishing foams Inks Leather Lubricants

Oil production & compounding

Ore beneficiation

n • •

Paints Paper Pesticides


Photo-reproduction processes Pigment grinding

n Polishes • Printing pastes • Steel • Textiles • Toiletries • Water treatment • Waxes

GAF C o r p o r a t i o n

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(Formerly General Aniline & Film Corporation) 140 West 51 Street, N e w York, New York 10020

• •

Gentlemen: Please send me GANTREZ® A N resin samples


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