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For technical brochures on Siemens manual and fully automated x-ray spec- trometers, contact Dieter Meusel at. SiemensCorporation, 186WoodAve. So.,. I...
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Can you pass this test on x-ray spectroscopy? ( 1 ) D True. D False. There are com­ mercially available x-ray spectrometers that can routinely detect AI down to 15 ppm in steel, or Cu in brass with a precision of ±0.15%.

(4) D True. D False. There's no need to reconstruct the calibration curve for a given element in a particular matrix. This is because systems are available that provide compensation for source intensity loss due to x-ray tube aging.

(2) D True. DFalse. The bugaboo of pulse height analysis is over. Modern spectrometers require PHA settings only once. They need no recalibration for change of 2Θ. And they permit qualitative scans of a selected single order of reflection.

If you answered all questions "true," you probably know that only Siemens systems offer all of these advantages. If not, find out about them before spending your company's money on a less effective system. For technical brochures on Siemens manual and fully automated x-ray spec­ (3) D True. D False. New equipment trometers, contact Dieter Meusel at permits you to discover by visual mon­ itoring, before the analysis is completed, SiemensCorporation, 186V\food Ave. So., _ j Iselin, Ν J. 08830. (201) 49Φ1000. an error in the count caused by interference from an escape peak, Siemens. A three high-count rate shifts, or highbillion dollar name order coincident reflections. in quality products. SIEMENS


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