This year we went on to bigger things. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Actinide Chemistry at the Extreme. Mushroom clouds. Glowing test tubes. Superheroes awakening. The rare elements at the bottom of ...
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Last year we shipped little bottles of Dichlorobutene all over the country· These highly reactive compounds ( 1, 4-Dichlorobutene-2 and 3, 4-Dichlorobutene-l) suggest a variety of attractive synthesis routes. Already experimenters have identified some possible uses: as _Jjni ïmmmmaMM lllllili ^BBIllllBP ilBHI^HIIIll intermediates in the manufacture of bactericidal WMmÊKÊêmm agents, fungicides, specialty polymers and pharmaceuticals. The range of other possibilities is up to you. To help, we now have the material available in 55 gallon drums. If you'd care to join the hunt for DCB uses, write for our 16 page brochure describing the properties and reactions of these versatile intermediates. Petro-Tex Chemical Corp., 8600 Park Place Blvd., Houston, Texas 77017, 713/928-2551 mÊÊÊÊËÈÊÊËÊmm



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