30b. Series VI11. Crystal I11. 280.39 219.87. 281.54 56.91. 283.56 32.41 ... average value is 1602.0 z t 1.0 cal. .... 46.15 cal./(mole OK.), and the ...
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TI-ZE HEAT CAPACITY AND EN'l'ROP\- OF ~-MErrHYL-a-P1~O1',4NOL FROM 15 TO 33OOK. BY 10. I,. OETTING Thcrttkul Rescarch I,nborutory, Y h e /.ow Chertiicul Cottipcrny, .If idlund, Xichigun

Xeceivcd July 8, 1963 'l'lic low-temperature 1ic:rt capitcity of 2-inethyl-2-propanol lias been determined from 15 to 330°K. in an automatic a(1iabatic calorimeter. Thc results show this coinpound can exist in three crystalline forms. The low temperature form (crystal 11) will transform to crystal I at 286.14'1