Time Evolution of Density Fluctuation in Supercritical Region. I. Non

15 Dec 2004 - Daisuke Kajiya and Keiko Nishikawa. DiVision of DiVersity Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba UniVersity, Yayoi,...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2005, 109, 83-91


Time Evolution of Density Fluctuation in Supercritical Region. I. Non-hydrogen-bonded Fluids Studied by Dynamic Light Scattering Ken-ichi Saitow* Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Chiba UniVersity, Yayoi, Inage, Chiba 263-8522, Japan

Daisuke Kajiya and Keiko Nishikawa DiVision of DiVersity Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba UniVersity, Yayoi, Inage, Chiba 263-8522, Japan ReceiVed: August 2, 2004

The time evolution of the density fluctuation of molecules inhomogeneously dispersing in a mesoscopic volume is investigated by dynamic light scattering in several fluids in supercritical states. This study is the first time-domain investigation to compare the dynamics of density fluctuation among several fluids. The samples used are non-hydrogen-bonded fluids in the supercritical states: CHF3, C2H4, CO2, and xenon. These four molecules have different properties but are of similar size. Under these conditions, the relationship between dynamic and static density inhomogeneities is studied by measuring the time correlation function of the density fluctuation. In all cases, this function is characterized by a single exponential function, decaying within a few microseconds. While the correlation times in the four fluids show noncoincidence, those values agree well with each other when scaled to a dimensionless parameter. From the results of this scaling based on the Kawasaki theory and Landau-Placzek theory, the relation between dynamics and static structures is analyzed, and the following four insights are obtained: (i) viscosity is the main contributor to the time evolution of density fluctuation; (ii) the principle of corresponding state is observed by the use of time-domain data; (iii) the Kawasaki theory and the Landau-Placzek theory are confirmed to be applicable to polar, nonpolar, and nondipolar fluids that have no hydrogen bonding, at temperatures relatively far from critical temperature; and (iv) the density fluctuation correlation length and the value of density fluctuation are estimated from the time-domain data and agree with the values from other experiments and calculations.

I. Introduction The increasing use of supercritical fluids in a wide range of practical applications has motivated many recent attempts to understand the fundamental aspects of fluid structure. Although, for decades, the inhomogeneity of fluid structures around gasliquid critical points was considered to be a result of density inhomogeneity, the supercritical fluid structure recently has been associated with efficiencies of extraction and chemical reaction.1-5 For example, the solubility, rate constant, and yield of the photochemical reaction, as well as the relaxation times of electronic, vibrational, and rotational transitions, each show an inflection, a minimum or a maximum around the density where the inhomogeneity is greatest. Thus, it is important to study supercritical fluids with regard to inhomogeneity, not only to increase our understanding of the natural sciences but also to improve efficiencies in the chemical industry. From the point of view of experimental studies to investigate inhomogeneity, light scattering measurements have proven to be a good method in the condensed phase.6-8 The light scattering is characterized by two different schemes, i.e., elastic scattering and quasi-elastic scattering. In the former, the energy before and after scattering is conserved, and the momentum is transferred between the incident light and the medium. From * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Present address: Material Science Center, Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan. Tel/fax: +81-82-424-7487. E-mail: saitow@ hiroshima-u.ac.jp.

this elastic scheme, static structures in the condensed phases are measured from the intensity of Rayleigh scattering, as a function of the scattering vector, representing the magnitude of the transferred momentum. On the other hand, the quasi-elastic scattering scheme is ascribed to subtle energy transfer between the incident light and the medium. A Rayleigh linewidth in the frequency domain and a time correlation function in the time domain are given by spectral measurements and by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements, respectively. Thus, dynamic structures of fluids are characterized by these measurements and analyses. Light scattering studies relating to supercritical fluids started in 1970 as research into the critical phenomena of the gasliquid critical point.9-14 Although there have not been many studies on light scattering for supercritical fluid structures, the structures of several such fluids were reported by measuring the Rayleigh scattering intensity9-12 or the Rayleigh scattering spectrum.12-14 These studies were conducted in thermodynamic states along the critical isochore very near the gas-liquid critical temperature, i.e., 1.000005 e Tr ) T/Tc e 1.001. Several researchers investigated static structures of CO2, and correlation lengths were obtained using the Ornstein-Zernike-Fisher theory.9-11 As for dynamic structures, supercritical CO2,13 xenon,13 and SF612-14 were investigated in the frequency domain. The Rayleigh linewidths of these fluids were measured, and decay rates of density fluctuation and transport coefficients were discussed using the Kawasaki theory15,16 and Landau-Placzek theory.17 Recently, dynamic structures have been investigated

10.1021/jp046555o CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/15/2004

84 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 109, No. 1, 2005

Saitow et al.

TABLE 1: Molecular Properties and Critical Constants molecule

radiusa,b (nm)

volumea,b (× 103 nm3)


Xe CHF3 C2H4

0.216 0.214 0.210

42.2 41.1 38.8

spherical sym. top plane






Tc (K) 289.73g

1.65 Dd -4 D Å (Qxx)e 2 D Å (Qyy ) Qzz)e -20 D Å (Qxx)f -15 D Å (Qyy ) Qzz)f

Pc (MPa) g

Fc (g/cm3)

299.06h 282.35i

5.84 4.836h 5.042i

1.1g 0.525h 0.214i




a Data taken from ref 23. b Each molecular radius and volume are given by the van der Waals radius and volume, respectively. Their values were measured by XRD measurements from ref 23. c Units of dipole moment (D) and quadrupole moments (D Å) in the table are debye and debye angstrom, respectively. The value of quadrupole moment is represented by a tensor element in each principal axis. d Data taken from ref 24. e Data taken from ref 25. f Data taken from ref 26. g Data taken from ref 27. h Data taken from ref 28. i Data taken from ref 29. j Data taken from ref 30.

by DLS in the time domain measurements, and the “critical slowing down” of diffusing molecules has been observed in a wider density range.18,19 From those results, a time-constant map of the “critical slowing down” was produced as a contour curve on phase diagrams,19 and the structures of the supercritical fluids observed by diffusive motion were discussed in relation to the local structures of the same fluid observed by vibrational and rotational motions.20-22 In the present study, we investigate the time evolutions of molecules at the supercritical states of several fluids by measuring DLS. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first time-domain investigation to compare the dynamics of density fluctuations among several fluids. The samples used here are non-hydrogen-bonded fluids in the supercritical state, i.e., CHF3, C2H4, CO2, and xenon. These four molecules have different properties, as listed in Table 1, but similar sizes. The present DLS experiments on these neat supercritical fluids were performed in a wide density range at temperatures relatively far from critical temperature, i.e., Tr ) 1.01-1.06. With these conditions in place, we attempted to answer the following. First, what governs the time evolution of molecules in the supercritical state? Second, how does a dynamic structure correlate with a static structure? Third, what features appear when the DLS data of different molecules are scaled? Thus, in analyzing the data of time correlation functions of density inhomogeneity, we obtained several new insights into the time evolution of nonhydrogen-bonding fluids: the main contribution to the dynamics of density inhomogeneity; the universality of theoretical relations to nonpolar, dipolar, and nondipolar fluids; and the principle of the corresponding state from the perspective of dynamics measurements. II. Experimental Section The DLS instrument used in the present study has been described elsewhere.18,19 The light source was an argon-ion laser operating at a single line of 488 nm at a power of 100 mW. The scattering light was collected by an optical fiber that was attached to a goniometer and was detected with a photomultiplier tube in a photon-counting method. The counted photons were processed via a digital multiple-τ photon correlator (ALV 5000E). The laser, optics, goniometer, and detector were aligned with each other carefully, to an accuracy of (5 µm, using a calibrated disk. A sufficient quality of data was able to be collected when the scattering angles were 20°-150°. The optical cell for light scattering in a high-pressure condition has been described elsewhere.18,19 The cell was a Pyrex cylinder with a special smooth surface. The pressure and temperature of the fluid were adjusted by an injector and by circulating water, respectively. To maintain a homogeneous temperature, a heat insulator enclosed the assemblies that were attached to the cell. Fluctuations of pressure and temperature

during measurement were carefully adjusted to within a deviation of (0.03%. In DLS experiments, a light-intensity auto-correlation function is measured by a digital photon correlator. This function, g(2)(t), is described by the use of an electric-field auto-correlation function g(1)(t) as follows:6,7

g(2)(t) ) 1 + β|g(1)(t)|2


where β is the coherence factor. By taking the square root of the quantity g(2)(t) - 1, the value of g(1)(t) is obtained. In the case of neat fluids that consist of small molecules, the time profile of the electric-field correlation function is characterized by the dynamics of density fluctuation; this fluctuation is caused by the thermal fluctuation of a dielectric medium via diffusive and/or Brownian motion of molecules.6-8 In the present study, all data are measured at the scattering vector of k ) |k| ) 4πn sin(θ/2)/λ = 1.0 × 10-2 nm-1, whose scale corresponds to a mesoscopic region in real space. As a result, the electric-field correlation function here is ascribed to the time correlation of density fluctuation, and indicates time evolution in a mesoscopic volume, where numerous molecules are inhomogeneously dispersed. We measured the time correlation functions of the density fluctuations of supercritical xenon, CHF3, C2H4, and CO2, whose critical constants are listed in Table 1. The data were collected in the density range of 0.4 e Fr e 1.6 at four isotherms: Tr ) 1.01, 1.02, 1.04, and 1.06. Below room temperature, measurements were made carefully by flowing dried nitrogen gas (N2) around the cell, to prevent condensation in the atmosphere. The chemical purity was commercially guaranteed to be >99.99%, and the fluid was filtrated with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane filter with 0.1-µm pores to increase the fluids’ optical purity. III. Results Figure 1 shows a typical example of the data obtained: the time correlation functions of the density fluctuation of supercritical xenon at Tr ) 1.01. As shown, the functions decay to the baseline within a few microseconds. The symbols and solid lines indicate the experimental data and the fitting function of the single-exponential function, respectively. That is, all time correlation functions measured in the present study were wellanalyzed by a single-exponential function, whose decay was responsible for the dynamics characterized by hydrodynamic theory.15,16 Thus, we obtain the correlation times (τ) from the time correlation functions of density fluctuation in the form of exp(-t/τ) in all thermodynamic states and all molecules. Using the measured time correlation functions, all correlation times were obtained for the four fluids, as listed in Tables 2-5. Note that these times were obtained at the scattering vectors, k

Density Fluctuation in Supercritical Region. I

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 109, No. 1, 2005 85 TABLE 2: Correlation Times of Supercritical Xenon at Four Isotherms

Figure 1. (a) Correlation functions of density fluctuation, indicating time evolution of Xe molecules inhomogeneously dispersing at the scattering angle of 42.5° and reduced temperature of Tr ) T/Tc ) 1.01. Solid symbols and lines denote experimental data and fitting curves with single-exponential functions, respectively. (b) Residuals between correlation functions and single-exponential functions.

Pa (MPa)

F (g/cm3)



kc,d (107 m-1)

5.81 6.00 6.10 6.14 6.18 6.22 6.27 6.62 6.66

0.653 0.764 0.876 0.978 1.096 1.210 1.307 1.529 1.545

Tr ) 1.01 0.594 0.695 0.796 0.889 0.997 1.10 1.19 1.39 1.40

0.645 0.859 1.94 3.51 3.42 2.27 2.02 0.492 0.717

1.028 1.044 1.060 1.075 1.092 1.108 1.122 1.155 1.157

6.10 6.30 6.42 6.51 6.54 6.59 6.71 6.87

0.693 0.817 0.936 1.062 1.107 1.178 1.318 1.418

Tr ) 1.02 0.630 0.742 0.851 0.965 1.01 1.07 1.20 1.29

0.550 0.857 1.29 1.96 1.99 1.81 1.13 0.708

1.034 1.052 1.069 1.087 1.094 1.104 1.124 1.138

6.92 7.09 7.17 7.23 7.24 7.39 7.52

0.885 0.996 1.060 1.103 1.110 1.208 1.280

Tr ) 1.04 0.805 0.905 0.964 1.00 1.01 1.10 1.16

0.684 0.853 1.04 0.837 1.00 0.870 0.743

1.062 1.078 1.087 1.093 1.094 1.108 1.118

7.41 7.66 7.85 7.90 8.09 8.12

0.866 0.977 1.063 1.086 1.169 1.185

Tr ) 1.06 0.787 0.888 0.967 0.987 1.06 1.08

0.722 0.793 0.807 0.664 0.704 0.601

1.059 1.075 1.087 1.091 1.102 1.105

a Uncertainties of pressure during a measurement were