Tin- and lead-bridged carboranes. Further studies on silicon- and

Alton Tabereaux, and Russell N. Grimes. Inorg. Chem. , 1973, 12 (4), ... William H. Ilsley , Theodore F. Schaaf , Milton D. Glick , John P. Oliver. Jo...
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792 Inorgunic Chemistry, Vol, 12, No. 4, 1973

Alton Tabereaux and Russell N. Grimes Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901

Tin- and Lead-Bridged Carboranes. Further Studies on Silicon- and Germanium-Bridged C2B4HS Derivatives' ALTON TABEREAUX and RUSSELL N. GRIMES*

Received September 21, 1972 The compounds p-(CH,),SnC,B,H, and p-(CH,),PbC,B,H, have been prepared and structurally characterized. In contrast to the analogous silicon and germanium species, the tin and lead derivatives fail to undergo thermal rearrangement to terminally substituted isomers, but react with HC1 to generate C,B,H, quantitatively. Reaction with DCl generates pDC,B,H, with no evidence of terminal B-D bonds. The reaction of p-(CH,),GeC,B,H, and ,u-(CH,),SiC,B,H, with HCl to liberate C,B,H, is considerably slower. The reaction of p(CH,),SiC,B,H, with NaH involves both bridge deprotonation and bridge-to-terminal silicon migration, giving the 4-(CH,),SiC,B,H,anion; treatment of this ion with DC1 gives pD-4-(CH,),SiC,B4H6 and with (CH,),SiCl yields I.~,~-[(CH,),S~],C,B,H,.The reaction of p-(CH,),GeC,B,H, with NaH In contrast. 1.1followed by (CH,),SiCl gives a bis(carborany1) species of apparent composition (C,B,H,),GeSi,(CH,),. (CH,),Sn- and p-(CH,),PbC,B,H, are nearly inert toward NaH at room temperature. The reaction of C,B,H,- ion with SiH,Cl, yields p,p'-SiH,(C,B,H,),, which at 100" converts to 4,4'-SiH,(C,B4H,),, but reaction of C,B,H,- with other RR'SiC1, reagents fails to give bis(carborany1)silanes. Thus, methyldichlorosilane and cyclotetramethylenedichlorosilane yield p(CH,SiH,)C,B,H, and p-[(CH,),SiCl]C,B,H,, respectively; the latter species rearranges to the 4 isomer at 220". The C,B,H,- ion is nearly inert toward (CH,),SiCl, and reacts with GeH,Cl, to give only polymer.

Introduction An earlier paper' from our laboratory described the synthesis and rearrangement of carboranes of the type pMR3C2B4H7(M = Si, Ge; R = H, CH3), which are derivatives of parent nido-CzB4H8containing ligands attached to the cage via B-M-B three-center bonds. In related work,3 Wallbridge and Savory have prepared trimethylsilyl- and trimethylgermyl-bridged analogs containing methyl groups on the cage carbon atoms, the properties of which are remarkably different in some respects from the derivatives lacking C-bonded ligands (discussed below). We wish to report here the extension of our earlier work to the heavier group IV elements, as well as the synthesis of new silicon- and germaniumbridged species and some new chemistry of compounds of this type. Results and Discussion Preparation of p-(CH3)&C2 B4H7 and p-(CH3)3PbC2B4H7. The reaction of sodium dicarbahexaborate( 1-) with trirnethylbromostannane or trimethylchloroplumbane in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution forms the respective p-trimethylmetaldicarbahexaborane(8) derivative in 65-70% yield. The carNa'C,B,H,-

+ (CH,),MX

23', T H F

7 p-(CH,),MC,B,H,

t NaX

M = Sn, X = Br; I11 = Pb, X = C1

borane products are colorless liquids of low volatility (