Titanium and its compounds - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Titanium and its compounds. Laurence S. Foster. J. Chem. Educ. , 1954, 31 (11), p 615. DOI: 10.1021/ed031p615.3. Publication Date: November 1954...
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Extensive tables and eha& for industrial solvents give properties of value to the industrial user and research worker. If your garden doesn't grow, read the section on soil chemistry. If your dissimilar metals won't join together, read about solders and brazing alloys. Need a mirror? Read about silvering (and other types of mirror surfaces). Bobhered hy smog? Read about smokes and fumes, and the control measures. Does dandruff make you unpopular? The interesting and autharitative section on shampoos and other hair preparations will tell you what is best for you. The hillhoards say that safety is everybody's business. This volume actually starts with a 36-page discussion of safety, organization, reports, hazards, and finally sources of information on safety. Volume XI1 is an excellent one that brings us almost one letter closer ta the approaching end of the alphabet. K E N N E T H A. KOBE Uvrvnnmn

T E X ~ 4osnN. TExA~ OF



such informal approach thst it emnot help hut apprsl to the general reader whether he he young or old, interested in science or not. As the chapter headings indicate, the hook contaiins more than biographical sketches. One learns how scientists work, their attitude towmd their work, how the mnstcrs taught, and the close association of master and student. Famday's "Chemistry of a Candle," pp. 64-8, is an example of many valui~hlesource materials. The interesting account of the "Quest of Couper" is a fine illustration of the "brotherhood of science" in trying to do justice to a lost genius many years after his death. I n the ninth chapter an understanding and appreciative account of the young American chemists is included. James Woodhouse, the founder, in 1792, of the Chemical Society of Philadelphia (long ransidered the oldest chemical society in the world), and Rohert Hare, who invented an electric furnace, are not so well known ns Charles Hall and Irving Langmuir. There is a personal and intimate touch in the account of the contribution of the latter, for Dr. Kendsll claims him as his friend of forty years. His Iast-told hero in science is the young prince Albert Edward (afterward King Edward VII) who offers inspiration from high places. The 32 plates enhance the value of the hook. Most of them are portraitsaf the heroesin t,heiryouth. SISTER M. C O N S I L l Fl.LNN.4X S*INTJOBEPH COLLEGE W&BTHARTPORD. CONNECTICOT

John K. Vennard, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Stanford University. Third edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. di 401 pp. 214 figs. 14 X 22 em. 55.59.


THIStext is an introduction to fluid mechanics intended for TITANIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS


mathematical and physical bomplexity. The author's intention to make the book self-exolanatorv to tho student. thus freeine the insrrurror lor more : ~ l w n r v d~uljwtti,H I ~ I P 1R 0~I , P Y u c ~ ~ P ~ u I . The t a r wmrnt~nvriwith intnductory mttvrisl urr tltc physical characteristics of fluids and hydrostatics; then continues with four chapters on frictionless fluid flow, both incompressible and compre~aible. As compared with the previous edition, the present one has a simplified discussion of streamlines and the energy equation obtained by confining the analysis to one-dimensional flow. The remaining chapters describe the flow of a r e d fluid throueh nioes and channels and around imnlersed abieots.

Gordon Skinner, Herrick L. Johnston, and Chorles Beckett. Herrick L. Johnston Enterprises, Columbus, Ohio, 1954. iii 174 pp. 27.5 X 18 cm. Cloth, 55. Paper, $3.50.


THIShook began ss a literitture s u ~ v e ya t the Ohio Cryogenic hhoratory and became s very useful collection of dat* thst will he of help to chemists and metallurgists who are mterested in titanium. Its major contribution is the oolleetion in one place of tables of thermal functions of rt selecled group of titanium compounds, namely, the hydrides, oxides, halides, nitrides, carbides, and alkaline earth titanates and information concerning their production and reactions. There is a selected hihliography of 553 references t o the relevant literature up through 1951. LAURENCE 3. FOSTER


airfoils in compres.ssihlefluids.





James Kendoll, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Thomas 231 pp. 34 plates. Nelson & Sons Ltd., London, 1953. xii 14 X 20.5 cm. 12/6 net.


THIShook has a thesis t o prove, namely, that there are "very few significant discoveries in chemistry not due to juveniles." The resdor easily confirms this statement. And if he has any doubt, a3 the author states, "let him attempt t o outline the contents of a volume entitled 'Old Chemists and Great Discoveries,' taking a very liberal point of view with regard t o the first adjective. If 'old' means over seventy, or even over sixty, the hook would he practically all cover; if over fifty-five, it would still he very slim. Reduction of old age to fifty would help somewhat, hut the avsilahlhle material would still be rather scrappy and second-rate. Not only have young men and women made most discoveries in chemistry, hut those discoveries have been the greatest!' The- volume has been written so clearly and simply and with

I. N. Dovidson, Gardiner Professor of Physidogical Chemistry, University of Glasgow. Second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. viii 200 pp. 22 figs. 4 plates. 11 X 17 cm. $2.25.



THIS edition contains much of the material presented in the original work published in 1950. Some material formerly p r e sented and now ohsolete has been omitted and much new information has been added. This is included in the chapters on t,he hydrolysis products of the nueleir acids, the st.rueture of the polynuoleotides, the cell nucleus, and the hiospthesis of the nucleio acids. This book makes no claims to being a. monograph on the suhject. The author points out that it is intended as a n elementary outline; however, despite a keen eye on economy of paper and print he has given a highly readable account of this rapidly expanding field. The excellent bibliography included a t the end of each chapter makes the work veluahle to both the general reader and the researcher in biochemistry. LIONEL JOSEPH S*N DI&(~o ST*TEC O L ~ E C E

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