Titanium Dioxide Short Again - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - The industry has not neglected to add new capacity for their manufacture, particularly since 1953, when consumption of titanium pigments...
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Titanium Dioxide Short Again Consumer d e m a n d o v e r t a k i n g p i g m e n t s u p p l y as industry continues t o e x p a n d c a p a c i t y — costs rise JL ITANIUM




been t h e subject of long-sustained a n d recurring supply shortages in t h e past. T h e industry has not neglected to a d d new capacity for their manufacture, particularly since 1953, when consumption of titanium pigments a m o u n t e d to about 300,000 tons in terms of titanium dioxide. This is more t h a n a threefold increase since 1940. Large tonnage u s e gains h a v e been scored b y paints a n d lacquers, even ii tue percentage share for these products i n the consuming pattern has gone d o w n in recent years. In 1950, paint, varnish, and lacquer accounted for 7 4 . 5 % of all titanium dioxide pigments consumed i n the United States. By 1954 the figure h a d d r o p p e d to 6 4 . 3 % b e c a u s e of rising consumption by the paper, floor covering, ceramics, coated fabrics, textiles, n i n h o r


