Titration of Ammonia in Presence of Boric Acid - Analytical Chemistry

P Li , M Guo , M Zhang , L D Teng , S Seetharaman ... R.H. Perrett , J.H. Purnell. Journal of ... James A. Devlin , Wallace M. McNabb , Fred Hazel. Jo...
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DECEJIBER 15, 1940


steps, the first to remove copper (the only interfering element found present in urine) and the second to separate the mercury as a pure complex of di-P-naphthylthiocarbazone for final photometric estimation. The method is very sensitive. An accuracy of *0.2 microgram has been obtained for 5 micrograms or leqs of mercury. Amounts exceeding 50 micrograms can be determined with an error not greater than + 2 per cent.

Acknow-ledgment The writer wishes to acknowledge the helpful suggestionq given by E. IT. Scott in synthesizing di-p-naphthylthiocarbazone; also the aid giyen by J. Cholak in designing the photoelectric spectrophotometer used.


Literature Cited (1) Bambach, K., ISD. ESG. CHEM.,Anal. Ed., 11, 300-3 ( 1 9 3 9 ) . (2) Booth, H. S.,Schreiber, S . E., and Zwick. K. G., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,48, 1815-21 ( 1 9 2 6 ) . (3) Fischer, Emil, Ann., 190, 114 (1878); 212, 316 (1852). ( 3 ) Fischer, H., Angeu. Chem., 50, 919--38 (1937). (5) Gettler, -4.O., and Lehman, R . d.,Am. J . CZin. Path. Tech. Suppl., 8,161-4 (1938). (6) Hubbard, D. M., IRD.ESG. CHmf., Anal. Ed., 9, 493-5 (1937). ( 7 ) Zbid., 11, 343-5 ( 1 9 3 9 ) . (8) Kehoe, R. A , , Cholak, J., and Story, R. V., J . X i h i t i o n , 19, (9)

579-92 (1940) ; 20, 85-95 (1910). (1691).

Preund, SI., Ber., 24, 4178

(10) Suprunovich. I. B., J . Gen. Chem. (V. S.S . R.), 8, 839-43 (1938). (11) Winkler, W. O., J . Assoc. Oficial S g r . Chem., 21, 220-8 (1938). PRESENTED before t h e Division of Microchemistry a t t h e 99th Meeting of the iimerican Chemical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Titration of Ammonia in Presence of Boric Acid In the Macro-, Semimicro-, and Micro-Kjeldahl Procedures, Using Methyl Red Indicator and the Color-Matching End Point E. C. WAGNER Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penna.


HIS paper supplements a preyious communication

in which there were shown the accuracy of the colormatching end point with methyl red indicator in the titration of ammonia in boric acid solution, and its applicability to the macro- and micro-Kjeldahl procedures. The same titration procedure was later incorporated into the semimicro-Kjeldahl method; the conditions for this titration, not pre\-iously published, are given below, with some analytical results. It appears, from inquiries received and from observations of student experiences, that the earlier description of the titration may have been insufficiently explicit, leaving the operator not fully prepared for the color phenomena observed as the end point is approached and reached. The comments and additional directions given below are intended to clarify this matter. The essential experimental conditions for the macro-, semimicro-, and microprocedures are tabulated, so as to have in one place the information needed for execution of the decomposition, diqtillation, and titration on any of these three scales.

Boric Acid Solution

B 4 per cent solution of boric acid serres for the macro-. semimicro-, and microprocedures. As a matter of convenience, and to ensure the presence of the same quantity of methyl red in both color standard and analysis liquid, the methyl red should be added to the whole supply of boric acid solution, prepared as follows: Dissolve 40 grams of boric acid in each liter of n-ater, boiling the solution for some time to expel carbon dioxide. Transfer the solution to a bottle or flask of Pyrex glass (4) and alloir to cool. To determine the proper amount of indicator, add for each liter of solution 2 cc. of a 0.05 per cent solution of methyl red in dilute alcohol (prepared by dissolving the methyl red in 95 per cent alcohol and then diluting with about two thirds as much water). Measure with a graduated cylinder the volume of the boric acid solution required for analysis (Table 11, B 2), transfer to an Erlenmeyer flask (Table 11, B I), dilute with water as indicated in

Table I1 (the sum of the quantities given in B 3 and B 4; ordinary laboratory distilled water may be used here), and observe the color, which should be clear red. To judge whether or not the color is of an intensity favorable for the color-matching titration, introduce 0.5 drop of standard alkali, whose normality is approximately that of the acid to be used (Table 11, C 2), and then one drop of the standard acid (or vice versa), and observe whether or not the color changes are readily detectable, making the observations by light from the source to be used in the analyses. Then, as needed, add to the stock solution either more methyl red or more 4 per cent boric acid solution, and repeat the test. The amount of indicator t o be used is t o some extent a matter of individual preference, but a color n-hich is too strong or too faint is hard to match. Store the solution so as to avoid undue access of air. It usually keeps well (4),and in presence of the indicator any deterioration ( 6 ) is revealed by a change of color to red-orange or orangei. e., a color other than clear red. In this case add to the entire supply enough 0.1 N acid (by drops) to restore a normal color

Color-Matching Titration The titration of ammonia in boric acid qolution, with the aid of methyl red indicator, is based on the facts that in presence of boric acid the indicator develops its acid color in an intermediate intensity, corresponding to the acidity of the boric acid solution, and that this color is markedly changed in intensity by minimal amounts of either alkali or mineral acid. During the titration of ammonia the initially yellow or orange solution develops a reddish cast as the equivalmce point is approached, and upon continued addition of acid the red tone becomes progressively clearer and deeper, finally reaching a maximum well beyond the equivalence point. There is a t no time a sharp color change, but a t the equivalence point the intensity of the red color is identical Jvith that of the boric acid-methyl red solution similarly diluted. This point of equal intensities can be recognized by having a t hand as a guide for the eye a properly prepared color standard which contains in the same volume of liquid the same amounts of boric acid and methyl red.. Most persons can readily detect





: K i t h absorption and titration of ammonia in boric acid solutlon) Sitrogen Nitrogen Substance Calculated Found

% Taurine



9.23 9.31

hIethylene-N, i\-’-bis-(p-phenetidine)


9.73 9 72


X- [ (2-benzalamino-5-chloro) -benzyl]-p-chloroaniline



7 17


Macro A.




(With absorption and titration of ammonia in boric acid solution)


Trimeric methylene-p-phenetidine

10.34 IO. 30 10.26

7 84 B.

Analyses represented were performed by F. W. Landau

the differences in color intensity corresponding to 0.01 to 0.02 cc. of standard acid. T o increase the accuracy of observation the Erlenmeyer flasks used should be identical in capacity and shape, and should be as nearly as possible alike in wall thickness and in the character of the shadows or optical aberrations observable within their liquid contents. I n the macro- and semimicroprocedures the boric acidmethyl red solution may be measured with a graduated cylinder; a pipet should be used in the microprocedure. T o minimize final error due to carbon dioxide the water added in preparing the color standard should be (a) carbon dioxide-free water approximately equal in volume to the water transferred during the Kjeldahl distillation, and ( b ) ordinary distilled water in approximately the amount of the titration. Since a n approximate equalization of volumes is frequently necessary near the end point, i t is advisable to prepare the color standard so that its volume is slightly greater than the anticipated final volume of the titration liquid. The equalization of volumes then involves only the addition of water to the titration liquid, and the color standard need not be altered, The properly diluted color standard (Table 11, B), if kept in a tightly stoppered flask, can be used for a week or more or until a noticeable alteration of the original color occurs. At the end of the Kjeldahl distillation place the flasks containing the ammoniacal distillate and the color standard side by side on the white surface of the buret stand. The two liquids must be equally lighted, and the titration should be made in a place where no near-by objects cause unequal shadows within the flasks. Daylight or light from a titration illuminator is to be referred, but titrations have been made by ordinary electric eght with not more than slight decrease in accuracy. Titrate the ammonia with standard acid until a pink tint appears and deepens to an intensity still plainly weaker than that of the control. Now approximately equalize the volumes of the two liquids (equalization of liquid levels will suffice) by addition of water to the partially titrated distillate, using water free from carbon dioxide if much is required. Continue the titration cautiously thereafter, by small increments and finally by drops and fractions of drops, until the red color matches in intensity that of the color standard. The intensities can be matched readily by looking obliquely downward through the liquids a t the white surface beneath. It is best to view the two liquids simultaneously and to make an immediate decision as to the equality or inequality of the two intensities. When the colors appear to be identical record the buret reading, and then test the end point by addition of 0.01 to 0.02 cc. of standard acid, which should markedly and unmistakably increase the color intensity as compared with that of the control. It is an advantage of this procedure that the end point can be confirmed within 0.01 t o 0.02 cc. by the overtitration described.

Digestion and distillation of ammonia 1. Kjeldahl flasks, capacity, cc. 2. Sitrogen, normal limits, mg. 3. HnSOa coned., most compounds, cc. 4. K I S O ~ .arams for 0 8 a s much Ka&Od 5 . Catalyst0 7. 6. Normal time of digestion after clearing, min.d Water added, CC. 8. Volume distilled, cc. Color standard 1. Erlenmeyer flasks, capacity, cc. 2. Boric acid-methvl red solution, cc. 3. COz-free water cc. 4. Ordinary dibtilled water, cc. Titration of ammonia 1. Buret, capacity and graduations, cc. 2. Normality of acid 3. Limits of titration. cc. 4. Volume a t end point, cc.

7 80 7 11 7 07

VOL. 12, NO. 12









0 -1to1.4







Se 0 . 2 g. Se 0.05 g.b Se 0.02g.e HgO 0 . 5 g. HgO 0 . 1 g. HgO 0.03 g. 25 35-50


150-200 150





100 or 150

50 or 100

50 I50

2d 25






25/0.1 0.02 5 t o 25

10/0 05

55 t o 75

18 t o 25

0,l-0.2 10 to 50 210 t o 250


0.01 3 to 10

For most analyses selenium alone is effective. For substances difficult t o decompose both selenium and mercury may be used t o advantage (2 7 9). Ra id digestibns are claimed by use of mercury with dipotassium p h d p d a t e anfferricsulfate ( 1 1 ) . T o precipitate mercury there should be added, a t t h e time the liquid is made alkaline, for each 0.1 gram of mercuric oxide not less t h a n 0.12 gram of crystalline sodium sulfide, 0.8 gram of fused chips, or 2.2 grams of sodium thiosulfate (S). b It is convenient t o use a selenized boiling granule, as supplied by t h e Hengar Company, 1833 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. C T h e potassium sulfate-copper sulfate mixture recommended by Pregl (8, 1 0 ) may be used, the decomposition being hastened by addition of perhydrol. Instead, there may be used about 0.4 gram of a mixture made by grinding together 25 grams of potassium sulfate and 1 gram of selenium; if desired 2 grams of mercuric oxide may be included. d T h e proper duration of the “afterboil” is disputed. I n general it is probably unsafe t o heat only t o clearing of the acid mixture, as has several timea been recommended. For certain more refractory nitrogen compoundse. g., derivatives of quinoline carbazole, quinazoline, quinoxaline, and substances such a s sultams, caskin, etc.-the afterboil suggested in t h e table must be considerably extended. e Includes water used t o wash t h e diluted acid into distilling vessel. I I t is probably better practice t o collect a definite volume of distillate than t o distill for a definite time (1, 6). a

Semimicroprocedure The semimicro-Kjeldahl method as used in this laboratory is conducted in all important respects like the macroprocedure, with suitable decreases in size of apparatus, quantities of reagents, etc. The results obtained during a number of years appear to be quite as satisfactory as those obtainable by the macroprocedure. Details of the semimicroprocedure may be omitted, but essential quantities, etc., are given in Table 11, and some test results are listed in Table I.

Literature Cited (1) Andersen and Jensen, 2. anal. C h a . , 83, 114 (1931). (2) Beet, Fuel, 11, 196 (1932). (3) Davis and Wise, Cereal Chem., 8, 349 (1931). (4) Eisner and Wagner, IND.ENO.CaEhr., Anal. Ed., 6,473 (1934). (5) Hartley, Ibid., 6, 249 (1934). (6) Meeker and Wagner, Ibid., 5, 396 (1933). (7) Milbauer, 2.anal. C h a . , 111, 397 (1938). (8) Niederl and Niederl, “Micromethods of Quantitative Organic Elementary iinalysis”, p. 55, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1938. (9) Osborn and Krasnitz, J. Assoc. Oficiul Agr. Chem., 16, 107 (1933). (10) Pregl, tr. by Fyleman, “Quantitative Organic MicroanaIysis”. 2nd ed., p. 110, Philadelphia, P. Blakiston’s Sons and Co., 1930. (11) Stubblefield and DeTurk, IND.ENG.CIIEM..Anal. Ed., 12, 396 (1940).