Titration of Functional Groups with Lithium Aluminum Hydride

Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Scientific ed.) 1953 42 (9), 509-521. Zur Kenntnis der Fettaldehyde II: Darstellung aus Amiden mit...
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V O L U M E 22, NO. 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 0 a

955 The melt solidifies spontaneously and rapidly ~ i t hlarge gas bubbles showing a terracelike structure. Many of the larger areas of uniform orientation show an off-center arute birer interference figure with 2E = 113", 2 H = 67" I ' characteristic of R D X (11). Usually, honevv~, 1 pears showing centered acute bisectrix or off-cwitoi 'll)ric i figures with 2E = 92', 2V = 53", r > ii ( - j.





RDX (11)

Figure 2. Orthoof graphic Typical Projection Crystal

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