To Appear in CHEMICAL REVIEWS, Vol. 99, No. 7

Moorefield, University of South Florida. Angle-Dependent Optical Effects Deriving from Submicron Structures of Films and PigmentssGerhard Pfaff and...
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6A Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 6

To Appear in CHEMICAL REVIEWS, Vol. 99, No. 7 Nanotubes from CarbonsP. M. Ajayan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Polyphenylene NanostructuressAlexander J. Berresheim, Markus Mu¨ller, and Klaus Mu¨llen, Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Polymerforschung. About Dendrimers: Structure, Physical Properties, and ApplicationssA. W. Bosman, H. M. Janssen, and E. W. Meijer, Eindhoven University of Technology. Scanning Probe Studies of Single NanostructuressG. S. McCarty and P. S. Weiss, The Pennsylvania State University. Suprasupermolecules with Novel Properties: MetallodendrimerssGeorge R. Newkome, Enfei He, and Charles N. Moorefield, University of South Florida. Angle-Dependent Optical Effects Deriving from Submicron Structures of Films and PigmentssGerhard Pfaff and Peter Reynders, Merck KGaA. Interlocked MacromoleculessFranc¸ isco M. Raymo and J. Fraser Stoddart, University of California, Los Angeles. Molecular Rods. 1. Simple Axial RodssPeter F. H. Schwab, Michael D. Levin, and Josef Michl, University of Colorado, Boulder, and University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Nano-Optics in the Biological World: Beetles, Butterflies, Birds, and MothssMohan Srinivasarao, North Carolina State University. Programmed Materials Synthesis with DNAsJames J. Storhoff and Chad A. Mirkin, Northwestern University. Lithographic Imaging Techniques for the Formation of Nanoscopic FeaturessG. M. Wallraff and W. D. Hinsberg, IBM Almaden Research Center. Unconventional Methods for Fabricating and Patterning NanostructuressYounan Xia, John A. Rogers, Kateri E. Paul, and George M. Whitesides, University of Washington, Lucent Technologies, and Harvard University.