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April 20, 1930



T o Buy or Sell All Miscellaneous and For Sale advertisements are charged at the rate of five cents a word w i t h a minimum charge of two dollars for each insertion, the address counting as ten words. CHEMICAL RESEARCH PERIODICALS. Complete sets, volumes o eingle back copies of CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL MAGAZINES FO* SALE. Please send us list of Desiderata. WE BUY SCIENTIFIC MAGA ZINES. Address "B. Login & Son Inc.," 2Q East 21st St.. NTew York. Tungsten and Molybdenum wire, rods, ribbon, sheet:·, tubing for radio tubes, incandescent lamps, high temperature furnaces, resistances, contact points, etc. Fine wire drawing from 0.0005 up. High radium labora­ tories, neon tubes for experimental purposes, ΚΓΗ photo-electric cells, high frequency apparatus, spark gaps, special transformers, mnnealing furnaces, etc. ARGCO LABORATORIES, Inc.. 150 West 22nd Street, New York, Ν. Υ .

The Standard Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Ledger Bldg., Phila­ delphia, Pa., has completed plans and taken out a building permit for the erection of a new compounding plant and acces­ sory operating units, including structures for storage and dis­ tributing service at Pennypaker Ave. and Schuylkill River, estimated to cost about $125,000, including equipment. It i s proposed to proceed with superstructure at once. The National Oil Products Co., Essex St., Harrison, N. J . , has asked bids on general contract for a new addition t o its plant, to be given over in part to compounding a n d manufacturing service, with the remainder of the structure for storage and dis­ tributing service. I t will be four-story and basement, 6 0 X 84 ft., reported to cost over $70,000, including equipment. Bishop & Scudder, 9 Clinton St., Newark, N . J., are architects and engi­ neers. The Peerless Oil Co., 1127 South Broad St., ISTewark, N. J., has concluded arrangements for the purchase of p a r t of the former plant of the American Agricultural Chemical Co. on leister Ave., Newark, with frontage on the Passaic River, approxi­ mately 70,000 sq. ft. of floor space, and plans early construction of a new oil storage and distributing plant to occupy the greater part of the site, consisting of several buildings, with tanks and other equipment, reported to cost over $85,000. The company i s affiliated with the Richfield Oil Corp., 122 E a s t Forty-second St., New York, Ν . Υ . Pulp and Paper The Crystal Tissue Co., Middletown, Ohio, manufacturer of tissue, crepe, and kindred paper products, has engaged Schenck & Williams, Third National Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio, archi­ tects, to prepare plans for a new addition to i t s mill. Size and details of the unit will be arranged at an early d a t e . I t is reported to cost close to $100,000, including machinery, and will provide for considerable increase in present output. X. W - Ranck i s president and general manager. Tlie Hinde & Dauch Paper Co., Sandusky, Ohdo, manufacturer of corrugated paper products, has arranged for tie purchase of a tract of about five acres of land at Baltimore, Md., as site for a new branch mill, to be given over largely t o the production of corrugated paperboard boxes, shipping containers, etc. Plans for the factory will be placed under way at an early date, and i t is said that superstructure will be started within 30 t o 60 days. The project is reported to cost over $85,000, including equip­ ment. Sidney Frohman is president and general majiager. The Dells Paper & Pulp Co., Eau Claire, W i s . , manufacturer of manila wrapping papers and other manila paper stocks, has filed plans for a new addition to its mill, and will proceed with, erection at once. The structure will b e one-story, χ-eported t o cost about $60,000, including equipment, and will b e used pri­ marily for expansion in the washing division. Contract for building only has been awarded to the Hoeppner-Bartlett Co., 414 East Grand Ave., Eau Claire. The Michigan Paper Corp., Plainwell, Mich., is having plans prepared for extensions and improvements i n power plant a t mill, with installation of additional equipment for increased capacity. The work is reported t o cost in excess o f $225,000. C. F . Hirschfield, 2000 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich., i s consulting engineer. George W. Gilkey is president and general manager. C o t t o n Oil The Sunflower Cotton Oil Co., Indianola, Miss., h a s plans m a ­ turing for rebuilding of portion of local mill recently destroyed by fire with loss reported at more than $100,000. Ne-w work will consist of several one-story units, estimated to c o s t close t o amount of fire loss, including equipment. Harry Tirce is general manager.



The Southern Cotton Oil Co., 1351 Williams Ave., Memphis, Tenn., has filed plans for additions t o local mill, consisting of an extension to crude refinery, bleaching unit, and chemical labora­ tory, as well a s improvements in office structure. Hntire program is reported to cost over $80,000, including equipment. Work will be placed under w a y at once. M iscellaneous The Iowa Soap Co., 816 Valley St., Burlington, Iowa, is com­ pleting plans and will soon take bids o n general contract for a new addition to plant, t o be three-story, brick, reported to cost over $75,000, with equipment. A one-story service and garage build­ i n g will also be built. The Federal Engineering Co., Central Office Bldg., Davenport, Iowa, i s architect and engineer. The Universal Portland Cement Co., 2 0 8 South LaSalle St., Chicago, 111., has plans for a n e w branch storage and distribut­ i n g plant in t h e vicinity of Sixth and Canal Sts., Milwaukee, Wis., consisting of a battery of six t o ten storage tanks, conveying and elevating equipment, loading apparatus, etc., with main unit equipped for loading into bags and sacks under automatic han­ dling. Entire project is estimated to cost over $400,000 including equipment. The Castle Rubber Co., Etna St., Butler, Pa., manufacturer of mechanical rubber products, h a s approved plans for a new addi­ tion to its mill, for -which superstructure will be placed under way a t once. It will be one-story, 7 5 X 3 2 5 ft., with one-story power house adjoining, 35 X 40 ft. N e w plant is estimated to cost over $125,000, including equipment. Ν. Ε. Brown is secretary and treasurer, in charge. The Cork Insulation Co., 154 Nassau St., New York,. manufac­ turer o f insulating products, h a s taken out a building permit for t h e initial unit of proposed n e w plant in the Marine Terminal district, Wilmington, Del., where tract of land w a s recently se­ cured. Work will consist of a group of about 11 large and small buildings, estimated to cost more than $125,000. Contract for structural steel framing has been let. I t is understood that ad­ ditional buildings are projected at a later date. Kenneth D . MLcGrew is general manager. The Procter & Gamble Co., Gwynne Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, manufacturer of soaps, perfumery, acid products, etc., will pro­ ceed with t h e erection of two additions t o plant a t Port Ivory, Staten Island, Ν. Υ . , consisting of a one-story structure for blend­ i n g and production of perfumery, and two-story unit for storage a n d distributing service. The expansion is reported to cost over $85,000, with equipment. Contract for building only has been awarded to the Barney Ahlers Construction Corp., 110 West Fortieth St., New York. The American Beet Sugar Co., Steel Bldg., Denver, Colo., is projecting plans for a new beet-sugar mill in the vicinity of Winnipeg, Man., and has been in negotiation with the Industrial Development Board of Manitoba, Winnipeg, for a suitable site. T h e proposed mill will consist of a number of units, with power house, machine shop, a n d auxiliary structures, and is reported t o cost in excess of $1,000,000, induding machinery. The Adolf Frese Corp., 116 West Seventeenth St., Los Angeles, Calif., western branch of Hiergesell Bros., of Philadelphia, are making arrangements t o install thermometer and hydrometer testing equipment on a moderate scale. Ine Bakélite Corp. is erecting an additional three-story buildi n g of steel, concrete, a n d brick at Bloomfield, NT. J., t o house research and development in Bakélite air-drying varnishes, laminated structural materials, a n d Halowax. T h e building will have a floor area of 22,500 square feet, which will add one-third t o the present facilities. Since its formation the Bakélite Corp. h a s utilized for research and development its manufacturing plant a t Bloomfield, which was formerly t h e manufacturing unit of the Condensite Company of America. The Hall China Co., Hast Liverpool, Ohio, manufacturer of fireproof cooking chinaware products, will proceed with excavations for a new pottery o n a tract of about 2 1 acres ol land a t Harvey A v e . a n d Elizabeth St., East End section, re< ently acquired. Plans for t h e initial buildings are nearing Completion, a n d t h e general building contract will be let at an early date. The new plant will provide for a large increase in the prese n t pottery, which will b e removed t o the new location and new equipment installed. I t is estimated t o cost over $700,000, including machinery. M . W. Thompson is secretary and general manager. The Wabash Sanitary Co., Louisville, K y . f a subsidiary of the Louisville Bnamel Products Co., Louisville, through a recent amalgamation is completing plans for a new plant a t Thirteenth St. a n d Magnolia Ave., for t h e manufacture of porcelain table tops and other steel-porcelain specialties for domestic service. It will b e two-story, reported t o cost in excess of S45,0OO, including equipment. Work o n the superstructure will soon begin, D . X. Murphy & Bros., Louisville Trust Bldg., Louisville, are architects.