State U. 3:50 Adsorbate Geometry as De- termined by Angle-Resolved Secon- ... Pennsylvania State U ... Inc under license from the Dow Chemcai Company...
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Program P o l y m e r S t r u c t u r e and Copoly­ mers—J. A. Gardella, Jr., D. M. Her­ cules, U of Pittsburgh 3:30 Angle-Resolved Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry—R. A. Gibbs, S. P. Holland, N. Winograd, Pennsylvania State U 3:50 Adsorbate Geometry as D e ­ termined by Angle-Resolved Secon­ dary Ion Mass Spectrometry—S. P . Holland, R. A. Gibbs, N. Winograd, Pennsylvania State U 4:10 A Quadrupole Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer and Computer System for Analysis of Semiconduc­ tor and Metallurgical Samples—B. F. Phillips, R. L. Gerlach, Perkin-Klmer

4:30 Effect of Magnetic B e a m Fil­ tering upon a High Energy D u o plasmatron Ion Source—C. E. Badgett, Instruments SA, Inc., A. Diebold, P . Jourdain 4:50 Application of a Quadrupole Microprobe to SIMS Imaging and Profiling of Compound Semicon­ ductors—C. E. Badgett, Instruments SA, Inc., A. Diebold, P. Jourdain Drug and Toxicological Analysis

Wednesday Afternoon, Room Β A. Diorio, Presiding 2:00 Rapid Quantitative Determi-

nation of Clonazepam in Blood by an Automated G C / M S Method—G. I. Ouchi, Finnigan Corp., M. L. Lynch, G. H. Sheys 2:20 Quantitation of t h e Compo­ nents of the Antibiotic Virginiamycin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography—J. P . Meier, J. E. Zarembo, J. W. Horodniak, Smith Kline Corp. 2:40 A Method for Routine Quality Evaluation of Benzodiazepine Drugs to U S P / N F Specifications—E. G. Lovering, J. R. Watson, R. C. Lawrence, Drug Research Laboratories 3:00 Rapid Determination of N i ­ trate in Blood and Urine—R. D. Cox, C. W. Frank, U of Iowa 3:30 Mutagenic Activity of the Diesel Exhaust Particulate Extracts and an Approach to Characteriza­ tion of t h e Active Fractions—D. R. Choudhury, C. O. Doudney, New York State Department of Health 3:50 Application of High pH Mobile Phases for Determining Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs—G. J. Schmidt, Perkin-Elmer, S. Lam, W. Slavin 4:10 A n a l y s i s of T o x i c o l o g i c a l Specimens for Heavy Metals—Η. Μ. Stahr, J. Kinker, W. Hyde, G. Rottinghaus, Iowa State U 4:30 Determination of n - H e x a n e , Methy Ethyl Ketone, and Their M e ­ tabolites in Sciatic Nerves of Rats by Gas Chromatography-Mass S p e c ­ trometry—E. L. White, J. S. Bus, Chemical Industry Institute of Toxi­ cology (CUT) 4:50 Determination of Aflatoxin Mi and Aflatoxicol by Liquid Chroma­ tography w i t h Fluorescence D e t e c ­ tors—C. W. Thorpe, G. M. Ware, Food and Drug Administration

Pyrolysis and Polymers

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Wednesday Afternoon, Room 20 J. H. Smith, Presiding 2:00 Evaluation of Coal Tar Pitches by Pyrolysis GC and Pattern R e c ­ ognition—M. S. Klee, A. M. Harper, L. B. Rogers, U of Georgia 2:20 T h e Formation of Volatile Pyrolyzates from Poly(vinyl chlo­ ride)—R. P . Lattimer, W. J. Kroenke, T h e B F Goodrich Research and Devel­ opment Center 2:40 Polymer Molecular Weight Measurement with a Conical Mirror L a s e r Light S c a t t e r i n g I n s t r u ­ ment—R. P. Chartoff, S. Jantrania, D. R. Wiff, J. Graham, U of Dayton


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