To make sure you're never - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Jun 6, 2012 - To make sure you're never. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (5), pp 418A–418A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00132a756. Publication Date: March 1987. Copyright...
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Gas monitor. Bulletin describes the Sniffer 500 series of portable area gas monitors that are designed to alert per­ sonnel to the hazards of oxygen defi­ ciency and the presence of dangerous concentrations of combustible gases, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sul­ fide. Features include continuous oper­ ation, internal and remote alarms, and a rechargeable battery pack. 4 pp. Bacharach 420

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Analytical CHEMISTRY 418 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 5, MARCH 1, 1987

Newsletter. Vol. 3, No. 3 of Ephortecniques, a quarterly newsletter on elec­ trophoresis technology, features an ar­ ticle on scanning densitometry, an­ swers to readers' questions, and a description of how to choose an appro­ priate slit aperture for scanning. 6 pp. Haake Buchler 421 Syringe pump. Product bulletin con­ tains a complete product description of the Microfeed pump, a dual syringe system for chemical engineering appli­ cations. Included are system capabili­ ties, specifications, and ordering infor­ mation. 4 pp. Brownlee Labs 423

Catalogs GC. Megabore column catalog includes a description of megabore technology, information on column installation, a column selection guide, and numerous applications chromatograms, as well as product descriptions and ordering in­ formation. 52 pp. J & W Scientific 425 Air sampling. 1987 catalog features products for air sampling, worker mon­ itoring, chemical hazard detection, and industrial hygiene, including sorbent tubes and accessories, sample bags, cal­ ibrators, filters, impingers, impactors, gas-monitoring badges, and constant flow pumps. A guide to NIOSH, OSHA, and EPA air sampling standards is also included. 78 pp. SKC 426 LC. Catalog includes a filter degasser, helium manifolds and spargers, plasticcoated solvent reservoirs, column jack­ ets for temperature control, an integra­ tor and recorder validator, and autoinjector accessories. 8 pp. Aura Indus­ tries 427 Liquid handling. Disposable products for pipetting, dispensing, measuring, and storing liquids, including pipet tips, test tubes, transfer pipets, cu­ vettes, microtitration plates, and vials, are featured. Dimensions, chemical data, and applications information for each product are included. 28 pp. BioRad 428