to the baccalaureate class of june 1966 - ACS Publications - American

TO THE BACCALAUREATE CLASS OF JUNE 1966. The I&EC Division page of ... two Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee. Send your suggestions to ...
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CHAIRMAN R. B. BECKMANN Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Maryland College Park, Md.

CHAIRMAWELECT R. L. HERSHEY D u Pont Co. Du Pont Bldg. Wilmington, Del. SECRETARY FRANCESCO D E MARIA Amer. Machine & Foundry 689 Hope St. Stamford, Conn.


R. N . MADDOX D e t. Chemical Eng. Okyahoma State Univ. Stillwater, Okla.

PROGRAM SECRETARY P. T . SHANNON Thayer School of Eng. Dartmouth College Hanover, N. H. COUNCILORS JOSEPH STEWART Esso RPsearch & Eng. P. 0. Box 51 Linden, N . J. NORBERT PLATZER Plastics Div. The Monsanto Co. Springfield, Mass.

The I&EC Division page of this issue is addressed to a very select segment of the Divisional membership ; namely, the 1904 graduating seniors in chemical engineering who availed themselves of the opportunity to become acquainted with INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY and thereby, simultaneously, received membership in the I &EC Division of the American Chemical Society. This opportunity, in the form of a free trial subscription to I&EC good through their graduation in June, was extended to the graduating seniors, through a departmental representative, of 11 8 chemical engineering departments throughout the United States and Canada. The mere fact that 1904 graduating seniors availed themselves of this opportunity is indeed gratifying to the Journal and the Division, since this group represents the most probable Journal contributor of tomorrow and the source of Divisional leadership in the years to come. The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry and the ACS Division of Industrial Chemists and Chemical Engineers (now the I&EC Division of the ACS) came into existence in 1908 ; thus the Division and the Journal have a maturity of over 57 years. During the first 55 years, the Division and the Journal were completely separate entities, although, almost by definition, members of the Division were among the most significant contributors to the Journal. I n 1964 the Division and the Journal joined forces in a cooperative venture and now the Journal may be viewed as the official publication of the Division in that ACS member-subscribers to the Journal are automatically members of the Division with no additional dues requirements. I&EC is now the basic medium of contact between the Division and its members. Hopefully, the Division is the communicative bridge between the chemical engineer and the chemist. By participating in Regional and National ACS meetings and sponsoring individual symposia, the Division strives to strengthen the bonds between the search for and understanding of chemical knowledge and its ultimate application to the welfare of mankind-in other words, to ensure a close liaison between chemistry and chemical engineering. As seniors receiving this and the past three issues of the Journal, you have had a n opportunity for a critical self-appraisal of the editorial program of the Journal and a n opportunity to gain some insight into the role it can play in your continuing education after graduation and in furthering your professional career, whether it be academic or industrial. We hope that you will not only continue your subscription but will begin to play a n active role in the affairs of the Division and of the ACS through participation in local and national meetings. Only in this manner can the Division be sure that the future leaders of the Division have a significant role in the development of the programs and policies of the future. Premature as it may be, the Division and the Journal wish you the best of luck in your future career and hopefully welcome you as a continuing member of the Division.

SUGGESTIONS FOR DIVISION OFFICERS ARE I N V I T E D Election of I&EC Division officers will be held in August for the 1967 year. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Dr. Hershey, is most eager to hear from you with your suggestions of candidates for the offices of Chairman-Elect, Secretary, Program Secretary, and two Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee. Send your suggestions to Dr. Robert L. Hershey, Du Pont Co., Du Pont Building, Wilmington, Del., before June 1.


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