Tobacco Research Program Nears Golden Anniversary - Analytical

Tobacco Research Program Nears Golden Anniversary. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (6), pp 73A–75A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60150a777. Publication Date: June 1959...
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The vapor phase o f cigarette smoke is condensed by means of liquid nitrogen, and through successive evaporation steps various components are distilled off and c o l l e c t e d . These volatile constituents are separated by a gas chromatography technique which involves amplification t o get readable curves for those present in very small amounts. Some of these materials affect tobacco smoke flavor




Tobacco Research Program Nears G o l d e n Anniversary research, first started in 1911 TOBACCO by t h e American Tobacco Comp a n y , is now playing a major role in this industry. First initiated for quality control purposes, today's research covers every conceivable facet of t o bacco including growing, curing, m a n u facturing processes, packaging m a t e rials, flavorings, and paper. M u c h of the current research effort is of a basic and fundamental nature. Examples a r e : How is nicotine formed in t h e growth of the tobacco plants? W h a t is the n a t u r e of pyrolysis products a t the point of burning in a ciga r e t t e ? W h a t types of pigments a r e present in various t y p e s of tobacco and what changes do they undergo in aging and curing and b u r n i n g ? W h a t is the role of enzymes in the growing plant? To get t h e answers t o these find hundreds of other questions, the American Tobacco C o m p a n y has a large research center a t Richmond, Virginia. All t y p e s of commercial instruments •