Together-never to part - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Stepping up gene synthesis. Microarray synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides costs a fraction of a penny per base. But such methods can't... BUSINESS CONC...
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TSqototo-mte/olû φαΗΰ . . and demonstrating several of the advantages Geon polyvinyl resins ERE'S a collar-liner, different H from any ever made before. It promises you a really non-wilt collar

—non-wilt not only when the shirt is new but till the shirt is worn out. The liner is made of sheeting pro­ duced from Geon polyvinyl resins in a special formulation . . . and it literally fuses with the cloth to make the collar. Textile and lining actually become one . . . and every washing


and every ironing tends to make the fusion even more lasting. So now another product reaches the market, benefits the consumer and cuts manufacturing cost, thanks to the versatility of Geon polyvinyl resins. Geon has been performing service like this in so many fields: it has made upholstery resistant to grease, wear and weather . . · has added to the beauty and wear of

women's handbags . . . made the bell-cords on buses stronger . . . beautified kitchens and made curtains and tablecloths easier to keep cleanPerhaps you, like this collar manufac­ turer, w i l l get new ideas from knowing Geon's many combinable characteristics. Geon polyvinyl resins can be worked in almost every way, too. They can be molded, cast into sheets, extruded or used in calendering or impregnating. The color range is almost limitless. We make n o fin­ ished products from Geon, but w e are glad to supply information and to give help on any special problem. Write to B. F. Goodrich Chemical Co.. Dept. B-9, Rose Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.

Geon Press-Fuse collar lining by J. P. Frank & Company, Inc., New York, Ν. Y.

B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company


GEON polyvinyl materials · HYCAR American rubber · KRISTON thermosetting resins · GOOD-RITE chemicals