
Bridgeport, NJ08014. Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 ... Cucamonga, California 91 730. Newark, California 94560. Baltimore, Maryland 21227. Gonzales ...
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A Special Regulator For GC

Gas Miser

The Matheson 3104 regulator is a high purity, two-stage regulator w i t h a stainless steel diaphragm. Twostage design provides even regulation regardless of cylinder pressure changes. Stainless steel diaphragm minimizes inboard leakage of air or water from the atmosphere, and does not outgas impurities into carrier or fuel gas systems. Five minute helium leak rate is < 2 χ 10"' ces. Excel­ lent for applications involving trace components.

A device which allows one or more GCs t o be set on standby during nonworking hours. The f l o w of carrier gas is reduced with the flick of a switch w i t h o u t upsetting the equilib­ rium conditions of your instrument. Then normal operating conditions are resumed the same way.


Gas Miser, for the GC laboratory. Saves expensive time and carrier gas. Pays for itself in less than a year.


High Purity Carrier Gases

Zero Gases

Matheson makes carrier gases avail­ able in a variety of purity classifica­ tions — choose the specifications that most nearly meet your requirements. Routine analyses can be performed using Helium, High Purity, 99.995%. For more critical applications, you may choose Ultra High Purity 99.999% and Matheson Purity 99.9999%. For other applications. Argon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen are all available in a variety of purities.

For the carrier gas, fuel gas, and oxidizer gas—all required for flame ionization and flame photometric gas chromatography-Matheson offers Ar, He, H 2 , N 2 , 40% H 2 /60% N 2 , and 40% H 2 / 6 0 % He Zero Gases each having a total hydrocarbon content of less than 0.5 ppm (as C H 4 ) . Air, Zero Gas is available w i t h hydro­ carbon content < 2.0 ppm.


Gases — carrier gases, calibration gases, or fuel gases are key t o good GC tech­ niques. Matheson has equipment t o help you improve this gas system and y o u should use it. The wrong regulator or porous tubing can permit diffusion i n t o t h e gas stream and influence results.


Calibration Standards

Disposable Gas Purifier

When the level ( T L V ) of a toxic vapor is to be monitored the instrument must be accurate — for the physical well-being of those who may be exposed.

The Gas Purifier, Model 6 4 0 6 , as sup­ plied consists of a polished aluminum canister containing an oxygen getter. The canister is fitted w i t h % " com­ pression type tube fittings for easy hookup to your gas supply.

The only way to do this is to calibrate the instrument w i t h an analyzed standard. Matheson pioneered such standards, accuracy traceable to NBS, if available, or to Matheson Primary standards. Calibration standards are readily available for: benzene, vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile, carbon mon­ oxide. . . virtually any vapor forming material.

How to Succeed at Gas Chroma­ tography

This unit w i l l remove O j or water f r o m your inert gas carriers such as nitrogen, helium, argon or hydrogen to less than 1 p p m . Six standard cylinders of 300 cu. f t . are easily treated where the incoming O a con­ centration is 10 ppm or less. We recommend the use of these puri­ fiers to help add extra life to your GC columns.

But some equipment w i l l help in other ways like saving money or zeroing in on a defective connection. Further, todays detectors are so sensitive that a welding grade of helium is counter productive. T o f i n d o u t h o w y o u might improve the efficiency of y o u r GC system, ask f o r our free wall chart describing methods that can be used w i t h c o m m o n and un­ c o m m o n detectors in use today. Contact us f o r y o u r copy.



Secaucus, NJ 07094

East R u t h e r f o r d , NJ 0 7 0 7 3 M o r r o w , Georgia 3 0 2 6 0 Bridgeport, NJ 0 8 0 1 4 Gloucester, Massachusetts 0 1 9 3 0 Joliet, Illinois 6 0 4 3 4 Dayton, Ohio 45424 Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 LaPorte, Texas 77571

Cucamonga, California 91 730 Newark, California 9 4 5 6 0 Baltimore, Maryland 21227 Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 W h i t b y , O n t a r i o , Canada L1 Ν 5R9 E d m o n t o n , A l b e r t a , Canada T5B 4 K 6 Β 2431 Oevel, Belgium 6 0 5 6 Heusenstamm, West Germany




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