West Palm Beach, Fla. (16) J.G.S. Biram, Vacuum, 5,77 (1957). (17) “Air Sampling Instruments for ... Buy TCI! write today for your free copyof the 7...
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(6) Haase Heinz, "Electrostatic Hazards, Their Evaluation and Control," ρ 32, Verlag Chemie, New York, N.Y., 1977. (7) Haase Heinz, ibid., ρ 35. (8) Available from J. T. Baker and other major laboratory supply companies. (9) "Safety in the School Science Labora­ tory," M.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (NIOSH), Less No. 11, Cin­ cinnati, Ohio 45226, Aug. 1977. (10) Los Angeles, Calif., Fire Department Standard No. 40, 1-1-60. (11) SAFE-T-DATA No. 2, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865. (12) "American National Standard Prac­ tice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection," ANSI Std. Ζ 87.1-1968, American National Standard Institute, New York, N.Y. (13) Albert Weaver and Karen A. Britt, "Professional Safety," ρ 38, June 1977. (14) A. Giese, Science, 91, 476 (1940). (15) Norman V. Steere, "Handbook of Laboratory Safety," ρ 335, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, Fla. (16) J.G.S. Biram, Vacuum, 5, 77 (1957). (17) "Air Sampling Instruments for Evalu­ ation of Atmospheric Contaminants," 2nd éd., Secretary of American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiéniste, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1962. (18) Mercury Spill Cleanup Kits (Mercury), J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Bulletin No. 4. (19) a. N. V. Steere, Chem. Educ, 42 (7), 4529 (1965); b. F. W. Michelotti and J. W. Seidenberger, Am. Lab., 77 (1978). (20) Cheves Walling "Free Radicals in Solution," ρ 412, Wiley, New York, N.Y. (21) K. I. Ivanov, V. K. Savinova, and V. K. Mikhailova, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 16, 65, 1003, 1015 (1946); A. Rieche and K. Koch, Ber., 75, 1016 (1942).

(22) a. I. B. Douglass, J. Chem. Educ, 40, 469 (1963). b. N. V. Steere, ibid., 41, A575 (1964). (23) A. G. Davies, J. Roy. Inst. Chem., 386 (1956); A. G. Davies, "Organic Perox­ ides," Butterworths, London, England, 1961; R. N. Feinstein, J. Org. Chem., 24, 1172 (1959); W. Dasler and C. D. Bauer, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed., 18, 52 (1946); "Manual of Techniques," Metal Hydrides, Inc., Beverly, Mass., 1958. (24) Rolf Halonfrenner, Wolfgang Klaeui, and John S. Coates, Chem. Eng. News, 56 (6), 3 (1978). (25) E. M: Harris, Chem. Eng., 56 (1), 116-7 (1949). (26) E. Meyers, "Chemistry of Hazardous Materials," ρ 133, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1977. (27) J. T. Baker SAFE-T-DATA, No. 3, Phillipsburg, N.J., 08865. (28) Cheves Walling, "Free Radicals in So­ lution," ρ 169, Wiley, New York, N.Y. (29) Hazardous Materials Regulations of the Department of Transportation, R. M. Graziano, Tariff No. 31, issued by Graziano, Agent, 1920 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. (30) C. A. Coulson, "Valence," Oxford at the Clarendon Press; ρ 260, 1953. (31) Carl F. Prutton and Samuel Η. Maron, "Fundamental Principles of Physical Chemistry," ρ 23, Macmillan, New York, N.Y., 1951. (32) Carl F. Prutton and Samuel H. Maron, ibid., ρ 17. (33) National Fire Protection Assoc, "Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materi­ als," 6th éd., 49-46, Boston, Mass. (34) Norman V. Steere, "Handbook of Laboratory Safety," ρ 575, CRC Press, West Palm Beach, Fla.

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F. W. Michelotti is director of re­ search for Laboratory Products at the J. T. Baker Chemical Co. He received degrees from Fordham University, AB, cum laude, and an MS degree in organic chemistry, before obtaining a P h D degree from Polytechnic Insti­ tute of New York (1957) in organic polymer chemistry. He is author of over 30 scientific papers and patents in organic, polymer, analytical, and di­ agnostic chemistry, and coauthor of the J. T. Baker Safety School Manuals on Hazardous Chemical Safety, and is director of research for the J. T. Baker Spill Control Products R&D effort. Most recently, he has written and pre­ sented several papers and lectured ex­ tensively on chemical hazards in the laboratory. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Divi­ sion of Organic Chemistry, the Divi­ sion of Health and Safety, Executive Committee of the Research Section of the National Safety Council, and the Association of Research Directors.