Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

22 May 2012 - Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co., Ltd. Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40 (3), pp 122A–122A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60259a803. Publication Date: March 1968...
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Toshiba "DIFFPET" Experimenter can use numbers of "DIFFPET"s a t the same time for different purposes.

a new, compact, and highly economical X-ray Diffractometer

Up to two goniometers can be used or substituted by four cameras. Outside X-ray tube can be operated by high-tension cable, as when goniometer Model GD-1 is used. No special skill is needed when installed in manufacturer or research laboratory. "DIFFPET" Model ADG-301 Components X-Ray GENERATOR 50 kVp 40 mA continuous rating with voltage stabilizer, current stabilizer, X-ray and interlocked circuit safety cooling system.

GONIOMETER Attached to X-ray tube housing. Scanning radius, 180mm; Angle 0-165° {ley, Scanning speeds, 2°, Γ and 1/2° per minute. Number of slits 4. Sensitivity and resolution adjustable. Divergence angles, Γ, 2°^Incidence widths 0.15mm, 0.3mm Detector: Toshiba Halogen GM Tube with Head Amplifier. Rate Meter Sensitivity: selector: 100, 200,500,1,000, 2,000, cpsTime Constant: 1, 2, 4, seconds Calibration signal provided. ' Recorder 150mm with angle mark. Agents wanted.

Tokyo S h i b a u r a Electric E l e c t r i c Co., Ltd. Tokyo Shibaura Ltd. Producer Goods Export Division, Uchisaiwaicho, Uchisaiwaicho, Tokyo, Japan

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