Top 50 Chemicals Production Resumed Growth Last Year Output increased 2% to an all-time high of 626 billion lb; organics production moved up 2.7%, while that of inorganics rose 1.6% from 1989 Marc S. Relsch, C&EN Northeast News Bureau
Although the economic slowdown of 1990 hurt production of U.S. chemical industry customers such as auto makers and housing and office builders, U.S. chemical production itself actually recovered from a significant slowdown in 1989. According to C&EN's annual ranking of the 50 largest volume chemical products, total production in that group increased a modest 2% in 1990 from 1989. Production reached an all-time high of 626 billion lb, significantly better than the 613 billion lb in 1989, which was just 0.2% more than in 1988. According to the Federal Reserve Board, chemical production perked along with a seasonally adjusted 3.1% rise between the fourth quarter of 1989 and the fourth quarter of 1990. By comparison, the Federal Reserve Board figures show that between the fourth quarter of 1988 and the fourth quarter of 1989, chemical production increased 2.2% despite the increases in industry capacity brought on during that year. Most of the increased production in 1990 took place during the first and second quarters prior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, when chemical production increased at a seasonally adjusted 4.8% in the first quarter of 1990 and 4.4% in the second quarter. However, following the invasion, chemical production, reacting to increases in energy and feedstock
prices at the time, dropped off. Chemical production increased at a seasonally adjusted rate of 2.9% in the third quarter of 1990 and dropped back further to a 0.3% increase in the fourth quarter. To judge by the depressed Federal
Reserve statistics regarding production levels for the transportation, construction, appliance, carpeting, and furniture industries during 1990, all major users of chemical products, domestic demand could not account for chemical production
About the Top 50 list of chemical products Government data, trade association figures, and industry estimates, all go into preparing C&EN's annual list of the Top 50 chemical products, ranked by production volume. The federal government is relied upon most heavily, but when government figures are not available, other sources, primarily trade associations, are used. Industry sources and C&EN estimates are used only when other data are lacking. Government data are not always accurate—they are only as good as the information that individual companies report. But they are an objective measure of production extending back many years. Therefore, relatively accurate indications of growth can be made on a consistent basis. At this time of year, C&EN has access only to preliminary reports of production for 1990. When the government and trade associations issue their final reports, the outcome can be changed, sometimes dramatically. As a result, the production figures for earlier years that appear in the table on page 14 are different in some cases from those published in last year's Top 50 article. The final reports also can affect the rankings of chemicals. For the table on page 14, the 1989 ranking of 11 chemicals is different from last year's listing (C&EN, April 9, 1990, page 11). The list itself covers production figures for the U.S. and includes chemicals produced for export. Candidates for the list include all basic, intermedi-
ate, and chemically homogeneous finished products. These range from the chemical building blocks like ethylene and propylene to downstream products like vinyl acetate and ethylene glycol. The roster includes basic inorganic chemicals but does not include what C&EN considers to be minerals, such as salt, gypsum, and sulfur. Lime is included because it is processed and has many chemical and industrial applications. Refractory (dead burned) dolomite is excluded in lime production. In the organics list, such petrochemical feedstocks as ethane, butane, and propane are excluded arbitrarily because they are considered to be products of oil companies and because they have many nonchemical uses. There are other gray areas besides lime and petrochemical feedstocks. For example, the basic aromatics— benzene, toluene, and xylene—are included. Production figures are published by the government in a variety of units— pounds, tons, cubic feet, gallons, metric tons, and, most recently, kilograms and liters. Where the latter two units are used, they have been converted, where appropriate, into the common units that the government and industry have historically used as points of reference. To provide an accurate ranking and to make comparison of production volumes easier, C&EN lists production not only in common units, but converted to pounds.
April 8, 1991 C&EN
Business Top 50 chemical production totaled about 626 billion lb last year Bllliom(of lb
Rank 1990
1989 s
Comnw>n units6
Sulfuric acid Nitrogen Oxygen Ethylene Llmec
88.56 57.32 38.99 37.48 34.80
86.60 53.91 37.42 34.95 34.36
44,281 tt 791 bcf 471 bcf 37,480 mp 17,400 tt
43,301 tt 744 bcf 452 bcf 34,953 mp 17,178 tt
Average annual growth 1989-90
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
6 7 9 10 8
Ammonia Phosphoric acid Sodium hydroxide Propylene Chlorine
33.92 24.35 23.38 22.12 21.88
32.72 23.47 20.98 20.23 22.83
16,958 tt 12,175 tt 11,688 tt 22,117 mp 10,942 tt
16,362 tt 11,735 tt 10,492 tt 20,229 mp 11,413tt
3.6 3.7 11.4 9.3 -4.1
-2.7 0.5 -0.3 -4.7 1.4
-0.4 3.0 1.4 8.2 1.0
-1.5 1.2 0.1 4.9 -0.4
11 12 13 14 15
11 13 12 14 15
Sodium carbonate" Urea0 Nitric acid Ammonium nitrate' Ethylene dlchloride
19.85 15.81 15.50 14.21 13.30
19.83 15.93 16.70 15.74 13.68
9,925 tt 7,905 tt 7,749 tt 7,107 tt 13,301 mp
9,915tt 7,963 tt 8,349 tt 7,871 tt 13,675 mp
0.1 -0.7 -7.2 -9.7 -2.7
2.9 0.6 4.5 4.9 5.0
3.1 3.4 1.0 1.0 1.9
1.8 0.1 -1.7 -2.5 1.8
16 17 18 19 20
16 17 18 19 21
Benzene Carbon dioxide0 Vinyl chloride Ethylbenzene Styrene
11.86 10.98 10.65 8.99 8.02
11.67 10.68 9.62 9.22 8.13
1,610mg 5,491 tt 10,652 mp 8,988 mp 8,018 mp
1,585 mg 5,339 tt 9,618 mp 9,223 mp 8,129mp
1.6 2.8 10.8 -2.5 -1.4
-0.5 5.6 6.2 -7.1 -9.5
4.8 1.9 2.4 4.0 1.0
-2.2 6.2 5.1 1.6 1.6
21 22 23 24 25
22 20 23 30 25
Methanol Terephthalic acidh Formaldehyde' Methyl ferf-butyl ether1 Toluene"
7.99 7.69 6.41 6.30 6.10
7.14 8.31 6.37 4.98 5.84
7,987 mp 7,692 mp 6,413 mp 6,302 mp 841 mg
7,139 mp 8,309 mp 6,370 mp 4,976 mp 805 mg
11.9 -7.4 0.7 26.6 4.5
-12.3 -18.8 1.4 -12.4 -8.0
9.8 3.5 2.7 27.2 3.8
1.1 2.4 1.4 na -1.9
26 27 28 29 30
26 29 28 27 31
Xylene Ethylene oxide p-Xylene Ethylene glycol Ammonium sulfate
5.70 5.58 5.20 5.03 4.99
5.80 5.32 5.49 5.50 4.69
791 mg 5,581 mp 5,201 mp 5,028 mp 2,495 tt
805 mg 5,322 mp 5,494 mp 5,499 mp 2,347 tt
-1.7 4.9 -5.3 -8.6 6.3
5.8 -10.6 -1.9 -0.3 0.6
1.4 0.6 1.7 3.8 3.6
-1.4 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.6
31 32 33 34 35
24 32 34 35 33
Hydrochloric acid Cumene Acetic acid Potash1 PhenoT
4.68 4.31 3.76 3.62 3.51
6.35 4.54 3.83 3.52 3.89
2,341 tt 4,312 mp 3,756 mp 1,640 tmt 3,512 mp
3,177tt 4,535 mp 3,826 mp 1,595 tmt 3,893 mp
-26.3 -4.9 -1.8 2.8 -9.8
20.3 1.8 21.1 4.9 9.3
-3.5 5.2 5.3 4.8 4.8
-2.1 2.2 2.4 -3.1 3.2
36 37 38 39 40
36 37 39 38 42
Propylene oxide Butadiene" Acrylonitrile Carbon black Vinyl acetate
3.20 3.16 3.03 2.87 2.55
3.20 3.09 2.61 2.91 2.47
3,200 mp 3,156mp 3,029 mp 2,868 mp 2,546 mp
3,200 mp 3,094 mp 2,608 mp 2,913 mp 2,470 mp
0 2.0 16.1 -1.5 3.1
2.9 -2.4 0 -0.1 -3.6
5.9 6.2 5.2 2.2 3.8
6.1 1.2 5.2 1.2 2.8
41 42 43 44 45
43 41 40 44 46
Cyclohexane Aluminum sulfate Acetone Titanium dioxide Sodium silicate
2.47 2.42 2.22 2.16 1.76
2.39 2.49 2.50 2.20 1.67
2,468 mp 1,208 tt 2,221 mp 1,079 tt 878 tt
2,389 mp 1,244 tt 2,497 mp 1,101 tt 834 tt
3.3 -2.9 -11.1 -2.0 5.3
4.0 1.0 8.4 7.7 2.7
8.3 -1.0 4.4 4.6 4.9
2.3 -0.6 0.7 4.2 0.9
Adlpic acid 47 46 Sodium sulfate0 48 47 Calcium chloride0 45 48 Isopropyl alcohol 49 48 Caprolactam 48 50 TOTAL ORGANICS TOTAL INORGANICS GRAND TOTAL
1.64 1.47 1.38 1.38 1.38 216.82 409.07 625.89
1.64 1.51 1.92 1.43 1.31 211.07 402.51 613.58
1,640 mp 733 tt 690 tt 1,380 mp 1,380 mp
1,640mp 755 tt 962 tt 1,432 mp 1,312 mp
0 -2.9 -28.3 -3.6 5.2 2.7% 1.6% 2.0%
2.5 -2.4 -2.9 2.2 5.0 4.6% 2.1% 2.9%
1.1 -4.3 -3.5 -2.8 4.3 2.1% 03% 1.0%
2.3% 6.3 4.2 7.2 1.3
2.8% 3.0 0 -6.0 0.7
2.5 -7.6 32.0 3.1 4.0 -3.0% 2.0% 0.2%
2.1% 3.8 3.7 4.7 1.9
0 % 5.1 0.9 2.7 -0.9
a Revised, b tt = thousands of tons, bcf = billions of cubic feet, mp = millions of pounds, mg = millions of gallons, tmt - thousands of metric tons, c Except refractory dolomite, d Natural and synthetic, e 100% basis, f Original solution, g Liquid and solid only, h Includes both acid and ester without double counting. I 37% by weight, j Production data for earlier years unavailable. k All grades. I K 2 0 basis, m Synthetic only, n Rubber grade, o High and low purity, p Solid and liquid, na = not available.
April 8, 1991 C&EN
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Production of Top 50 chemicals grows modestly to hit record high Billions of lb 800
% annual change • Total Top 50 • Organics in Top 50 D Inorganics in Top 50
Total Top 50
Inorganics in Top 50
increases. And while it is true that automobile manufacturers are using more plastics and chemical adhesives per vehicle, the use of chemical products still has not increased so much that it would so significantly outstrip auto and truck production, which declined 11% between the fourth quarter of 1989 and the fourth quarter of 1990. Just like 1989, significant exports of U.S.-produced chemicals can account in large measure for how well the U.S. chemical industry has done by comparison with other major industries. U.S. chemical exports were $37.6 billion in 1989, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Based in part on government data along with industry projections, the Chemical Manufacturers Association estimates that U.S. exports rose again in 1990 to $38 billion. The trend of growing U.S. chemical exports just may continue to sustain production growth in 1991. Chevron, Exxon Chemical, and Mitsubishi plan to expand an ethylene import terminal allowing the partners to export product from Chevron U.S-A/s Galena Park Terminal on the Houston Ship Channel (C&EN, March 25, page 7). When it comes on line in the third quarter of 1991, the facility will be able to export up to 400,000 tons annually. Among the largest volume chemicals produced in the U.S., sulfuric acid remains at the top with total 16
April 8, 1991 C&EN
L 89
production of 88.6 billion lb, up 2.3% from 1989. The increase in production was not quite so good as the 2.8% rise the previous year. For 1990, nitrogen continues to rank a distant number two, with production at 57.3 billion lb, up 6.3% from 1989. Nitrogen production grew at a much faster pace than it did in 1989 when output was up only 3%. Of the Top 50, the 29 organic chemicals accounted for some 35% of total production, compared with 34% in 1989. The combined organics production increased 2.7% in 1990 from the previous year, after a 3% decline in 1989. Over the five-year period 1985-90, combined production of organic chemicals among the Top 50 increased an average of 4.6% a year. But historically, their output has grown at a slower pace. Between 1980 and 1990, combined output of organic chemicals among the Top 50 grew at a compound annual rate of 2.1% a year. While organic chemical production rebounded in 1990, inorganic chemical production slowed compared with the previous year. Combined output of inorganics on the list rose only 1.6% from the previous year, following a 2% increase in 1989. Over the five-year period from 1985 to 1990, combined production of inorganic chemicals grew at an average annual rate of 2.1% a year. Like the organics group, inorganics production historically has grown at
a slower pace: 0.5% between 1980 and 1990. For organic chemicals, 1990 growth was led by methyl tert-butylether (MTBE), production of which rose 27% from 1989 to 6.3 billion lb. As a result, MTBE moved to 24th place on the 1990 list from 30th place on the 1989 list. Acrylonitrile production also grew at a double-digit pace, up 16% in 1990 to 3 billion lb. Acrylonitrile's strong growth moved it to 38th place on the Top 50 list from 39th place the previous year. Vinyl chloride production grew 11% from 1989 to 10.7 billion lb, but its growth was not sufficient to improve its ranking from 18th place. Only one organic chemical registered a double-digit decline in 1990 production: Acetone output dipped 11% to 2.2 billion lb. The decrease moved acetone down to 43rd place from 40th place the previous year. For inorganic chemicals, 11 of the 21 on the Top 50 list posted production increases, led by sodium hydroxide with 11% to reach 23.4 billion lb in 1990. The gain pushed sodium hydroxide to eighth place from ninth in the 1989 ranking. Two inorganics—nitrogen and ammonium sulfate—tied for the next largest gain of 6.3%. Nitrogen production rose to 57.3 billion lb, keeping it in second place in the ranking; and ammonium sulfate production rose to 5 billion lb, moving it up to 30th place from 31st in 1989.
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Business Sodium silicate also did well, with production rising 5.3% from 1989 to 1.8 billion lb, boosting it to 45th place from 46th the previous year. Despite these gains, production declined for almost half of the inor ganics, some declining significantly. The biggest underachiever was cal cium chloride, production of which is estimated to have declined 28% in 1990. Calcium chloride thus slipped to 48th place from 45th in 1989. The large swing in calcium chloride pro duction may not be an entirely accu rate picture because such a large part of the data on which the Bureau of Mines depends is based on an esti mate. A statistician for the Bureau of Mines notes that despite the swings in production reports, the figures re ported were the best estimates the
government could make because it could not get a good figure from Dow Chemical and thus had to rely on industry estimates. Also showing a double-digit de cline in production was hydrochlo ric acid, with output dropping 26% in 1990 to 4.7 billion lb. In 1989, hy drochloric acid production rose 20%. All in all, of the Top 50 chemicals, production of 26 of them increased in 1990. By contrast production of 30 increased in 1989. Total production of the Top 50 chemicals, at 626 bil lion lb, was 35% higher than the de cade low of 464 billion lb registered in 1982. For the Top 50 group, composite output increased at a compound an nual rate of 2.9% between 1985 and 1990. Long-term growth for the
group as a whole was at an even slower pace. Between 1980 and 1990, Top 50 production grew at an aver age annual rate of 1%. Looking at growth over the past 10 years, 34 of the Top 50 chemicals have recorded overall production in creases. The best long-term growth performer has been carbon dioxide, output of which grew at an annual compound rate of 6.2% during the period. Propylene oxide turned in the next best performance with longterm growth of 6.1%. Other chemi cals with sizable annual growth rates were acrylonitrile, up 5.2%; nitrogen and vinyl chloride, both up 5.1%; and propylene, up 4.9%. Sodium sulfate registered the largest decline over the past 10 years, with output falling at a compound annual rate of 4.3%. D
ing a decline of 2.5% in 1989. Ther mosetting resins, off 0.6%, per formed better in 1990 compared a category that otherwise sustained with 1989, when their production production declines. As a group, declined 2.8%. plastics account for more than three Among the thermoplastics, lowquarters of the polymer category's density polyethylene production production total. The 7.3% produc grew at an annual rate of 15.3% in tion rise for plastics helped over 1990, recovering nicely from a 6.8% come the 6.5% decline in fibers and drop in 1989 compared with the pre 4.6% decline in synthetic rubber vious year. Polypropylene turned in production in 1990. The plastics the next best performance in 1990, group recovered from a 2.5% pro with output up 14.9% in 1990 com duction decline in 1989. pared with a 0.5% decline in 1989. Production of thermoplastic resins Production of polyvinyl chloride and grew at a rate of 8.6% in 1990 follow copolymers was up 7.2%, and output
Plastics lead polymer output recovery Overall U.S. production of commer cial polymers, including plastics, synthetic fibers, and synthetic rub ber, increased 4.3% in 1990 follow ing a 2.3% decline in 1989. As a re sult, output, which faltered in 1989 following seven years of growth, re sumed growth. Total 1990 polymer output reached 61.6 billion lb, a new record, topping the 60.5 billion lb record set in 1988. Plastics production increased at such a fast rate, it led a recovery for
Plastics output rose, but that of synthetic fiber, rubber declined in 1990 % annual change 10
Billions of lb 70 I 60 Synthetic rubber
Synthetic fibers
Total 40
Ο 30 I Total I Synthetic rubber D Synthetic fibers • Plastics
20 -5 10 0 1980
April 8, 1991 C&EN
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"Our goal is to contribute directly to customer productivity. . . right from the start. This means our products must be designed for optimum performance within the day-to-day conditions of customer requirements. Given the momentum of today's advanced technologies, those conditions can change dramatically. Naturally, we change with them, but sometimes it takes everything we've got. Lots of companies are using flow charts, Pareto analyses, SPC, SQC, and other Total Quality tools. We found that by themselves these tools can become static. We needed an environment to continually foster their use, and to be more responsive in meeting customer expectations. What has developed at J T.Baker is an integrated process of continual improvement. It's alive. . .with employee teams maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the people we serve. Needs are anticipated, and our products and procedures are constantly challenged so only the best survive." Whether your needs are for laboratory chemicals, chromatography products, production chemicals, or microelectronic materials, each J.T.Baker employee is committed to providing the products and services that perform reliably. . . right from the start. J T.Baker Inc., 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 1-800-JTBAKER
Total polymer production pushed past 61 billion lb in 1990 BirHons of K>
PLASTICS (millions of lb) Thermosetting resins Phenol and other tar acid resins Urea resins Polyesters (unsaturated) Epoxies (unmodified) Melamine resins Thermoplastic resins Low-density polyethylene PVC and copolymers High-density polyethylene Polystyrene3 Polypropylene TOTALb SYNTHETIC FIBERS (millions of lb)_ Celhiloslcs Rayonc Acetated Noncelkilosics5 Polyester Nylone Olefin' Acrylic0 TOTALb
Common units
6.36 2.95 1.50 1.22 0.50 0.20 41.93 11.18 9.09 8.33 5.01 8.32 48.29
6.41 2.88 1.48 1.32 0.51 0.22 38.62 9.70 8.48 8.10 5.10 7.24 45.02
0.50 0.30 0.21 8.18 3.19 2.66 1.82 0.51 8.68
0.58 0.36 0.22 8.52 3.59 2.74 1.64 0.54 9.10
502 296 206 8,175 3,193 2,661 1,815 506 8,677
580 363 217 8,515 3,594 2,740 1,639 542 9,095
614 400 214 8,526 3,680 2,670 1,588 588 9,140
558 353 205 7,564 3,341 2,343 1,249 631 8,122
1.93 0.91 0.57 0.15 1.43 4.99
853 403 256 56 546 2,114
874 411 260 69 648 2,262
909 407 263 76 679 2,334
735 330 215 53 505 1,838
SYNTHETIC RUBBER (thousands of metric tons) 1.88 Styrene-butadieneh 0.89 Polybutadiene 0.56 Ethylene-propylene 0.12 Nitrile 1.20 Other' 4.66 TOTAL6
Average annual growth
6,364 6,405 6,588 5,631 4,093 2,946 2,879 3,066 2,621 1,499 1,496 1,476 1,425 1,210 1,165 1,404 1,221 1,319 947 1,223 499 509 486 385 315 202 222 207 167 192 41,928 38,617 39,608 31,525 24,335 11,176 9,695 10,397 8,889 7,291 6,772 9,088 8,478 8,350 5,470 8,334 8,102 6,671 8.400 4,405 5,012 5,104 5,187 4,054 3,521 7,274 8,318 7,238 5,139 3,648 48,292 45,022 46,196 37,156 28,428
-0.6% 2.3 1.4 -7.4 -2.0 -9.0 8.6% 15.3 7.2 2.9 -1.8 14.9 7.3%
-2.8% -6.1 3.6 -6.1 4.7 7.2 -2.5% -6.8 1.5 -3.5 -1.6 -0.5 -2.5%
2.5% 2.4 4.3 0 5.3 1.0 5.9% 4.7 6.1 4.6 4.3 10.1 5.4%
4.5% 7.0 2.5 2.6 4.7 1.9 5.6% 4.4 5.2 6.6 3.6 8.6 5.4%
806 490 316 7,874 3,989 2,358 748 779 8,680
-13.4% -18.5 -5.1 -4.0% -11.2 -2.9 10.7 -6.6 -4.6%
-5.5% -9.3 1.4 -0.1% -2.3 2.6 3.2 -7.8 -0.5%
-2.1% -3.5 0.1 1.6% -0.9 2.6 7.8 -4.3 1.3%
-4.6% -4.9 -4.2 0.4% -2.2 1.2 9.3 -4.2 0 %
1,074 311 144 63 423 2,015
-2.4 -1.9 -1.5 -18.8 -15.7 -6.5%
-3.9 1.0 -1.1 -9.2 -4.6 -3.1%
3.0 -2.3 4.1 2.6 3.6 5.9 1.1 -1.2 1.6 2.6 2.8% 0.5%
a No longer includes acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, or styrene acrylonitrite resins; historical data are restated, b Totals are for those products listed and may not add because of rounding, c Based on C&EN estimates, d Includes diacetate and triacetate yam, but does not include cigarette tow. Beginning with 1985, includes rayon yarn. • Excludes aramkJ after 1982. f Includes olefin film, olefin fiber, spun-bonded polypropylene, and vinyon. g Includes modacrylic. h Excludes high-styrene latex. I Beginning with 1985, includes neoprene; historical data are restated. Also includes butyl; polyisoprene; chlorosulfonated polyethylene; poryisobutylene; and acrylo, fluoro, and silicone elastomers. Sources: Society of the Plastics Industry, Fiber Economics Bureau, Rubber Manufacturers Association
of high-density polyethylene rose 2.9% in 1990, compared with a 1.5% rise and a 1.6% decline, respectively, in 1989. Only polystyrene registered a production decline among the thermoplastics in 1990, down 1.8% after a 1.6% decline in 1989. In the thermosetting resins category, phenol and other tar acid resins staged a modest growth recovery to 2.3% in 1990 following a 6.1% decline in 1989. Urea resins output rose only 1.4% in 1990 compared with a 3.6% rise in 1989. Other thermosetting resins fared poorly in 1990. Melamine resins, which showed good growth in 1989, led the decline in 1990. Their production was off 9% in 1990 compared with a 7.2% gain in 1989. Unsaturated polyesters output declined
7.4% in 1990 and unmodified epoxies s output declined 2%. In 1989, polyes-iter production declined 6.1% and ep>oxies rose 4.7%. >The synthetic rubber segment's decline accelerated in 1990. Outputit h dropped 6.5% in 1990 compared with H a 3.1% decline in 1989. Production totaled 4.7 billion lb in 1990 comparedd with 5 billion lb in 1989. None of thee synthetic rubber categories registered d production increases in 1990. Thee best performer, if indeed it could bee called such, was ethylene-propylenee type polymers, production of whichti declined 1.5% in 1990 compared with K e a 1.1% decline in 1989. Polybutadiene production was down 1.9%, follow-r'ing a 1.0% decline in 1989, while styrene-butadiene was off 2.4% after a
3.9% decline in 1989. Nitrile rubber showed the largest decline in 1990, down 19%, while the category listed as other, and including neoprene, butyl, polyisoprene and other rubbers, declined 16%. While synthetic fiber output declined marginally in 1989 from 1988, the economic slowdown of 1990 had a severe impact on the category, Overall fiber output declined 4.6% in 1990. While imported textiles continued to put pressure on domestic textile output and fiber use, consumer preference for cotton also had an impact on synthetic fiber production. Among the noncellulosics, only olefin output appeared to do well, up 11% in 1990. Marc Reisch April 8, 1991 C&EN 21
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April 8, 1991 C&EN
Petroleum refiners focus on environment The chemical industry and its response to environmental initiatives took center stage at the recent International Petrochemical Conference in San Antonio, sponsored by the National Petroleum Refiners Association. Speakers at the meeting, including several chemical executives, called for increasing self-regulation and a rational approach to environmental issues. Ray R. Irani, chairman and chief executive officer of Occidental Petroleum, told the meeting that there must be an increase in what he calls "environmental literacy." According to Irani, "Environmental literacy becomes a reality only when all parties—lawmakers, regulators, environmentalists, corporate executives, shareholders, and the public at large—come together to resolve a problem." Being an environmentalist, Irani said, does not make a person environmentally literate. Nor does just being in compliance with all environmental regulations make a corporation environmentally literate. Several major building blocks will create environmental literacy in the 1990s, he said. These include addressing the public's environmental concerns better than the chemical industry has in the past; continuing to be straightforward with facts about chemistry and operations; instituting a consensus of everyone concerned to find solutions that are best for the environment, the economy, and communities; and taking an even greater role as an industry in environmental management, including redoubling of industry efforts and resources in finding permanent solutions. "During the 1990s," Irani said, "we're going to be challenged as never before to have better dialogue among industries. Industry cooperation, both horizontally and vertically, will be necessary to undertake the technological remedies needed to overcome formidable environmental problems." He pointed to the example of cooperation within the automotive, petroleum, and chemical industries to develop new science and chemis-
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Business try in the search for cleaner burning fuels. In a similar vein, Enichem chairman Giorgio Porta stressed the need for greater cooperation among the various constituencies affected by the chemical industry and called on the industry to lead government toward more responsible regulation. "The private sector can pull government toward common ground with the implementation of voluntary standards and safety procedures that work," he said. "We can take the lead in voluntarily adopting uniform standards governing waste policies, emissions, and other health and environmental issues. We can work together to enhance our risk-assessment capabilities and share this information with each other and with official bodies." Porta also said, "Voluntary action by industry will not, by itself, solve our environmental challenges. But it is important that governments, worldwide, treat industry as part of
its solution, not part of the problem. A regulatory process that sets rigid standards, while ignoring privatesector expertise, almost guarantees that energy that could be used to protect the environment will be spent on legal wrangling instead " In calling for new environmental technologies, Porta said, "Sustainable development requires new technologies that enhance the productivity of our natural and environmental resources. We must invest in clean technologies that prevent pollution, not just control it or clean it up. And we will need to share innovations with the developing countries who face the greatest pressure to take environmental shortcuts in the name of economic growth. We cannot expect the developing world to accept poverty, to the advantage of the industrialized countries' development." Robert Luft, senior vice president of Du Pont Chemicals, said that no issue is more critical to the survival of the chemical industry than safety
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April 8, 1991 C&EN
Luft: all of us have a responsibility and environmental stewardship. "All of us have a responsibility to protect and improve the environment as well," he told the meeting. But Luft also maintained that there are good business reasons for protecting the environment. He pointed to Du Pont's decision to develop markets for products recovered from the waste stream. What began as one product 20 years ago from a petrochemical waste has now developed into 15 specialty products with annual sales of $70 million from 100 million lb of product. Luft cited as an example calcium sulfate produced as a coproduct with hydrofluoric acid manufacture. At a Du Pont plant near Houston, this coproduct developed into a 4 million ton solid waste problem, adjacent to the plant. But Du Pont has developed a market for calcium sulfate as a soil stabilizer in the local construction industry. Sales now exceed output, Luft said, and the pile is being reduced. Luft said the industry's goal must be zero waste—to make something useful out of every molecule of raw material. He also called on the chemical industry to shift its mindset from "meeting regulations" to "meeting public expectations." "We should not be willing to accept fines as a cost of doing business. The real cost would be the loss of community trust—and the ability to operate." William Storck
Plastics industry maps major recycling plan "Contrary to some perceptions, plas tics recycling is alive and well in this country/' With these words, Edgar S. Woolard Jr., chairman and chief executive officer of Du Pont, drove home the theme of a press conference last week that the U.S. plastics industry is making a big commitment to recycle postconsumer plastics. The plastics industry's plan, called the Blueprint for Plastics Recycling, has three goals, Woolard says. First is to enable a majority of consumers to participate in plastics recycling programs. The second is for the in dustry to recycle nearly 18 billion plastic bottles and containers annu ally by 1995. The third goal is to double the number of curbside recy cling programs each year, reaching 4000 programs by 1994. The blueprint was prepared by an industry task force called the Coun cil for Solid Waste Solutions. Made up of major companies that either make or use plastic resins, the coun cil is trying to develop solutions to plastics disposal and recycling that are realistic for the companies in volved. According to the council, it spent a year analyzing the existing plastics infrastructure and is aware of what works and how to make re cycling economical. Whether it is economical for the plastics industry is not known for sure. Woolard says that, at least in the near future, recycling of plastics will cost resin manufacturers money. "Initially, it's a net cost," he says. "But over time, it should be favor ably attractive and become a natural extension of business in the plastics industry." Currently, Du Pont and other manufacturers are making in vestments in plastics recycling facil ities, at a cost of about $10 million each. Woolard says Du Pont has two such facilities built and plans three more. John E. Pepper, president of Procter & Gamble, says his company is using more than 12 million lb a year of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). It will use more than 40 million lb by 1994.
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"Our initiatives are only limited by the availability of used plastics," Pepper says. The technology is there and the desire is there, he says, but it will take improved cooperation among business, consumer?, and local governments to change the situation. Pepper says the industry's goal is to make plastics one of the most recycled materials by the year 2000. It will try to recycle 25% of all common consumer plastic bottles by 1995. This means about 10 billion bottles. To reach this goal, one which Pepper and Woolard believe is attainable, the council is now providing a number of products for communities and companies to use. First is the blueprint itself. This is a how-to book for implementing a recycling program—either new or in conjunction with an existing collection effort. It informs communities how to select correct collection methods, identify markets, negotiate contracts, and design programs that are the most cost-effective. It will help with nuts-and-bolts details like what kinds of recyclable materials are in each home, what kind of trucks are needed, and how to set up collection routes. Another development of the council is a computer analysis developed by Eastman Chemical to help communities predict and manage the financial aspects of plastics recycling programs. The council is also
holding a series of workshops on plastics recycling, beginning in May, that will be held in 18 major cities. For information on these programs, or other council activities, phone (800) 2-HELP-90. The plastics industry is also spending time and money on other areas of recycling and conservation. Most plastic containers use less material than they did several years ago. For example, the 1-gal milk or juice jug three years ago used 95 g of HDPE; today it uses only 65 g, a one-third reduction. Another area that has not gained as much attention in the U.S. as it has in Europe is recycling plastics used in the manufacture of durable goods, such as automobiles. Recycling these materials, which are often different plastics such as polyvinyl chloride or acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, is not far behind consumer goods. The council says that any gain in recycling these plastics would be in addition to what is planned for communities. Skepticism about the industry program expressed by the Environmental Defense Fund, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, focuses on the economics of plastics recycling and industry accountability. EDF believes the industry has a poor record with respect to plastics manufacture and use and believes the council should make an annual report of progress toward meeting its recycling goals. Also, because plastics recycling is more expensive than paper or aluminum recycling, EDF would like to see an industry commitment to assuring municipalities they can recover their significant collection and consumer education costs. Pepper says, however, that the industry will not have to convince most people to recycle plastic bottles because it is the consumer that is demanding that they be collected. "I've never seen an issue in all the years I've been in business like the consumer enthusiasm for cleaning the environment," Pepper says. The result of this strong market force seems to be a new, stronger commitment by industry to reduce the amount of plastics that get into the environment. David Hanson