Topics in chemical physics: Based on the Harvard lectures of Peter

Topics In Chemical Physics: Based on the Haward Lecturer of Peter Debye. AlfredPmck, Boston University, Boston,. Massachusetts, and Gladys McConkey,...
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in two (inconsistent) ways on pp. 82 and 115, the latter now being generally preferred. Ilespite such shortcomings, the book provides an excellent introduction to a. wide variety of techniques. It will be most useful to students and to "practicing chemists who are unfamiliar with the more recent innovations in the field of separations."

Purdue University Lajayette, Indiana

Topics In Chemical Physics: Based on the Haward Lecturer of Peter Debye

AlfredPmck, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, and Gladys McConkey, Cornell University, Ithaea, New York. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 277 pp. FigNew York, 1962. vi ures. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $11.


Attending a lecture by Professor Debye is an experience similar to the hearing of a great concert artist for a music lover. Having a well transcribed set of lecture notes for his Hmvard Lectures is like having a good recording of the concert. The suthors of this book have performed a useful service to the reader in capturing the beauty, simplicity and physical insight of Debye's presentation. The lectures cover most of the fields of Debye's important contributions in studies of polar molecules in gaseous and condensed phases, diffraction and scattering and solutions of electrolytes. They do not discuss contributions to the statistical mechanics of solids. The level of presentation is suitable for chemistry and physics seniors and first year graduate students and is characterized by Debye's intuitive approach in which liberal use is made of physical reasoning t o ease the way past difficult mathem&x. This approach, while satisfying to the beginning student, is also gratifying to the experienced scientist in its providing insight into the reasoning processes of a great master. Those wishing more complete derivations will find the many appendices of value. Many subjects, such as the Onsager and Kirkwaod theories of dielectrics and theory of light scattering from porous solids are presented in a very readable form not easily found elsewhere and not usually covered in grsduate curricula. A minor defect is found in the mathematical typography. The choice of symbols is not always best. For example, it would have been better to use boldface type for vectors. The book should prove useful bath for 8. "special topics" course and for supplementary reading for the graduate student, advanced undergraduate and practicing physicist or chemist, and is a welcnme addition to personal library of those wanting a first hand report on the contributions and techniques of one of the founders of chemiesl physics. RICHARD S. STEIN University of Massachusetts Amherst



Journal of Chemical Education

Physical Chemistry

Walter J. M o o ~ e ,Indiana University, Rlnominet,on. 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall. Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 844 xxv pp. Figs. 1962. xiii and tables. $13. ~~


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The appearance of any undergraduate chemistry text in its third edition almost automatically classifies i t as one of the "standard" texts in the field, and "Physical Chemistry" by Walter J. Moore certainly belongs in this category. Since i t seems quite likely that most North American physical chemists are a t least cursorily familiar with the earlier editions, the revisions in the present edition are a point of immediate interest. The present volume represents a rather complete reworking of the seven-year old 2nd edition, accompanied by a substantial expansion of the total amount of material (872 pages vs. 633 in the 2nd edition). A chapter on High Polymers represents the only really new topic treated in detail, but the former chapter on the Structure of Molecules has been approximately doubled in size and is now contained in two chapters on the Chemical Bond and Molecular Structure and Molecular Spectra. Similarly, there are now two chapters on eloctroehemistry, containing together about 50% more material than the single chapter in tho 2nd Edition. The chapters on Particles and Waves and on Crystals, now titled the Solid State, have also been expanded by nearly half in the revision. Several changes have been made in the order of presentation of the material. The illustrations have been redone; the book has been printed with high quality, and is physically thinner than the previous edition. More problems have now been included (more than 560 in total); rchtively few of the problems from the 2nd edition reappear here. Needless to say, the price has expanded, too, but the present price of $13.00 is reasonably competitive with the other texts available for undergraduate physical chemistry. This edition has the chief advantages that have been associated with theearlier editions of Moare--fresh and interesting writing, complete coverage of almost all topics appropriate to a course in undergraduate physiral chemistry, and a good introduction to those topics of chemical physics whose rigorous development can then followin graduate work. The book is now long enough that some material must surely be omitted in a two semester councnevertheless, the m a terid iis there for the choice of the instructor, and for the outside reading of the inquiring student. The comment has often been made that Moore's book is fine for the top students, but very hard for average studeuts. In my own experience, some of these "average" students have commented very favorably about the clarity of the explanation~that they found in Moore. This text certainly merits strong consideration for all undergraduate physical chemistry courses.

Collection of Problems in Physical Chemistry

Jiri Bares, et al. Translated by Helena Watney. Pergmon Press, Ltd., Ox608 pp. Figs. and ford, 1962. xvii tables. 16.5 X 23.5 em. $9.75.


There have been a number of changes in the standard physical chemistry course over the last few years, involving chiefly a murh greater emphasis on theory with a corresponding de-emphasis of the empirical physical chemical relations Physical chemistry, however, has alwavs entailed a, greit deal of problem solving. Thus, this book and the one in the followins review will no doubt be of interest to students and faculty members engaged in dhis field. This book is an attempt, as the authors point out in the prefme, to cover the whole field of physical chemistry. The result is a large book which may be beyond the size or the price range of those whose interest in the field is temporary. I t is divided up into eleven chapters, each of which consists of some 10 to 20 problems, with method of solution m d brief diseussion, followed by a number of problems to be solved. The answers to the problems are given a t the end of each chapter. The example problems are in general taken from the literature with references cited; in the remaining problems, however, the data are for the most part presented without reference. The boak is a. translation of a. Czech text which, for the most pert, leads t o no great difficulty. Unfortunately, since the original text was written before I960 the atomic weights and physical constants used are those based on the chemist's (0 = 16.000 g/mole) scale, except for the parts on nuclear chemistry whieh use the old physicd scale. There me, however, a few very real problems whicb the American reader may find. The authors claim to have uaed the recommendations of the Stockholm convention whieh is to their credit, but tbey have failed to include a table listing the symbols and definitions used, and since all the recommendatione. of the Stockholm convention a x not in general use in this country, possible difficulties may be encountered. Perhaps the thing whieh will cause the most canfusion is the use of European conventions with regard to the Gibhs and Helmholtz energies. For the Gihbs energy, for which American convention is n o r "hanging the symbol from F to G , this book uses the symbol G but cdls the function the free enthalpy; for the Helmholtz energy (American, A, work function) they use F and the designation free energy. Another source of confusinn is in the matter of cell conventions. The table of potentials at the end of the boak is in agreement with the Stockholm convention (reduction potentials); however, in the text itself no consistent scheme seems to have been followed. The problems use both aridation and reduction potentials, thus not following the Stockholm recommend* tions, though in general the authors are F. S. ROWLAND careful t o indicate what i t is tbey are dealing with. Uniuersity of Kansas Ifitorenee (Conlinud on page A669)