Topological Approach to Drug Design. - American Chemical Society

7.44/3v + 0.575G4 -. 28.677G4V. -. 42.913G5 +. 63.573G5V it should be. D2 = -0.553 -. 0.769G,. + 0.124G,V + 0.198G2V. -. 7.44/3v +. 40.575/4 -. 28.677...
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J. Chem. In$ Comput. Sci. 1995, 35, 938

ERRATA Topological Approach to Drug Design [J. Chem. Znf. Comput. Sci.35,272-284 (1995)l By J. Gdvez,* R. GarciaDomenech, J. V. de Julih-Ortiz, and R. Soler. Unit Research into Molecular Connectivity and Drug Design, Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Spain Page 276, an equation in Table 8 reads

D,= -0.305 - 0.1535 O x + 1.515

- 1.251 'x,,,'

the true formula should be

D,= -0.0305 - 0.1535 O x

+ 1.515 x' Py

- 1.251 'xPc"

Following this, a second equation appears:

D, = -0.553 - 0.7696, 7.44J3'

+ 0.124Glc+ 0.1986,'

+ 0.5756, - 28.6776,'



- 42.9136,

63.5736,' it should be

D,= -0.553 - 0.7696, + 0.1246,'

+ 0.1986,'



7.44J3" 40.5755, - 28.677J4' - 42.913J5


63.573J,' Page 280, an equation in Table 16 shows

B, = -5.3

+ 0.6576,' + 0.2636,'

f 1.2946,' -

5.693g," - 78.17J3 -I- 117.50J4 all the variable names must be in upper case so

B, = -5.3

+ 0.6576,' + 0.2636," + 1.2946,' 5.6936," - 78.171,


+ 117.50J4



0 1995 American Chemical Society