Toughened Plastics I - American Chemical Society

families of curving flow lines that grow outwardly from the notch (Figure 2). 0 ... Figure 1. Stress-displacement curve of polycarbonate with a semici...
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6 The Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers under a Triaxial Tensile Stress State A. Tse, E. Shin, A. Hiltner*, and E . Baer Department of Macromolecular Science and Center for Applied Polymer Research, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106

Analysis of the damage zone at a semicircular notch clarifies the irreversible deformation behavior of some ductile polymers in a triaxial stress state. Plasticity concepts describe the thickness dependence of shear-yielding

modes in polycarbonate,



poly(vinyl chloride) deforms by a cavitation mechanism that is described by a critical volume strain. Contributions of both shear and cavitation mechanisms are observed in poly(vinyl chloride).

F A I L U R E PROCESSES IN D U C T I L E P O L Y M E R I C MATERIALS depend on a number of complex interacting phenomena, some of which are not completely understood. One approach involves the study of the plastic deformation zone ahead of a stress concentrator. The sharp notch geometry is frequently used for triaxial tension observations because the stress state approximates triaxial tension at the tip of the propagating crack. O n the other hand, a blunt notch, which results i n large amounts of plastic yielding, is particularly attractive when the objective is to examine the prefailure damage zone while minimizing the tendency for crack growth. Specifically, the semicircular notch geometry is used to clarify the relationship of the stress state to the deformation modes as determined by specimen geometry, composition, applied stress, and test temperature. This chapter discusses several types of damage zones that form ahead of * Corresponding author. 0065-2393/93/0233-0143$06.00/0 © 1993 American Chemical Society

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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a semicircular notch under slow tensile loading. Polycarbonate (PC) represents a material that undergoes localized shear deformation (1). The importance of dilation in rubber-toughened materials is the motivation for studying polymer blends. Although most blends are opaque and thick sheets are not readily amenable to characterization by optical techniques, the damage zone can be studied in transparent or translucent blends that have been developed by matching refractive indices. A n example is the translucent blends of polyivinyl chloride) (PVC) with experimental chlorinated polyethylene ( C P E ) impact modifiers (2, 3). The contribution of dilation in glassy polymers is illustrated with P V C , which exhibits both shear yielding and cavitation (4).

Material That Shear Yields—Polycarbonate Pressure-Dependent Core Yielding. Polycarbonate is a ductile polymer at room temperature and exhibits shear yielding in tension and compression. The shear-yielding modes of polycarbonate were described by M a et al. (1), who used a semicircular notch and tension deformation. The stress-displacement curve is independent of specimen thickness for thicknesses in the range of 1.2 to 6.5 mm (Figure 1). Yielding is observed first near position 1 on the stress-displacement curve and occurs at the notch root in the center of the specimen where the triaxial stress is highest. This mode of yielding, referred to as core yielding, is clearest in thicker sheets as two families of curving flow lines that grow outwardly from the notch (Figure 2).





Figure 1. Stress-displacement curve of polycarbonate with a semicircular notch (l).

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Damage Tjone in Some Ductile Polymers


Figure 2. Optical micrograph of the yield zone of 3.18-mm-thick PC at position 1 on the stress-displacement curve. Plane-strain core yielding at a semicircular notch of a perfectly plastic material is described by logarithmic spirals. The slip line field in the xy plane is given by H i l l (5) as θ = ±\n(r/a)

+ constant


in polar coordinates (r, Θ), where a is notch length. The signs indicate the two families of orthogonal α and β slip fines that follow the directions of maximum shear stress. In this case, which is for a pressure-independent yield material, the slip fines intersect at 90°. The slip fines of core yielding are easily observed with the optical microscope in thick sections of transparent glassy polymers that shear-yield, although the angle at which the two families of curves intersect is often less than 90°. This smaller intersection angle occurs when the yield stress is higher in compression than in tension, and it signifies the need for a pressure-dependent yield criterion to describe the increase in yield stress with increasing hydrostatic pressure. A widely used approach is the modified von Mises yield criterion with the form k = k - »a 0



where k is the shear-yield stress, σ is the hydrostatic mean stress, and k and μ are material parameters. A modification of equation 1 for a pressureτη

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




dependent yield material has been proposed (6):

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θ cot ψ = ±\n(r/a)

+ constant


where 2 ψ is the angle between the slip lines and is related to the pressure dependency through μ = cos 2ψ. By using the pubhshed value of μ = 0.08 for P C (7), the angle between a and β shp lines is calculated to be 85°, which is in good agreement with the observed value of 86°. The shp lines of core yielding in P V C also intersect at an angle that is less than 90°. For this polymer, μ = 0.11 (8), which gives an angle of 84°.

Stress Instability and Plane-Strain Hinge Shear. Plane-strain core yielding at the notch surface is kinematically constrained by the sur­ rounding elastic material and cannot grow beyond a certain point. However, the external surface provides a larger degree of freedom for external yielding. The mode of macroscopic shear yielding is thickness dependent as is illus­ trated in Figure 3 by optical micrographs of four thicknesses of polycarbonate sheet. The plane-strain hinge shear mode initiates when the yield condition is achieved at the four points of shear stress concentration where the notch surface intersects the external surface above and below the χ axis. Hinge shear length increases with increasing stress and penetrates the entire thick­ ness to form a pair of hinge shear bands that grow outwardly from the notch surface, one above and one below the core-yielding zone (Figure 4a). In glassy polymers, hinge shear is observed as a pair of dark bands that grow outwardly from the notch at an angle that depends on the notch geometry. The angle of the hinge shear bands increases with increasing notch sharpness from about 40° with a semicircular notch (Figure 3a), which is close to the Tresca condition for the unnotched case, to 70°, which is the angle of maximum shear strain predicted analytically for the sharp notch geometry (9). Observation of the biréfringent isostrain fringes that extend through the thickness at an angle of 90° to the plane of the sheet (1) confirm that the hinge shear mode is through thickness yielding. Hinge shear is observed in ductile metals where it is identified with the sliding of linear dislocation arrays (10-12). Hinge shear together with core yielding is observed on single-edge notched specimens of silicon steel tested under plane-strain conditions (13) and also on Charpy specimens of highnitrogen steel in a three-point flexural mode (14). In unnotched polycarbonate, hinge shear probably produces the characteristic epsilon damage zone that is observed during fatigue fracture (15-17). The dependence of hinge shear length on the applied tensile stress can be described by the Bilby, Cottrell, and Swinden (BCS) model (18) L/a

= l/2[sec(iTa/2a ) - 1 ys

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.





Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers

where L is the hinge length, a is the notch length, and σ and a tensile stress and yield stress of the polymer, respectively.

y s

are the

Stress Instability and Plane-Stress Intersecting Shear. If the specimen thickness is small, the through-thickness stress condition σ = 0 will be approximately satisfied throughout the entire thickness; when the yield stress is achieved at the notch, yielding throughout the entire thickness occurs by slip along planes parallel to the χ axis that make an angle with the plane of the sheet (Figure 4b). Intersecting shear is clearly visible with transparent glassy polymers such as polycarbonate; the broad intersecting flow lines that extend through the thickness at an angle to the loading direction are seen when a cross section is viewed in the polarizing optical microscope (Figure 5). Although the intersecting shear angle is 45° for a material that obeys the Tresca criterion, the observed direction of yield in glassy polymers is inclined at more than 45°; in P C the intersecting shear angle is 53°. This deviation in the direction of the shear plane may result from volume expansion that occurs during plastic yielding of glassy polymers (19). Light scattered from the surface curvature created by the localized shear displacement causes intersecting shear to appear as a pair of parallel dark bands that grow outwardly from the notch (Figure 3d). In cases that are neither plane stress nor plane strain, the dark bands of hinge shear are observed first, followed at higher stresses by the appearance of the second pair of dark bands created by intersecting shear, as illustrated with the two intermediate thicknesses, 4.70 and 3.14 mm, in Figures 3b and 3c. The spacing of the parallel bands depends on thickness and is equal to t cot 53° where t is the sheet thickness. Conditions for the transition from plane-strain hinge shear to plane-stress intersecting shear, obtained from a study of edge-slotted silicon steel, are described by Hahn and Rosenfield (13). Their study appears to be the only other instance in which this transition has been described. With the assump­ tion that intersecting shear is constrained until the yield stress is achieved at a distance equal to one-half the sheet thickness above and below the crack plane, the condition for hinge shear dominance is

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t/a > s e e ( i r a / 2 a ) - 1 ys


It is also assumed that when the intersecting shear zone approaches a certain Dugdale-type shape, intersecting shear will predominate; specifically, when t/a

< (1/4) [sec(ira/2a,,) - l ]


Intermediate stresses constitute a transition region. The analysis of Hahn and Rosenfield is applicable to polymers that shear-yield. In the case of polycar­ bonate, only hinge shear is observed below the lower limit of the transition

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



region given by equation 5, whereas the onset of intersecting shear occurs at a stress within the transition region defined by equations 5 and 6.

Materials That Cavitate—Blends of PVC with CPE

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Stress-Whitened Zone. Most toughened plastics are not readily amenable to studies of cavitation in thick sheets because the optimum rubber

Figure 3. Micrographs showing the yield zone of PC with a semicircular notch at four different thicknesses: a, 6.54 mm, 58.0 MPa; b, 4.70 mm, 58.8 MPa; c, 3.14 mm, 58.8 MPa; and d, 1.20 mm, 56.2 MPa (l).

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers


Figure 3. Continued.

particle size for toughening also produces the maximum light scattering and optical opacity so that stress-whitening is not readily discernible by optical techniques. Tse et al. (3) studied the damage zone of impact-modified P V C by using chlorinated polyethylene C P E impact modifiers with refractive indices that closely matched those of P V C . The stress-displacement curve of a translucent blend of P V C with 15 parts of the experimental C P E resin 5896 is shown in Figure 6. The first observed irreversible deformation is not core yielding; the first visible damage occurs near the linear limit of the stressdisplacement curve as a small curved zone of stress-whitening ahead of the notch. As loading proceeds, the zone size increases, and the same crescent shape is maintained. At higher stresses the shape changes, and the damage zone becomes elongated ahead of the notch. The stress-whitened zone occurs only in the center region of the sheet where plane-strain conditions prevail. For a sheet of finite thickness, the through-thickness stress is neither completely plane stress nor plane strain.

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Most photoelastic experiments and finite element analyses indicate that the plane-strain condition is approximately realized through the thickness except for a region of rapidly decreasing triaxiality at the surface that constitutes approximately 10% of the thickness (20, 21). The observation that stress whitening does not extend to the surface but leaves a region of about 10% of the thickness that is visibly unaffected is confirmation that stress whitening occurs by a plane strain deformation mechanism. Instead of a shear-yield condition producing the damage zone at the notch tip, as in P C , the damage zone described for P V C blends is determined by a cavitational condition. When the zone is small, the elastic stress distribution of Maunsell (22) is used to obtain the plane-strain stress condition at the zone boundary (3). The shape of the initial stress-whitened zone resembles a major principal stress contour, which is also curved near the notch root. However, the actual shape is not the same, and the major principal stress varies by approximately 10% around the boundary of the zone. Cavitation is frequently the cause of stress whitening in impact-

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers

Figure 5. Polarized optical micrograph of the yield zone of 1.20-mm-thick PC loaded to 58.5 MPa and viewed in the yz plane (l).

modified polymers, and the boundary of the crescent-shaped zone in Figure 7 is described by a constant mean stress a = ( σ + σ + σ ) / 3 , where σ , σ , and σ are the major principal, minor principal, and through-thickness stresses, respectively. Figure 8 illustrates how the mean stress at the zone boundary remains almost constant as the load is increased; the variation in the major principal stress is also shown. Cavity nucleation in ductile metals is most often described by a critical strain condition rather than a critical stress condition (23). A principal strain criterion has been suggested for polymer crazing, which is also a cavitational process (24, 25). The volume strain calculated from the bulk modulus for the blend described in Figure 7 is 0.8%, which is significantly lower than the 1.2% reported for polycarbonate (26). A lower critical volume strain for cavitation can explain why P V C is more amenable than P C to conventional methods of impact modification that rely on cavitation as the mechanism of toughening. m






In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


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Composition and Temperature Effects. Numerous variables have been examined for their effect on the damage zone of P V C blends (3); these include the ratio of the notch radius to sheet thickness, temperature in the subambient range, amount of impact modifier from 5 to 20%, and composition of the C P E impact modifier, which altered the glass transition of the rubber as well as other properties. In all cases, the damage zone is a crescent-shaped stress-whitened zone that is described by a constant mean stress. Although the value of the mean stress obtained from an analysis of the damage zone may vary, the volume strain obtained from the mean stress and the calculated bulk modulus is always about 0.8% for P V C . A n example of this condition i n the study cited (3) is that either increasing the amount of impact modifier (Table I) or increasing the temperature caused the mean stress at the zone boundary to decrease (Table II). This effect leads to the conclusion that cavitation is controlled by a critical volume strain that is a material parameter of the resin (in this case PVC). Assuming an elastic stress distribution to obtain the condition at the boundary of the damage zone is justifiable only when the zone is small. As the zone increases in size, stress redistribution because of the presence of the zone cannot be neglected. When stress redistribution occurs, the crescentshaped stress-whitened zone elongates in the direction of the minor principal stress with a shape that is qualitatively described by the elastic-plastic boundary (27, 28).

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.








Figure 7. Optical micrographs of the stress-whitened zone of 3.6-mm-thick PVC with 15-phr expérimental resin 5896: a, position 1; h, position 2; and c, position 3 (3).

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Figure 8. Mean stress along the boundary of the stress-whitened zone of 3.6-mm-thick PVC with 15 phr experimental resin 5896 at several remote stresses (3). Table I. Mean Stress and Volume Strain of PVC with Experimental Resin 5896(3) Experimental Resin 5896 (phr)

Elastic Modulus (GPA)

5 10 15 20


Yield Stress (MPa)

3.2 2.6 2.5 2.3



1.6 mm

3.6 mm

34 29 26 20

33 29 28 23

57 51 49 44

Volume Strain (%) a

0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7

At 10 mm/min, crosshead speed.


Table II. Mean Stress and Volume Strain of 1.6-mm-ThickPVC with 10-phr Experimental Resin 5896 at Different Temperatures (3) Temperature (°c) 23 0 -20 -30 -40

Modulus (GPa) 2.6 3.5 3.7 4.7 4.9

Mean Stress (MPa) 29 37 48 54 59

Volume Strain (%) 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers


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Material That Both Shear-Yields and Cavitates— Polyvinyl chloride) Initial Damage Zone. Polyivinyl chloride) undergoes localized shear deformation, but readily cavitates when modified with a second phase (3, 4). Both shear and cavitational mechanisms contribute to the damage zone that forms in P V C ahead of a semicircular notch as described by Tse et al. (4). The first visible deformation occurs near position 1 on the stress-displacement curve in Figure 9, with the appearance of two families of intersecting slip lines that characterize core yielding. Core yielding of P V C is completely analogous to that of polycarbonate except for the slight difference in the angle at which the shp lines intersect. This discrepancy is caused by the larger pressure dependency of yielding in P V C . However, in P V C a region of stress whitening, which is not presence in polycarbonate, appears near the tip of the shp line zone (Figure 10). As the load increases, the size of the stress-whitened zone increases in length and width, but the position of the boundary closest to the notch remains fixed at approximately 0.11 mm from the notch tip. The location of the stress-whitened zone relative to the notch tip, and the size of the cavities that cause fight to be scattered, are apparent on a fracture surface created by brittle fracture through the preexisting damage zone (Figure 11). The core-yielding zone is closest to the notch and appears as two families of ridges that intersect at an approximately 90° angle. A region that is profusely cavitated is located approximately 0.1 mm from the notch and




Figure 9. Stress—displacement curve of 3.6-mm-thick PVC with a semicircular notch (4).

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Figure 10. Optical micrograph of the damage zone of 3.6-mm-thick PVC at position 1 on the stress-displacement curve (4). adjacent to the core-yielding zone. The region of the surface occupied by the l-μηι voids coincides with the location of the stress-whitened zone, and it can be distinguished from the areas further from the notch and closer to the edges that are featureless. The critical volume strain condition for stress-whitening of PVC blends is thought to apply to P V C as well; additives in the P V C formulation act as the second phase that promotes cavitation (29). However, in this case, the remote stress required for shear yielding is achieved at the notch tip before the remote stress for cavitation is achieved, and the initial irreversible deformation occurs by a shear mode, specifically core yielding, rather than by cavitation. Once a plastic yield zone forms, the resulting stress redistribution creates a gradually increasing stress at the tip of the zone as it grows away from the notch root. In P V C , the additional stress concentration is sufficient for the critical cavitational condition to be achieved at the tip of the core-yielded zone before the stress instability is reached. The stress-whitened zone is viewed as being superimposed on an elastic-plastic interface so that the part nearest to the notch lies within the plastic-yielded zone and the part furthest from the notch is in the surrounding elastic region. Although no exact solution is possible for the plastic-elastic stress distribution at a semicircular notch, some approximate calculations of the stress state at the boundary of the stress-whitened zone suggest that, like the P V C blends, stress whitening of P V C follows a constant mean stress condition and, furthermore, the corresponding critical strain is the same as P V C blends.

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers


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Figure 11. Fracture surface of 3.6-mm-thick PVC cryogenically fractured in a brittle manner through the damage zone: a, the core-yielding zone at the no root; b, high magnification view of the stress-whitened zone; and c, hig magnification view of the region beyond the stress-whitened zone (4).

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



The expression for the plastic mean stress, obtained from the stress distribu­ tion for the shp line field modified for a pressure-dependent material, is (6, 30) σ

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= ( * / μ ) { ΐ - [1/(1 + μ ) ] ^ ) " 0




^ }


and the corresponding volume strain is about 0.8%. The plastic-elastic stress distribution at a notch is amenable to finite element analysis, and estimates of the major principal stress suggest that a constant stress condition also exists at the point in the elastic region where the boundary of the stress-whitened zone intersects the χ axis.

Stress Instability. Although sheet thickness has little or no effect on the appearance of the core-yielding and stress-whitened zones of P V C , macroscopic shear yielding occurs by thickness-dependent shear modes analogous to those described by polycarbonate. The broad flow fines of plane-stress intersecting shear are observed superimposed on the stresswhitened zone in thinner sheets, whereas plane strain through thickness yielding on inclined planes above and below the notch, referred to as hinge shear, predominates in thicker sheets. As with polycarbonate, transitional behavior is observed with intermediate thicknesses. The characteristics of hinge and intersecting shear modes in P V C closely conform with those established for polycarbonate, and shear yielding of P V C appears superimposed on the cavitation mechanism when the instability condition is achieved. The confined nature of the stress-whitened zone in P V C , and the fact that the zone does not extend to the notch surface where it could have a significant notch blunting effect, is probably the reason the presence of the stress-whitened zone has little or no effect on the shear-yielding modes. Conclusions A comparison of the damage zone that forms in tension ahead of a semi­ circular notch has been made between materials that typically shear-yield and those that exhibit stress whitening. The response to the triaxial tensile stress state created by a stress concentrator is controlled by material parame­ ters that determine the critical condition for each mechanism of irreversible deformation. Analysis of the damage zone in polycarbonate, P V C , and rubber-modified P V C leads to the following conclusions: 1. Plasticity concepts describe the thickness dependence of shear-yielding modes in polycarbonate. The transition from plane-strain hinge shear on inclined planes above and below

In Toughened Plastics I; Riew, C., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Damage Zone in Some Ductile Polymers


the notch to plane-stress intersecting shear through the thick­ ness follows conditions suggested for ductile metals.

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2. The cavitation mechanism can be studied in plane strain with translucent blends of P V C with experimental C P E resins. The initial small crescent-shaped zone is controlled by a critical volume strain that is independent of composition and tempera­ ture. 3. Both shear and cavitation processes are observed in P V C . The initial irreversible deformation occurs by core-yielding, but the resulting stress intensification is sufficient for cavitation to subsequently initiate at the tip of the plastic zone.

Acknowledgments The work was generously supported by the Dow Chemical Company and the National Science Foundation, Polymers Program ( D M R 87-13041).

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