Toward a Unified Master-Equation Theory of Thermal Decomposition

Analytic Solution for Diatomic Dis- sociation. Pages 134-149. Editors Note: We reprint herewith Figures 3 and 7 of this article which was publishedin ...
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The Journal of Physics/ Chemisify,

vd. 83,No. 7.


Additions and Corrections

Camnm.. 74.79 (1977): S. Mvabayayli, M. SMOtani. and J. Somra. Chem. phys. Left., 51,568 (1977): S. Kcmlnami, S. Rakushka. and H. Hatam. Radiat. Res., 72, 89 (1977); N. Dhto. E. Niki, and Y. KanTva. J. Chsm. Soc..P&h Trans. 2. 1416 11977):L. S. Benner and A. L. Bakh. J. orSa&mta/. Chem.. 134. 121 (19771: K. K i m . Y. Inaki, and K. Takernolo. Makmmol. Chem.. 178. 317 (1977): Y. Maeoa,P.Sch~.D.Csl~,andKUIngdd.J.Chem.Soc.Chem. C o m m . . 525 119781: T. Dooa. T. lchikawa. and rl. Yosnda. Bun. Chem. Sic.Jdn.. 50; 3156 (1977). A. J. Bard, J. C. Gilbert. and R. D. W n . J. Am. Chem. Soc., OB. 620 (1974): %?aalso P. H. Kasai and D. Wed,Jr.. J. phys. Chem., 82, 619 (1978). B . K r a e ~ . C . D . J a ~ , a n d A . J . B a r dJ.M. , Chem. Sa..100. 4903 (1978). J. R. Harbour and M. L. Hair, J. phys. Cham.. 82, 1397 (1978). W. J. Dale. L. Stan. and C. W. Shobel, J. Org. Chsm., 26,2225 (1961); M. Kimshh and R. C. Schulz, Makmmol. Chem., 3, 137 (1968).

(7) The average molecular webM of poiy(p-fcimyIsWene) was about 2000 as measured by ihe use of an Ubbelohde viscometer at 25

OC in ietrahydmturan. (8) E. 0.Janzen, Y. Y. Wang. and R. V. Shew. J. Am. Chem. Sac.. 100. 2923 (1978). (9) P. Josi and 0. Hayes Wltlth In "Spin Labelling". L. J. Berliner. Ed., Academic Press, New York. 1976, p 251. (10) A. T. Bullock, G. G.Cameron, and P. M. Smith, J. phys. Chem., 77, 1635 (1973).

Guelph Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry Department of Chemistry University of Guelph Guelph, Ontarb, N1G 2W1 Canada

Edward 0. Janzen' Yea Yang Wang

Rsoeived Novembsr 29, 1978

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS 1979,Volume 83 Andrew W.Yau and Huw 0. Pritchard*: Toward a Unified Master-Equation Theory of Thermal Decomposition Reactions. Analytic Solution for Diatomic Dissociation. Pages 134-149. Editors Note: We reprint herewith Figures 3 and 7 of this article which was published in the January 11,1979 issue. These figures as originally printed in this issue lacked important detail. Sometimes we receive poor figures or drawings from our authors; in this case Professor Pritchard supplied us with perfectly good figures, and errors were made in the printing process. We apologize to Professor Pritchard and to ow readers for this unhappy result which we correct herewith.-Bryce Crawford, Jr.




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Figure 3. Anhenius a c t i i a t i i energy fd as a f u n a h ot temperawe far &om m4& of ttm dssodaSon of H, in Ar. fe = Nln k d q i l k n where the dissociation rate consiant is calculated as foiiows: (I) equilibrium, SSH model. without rotaiim (kqp). i.e.. curve Ill of Figure 2 (11) nonequilibrium, SSH model. without rotation (kho) i.e., curve I V of Figure 2; (Ill) rotationally averaged nonequilibrium SSH mcdel A. assuming (a)equilibrium in J, (b) slight disequilibrium in J(cutoff at J 2 30).(c) s?vere disequilibrium in J(culoft at J 2 20): (Iv) rotacarally averaged nonequilibrium SSH model B, assuming equilibrium in J . as in l I l a above



Figure 7. Energy-level diagram tor para-H* in ihe ground electronic state. The vibraiiinai quantum number VIS given fcf each vibraibnal level. The energy-level diagram would be apprwriaie f a calculations In the temperature range of 50-100 K.