toxicology - ACS Publications

Toxicology who have acquired Ph.D. or M.S. Degrees in Toxicology,. Pharmacology, Environmental Science or related ... transporting hazardous materials...
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The ERM Guide To High-Level Success

HEAD, ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH School of Publlc Health, University of Mlnnesota The Division Of Envlronmentai and Occupational Health. Schwi of Public Healthat the Universltyof Minnesota, invites applications for the position of Head. This is a tenured position at the professor or associate professor level. Candidatesmust have an earned doctorate, an outstanding and attive record in basic, applied andlor policy research bearingon environmentaland occupational health, a commitment to quality teaching and strong leadership capability to enhance the research and teaching programs of the Division. Seven years experlence Is required for associate professor level; 10 years for professor ievel. Administrative experience, not necessarily as a titled administrator, is desirable. Applicantsshould send a resume and names of three references by March 1, 1988 to:

Marcus 0. Kjelsberg, Ph.D. Chair, Search Commlttee Box 197 Mayo Memorlal Bulldlng University of Minnesota Mlnneapolls, MN 55455 The University 01 Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and educator and specificallyinvites the applications of women and minorities.

We’re Expanding Our Work In

TOXICOLOGY YOU MAY KNOW US for the quality of our performance in environmental consulting. To further interest you: we have been named by INC magazine as one of AMERICA’S 500 FASTEST-GROWING COMPANIES- in addition to being listed as a “TOP 1 0 0 design firm by ENGINEERING NEWSRECORD. GET TO KNOW US BETTER-and you may find yourself in a thoroughly satisfying role that will lead our company to new successes! We’re especially interested in meeting candidates who would be as comfortable in business development as they obviously are in leading assessment work in this field. Members andlor Diplomates of the Society of Toxicology who have acquired Ph.D. or M.S. Degrees in Toxicology, Pharmacology, Environmental Science or related biochemical fields are preferred. We will be concentrating on dose-response of animals and humans to chemical and toxic substances, as well as directing risk assessment projects for hazardous waste sites. Experience in Regulatory (non-laboratory) Toxicology andlor with Superfund projects is desirable. Our Corporate Offices are located in a lovely rural setting just outside Philadelphia. In addition to our favorable location, you will enjoy compensation that parallels your new responsibilities. Explore these opportunities. by sending your resume noting salary expectations to:


Human Resources EST1188 The ERM Group 855 Springdale Drive Exton, PA 19341 an equal opportunity emplopr

HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST Must have proven background in risk assessment of transporting hazardous materials, knowledge of techniques for assesslng communlty vulnerabiilty to hazards, computer mapping, statistical and probabillty analysis, and FORTRAN required. Responsible for development of computer programs for plotting alternative scenarios, conducting survey research, consulting with clients, preparing proposals with cost projections, and drafting reports. Strong educatlonai background in urban planning and civil engineering essential. 40 hr week (8:OO a.m.-5:00 p.m.) salary $24,000per year. 7 yrs college with Ph.D. in Geography Concentration. Risk Assessment. 5 yrs experience Teaching & Research. Qualified applicants send resume or applicatlon letter to: AZ DES Job Service Attn 732-A Re: JB# 0802373, PO Box 6123, Phoenix, A2 85005 (Job Location: Phoenix, Arizona). Employer paid ad.

36 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 22, No. 1, 1988

ENGINEERING FACULTY POSITION-The Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University. invites ?ppiications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning July 1, 1988. Applicants must be engineers with the Ph.D. or equivalent. An active research program and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels will be required. Research Interests should be in the physical and chemical processes of water and wastewater treatment, and the fate and transport of organic and inorganic compounds in the environment. Salary is competitive and negotiable. Send curriculum vitae to Dr. C. H. Ward, Chalrman, Department of Envlronmental Science and Englneerlng, Rlce Unlverslly, P.O. Box 1592, Houston, TX 77251. Rice University is an Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer.

ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING FACULTY POSITION The University of Connecticut A tenure-track position is available immediately in the newly-formed Environmental Research lnstltute (ERI) for Hazardous Materials and Wastes at the Assistant or Associate Professor ievei. The position Is for teaching and research in the area of toxic air pollution control processes andlor atmepheric air quality modeling. The faculty position will have a joint appointment wlth either Civil or Chemical Engineering departments. Successful candidates must have a Ph.D. in Engineering and will be expected to develop sponsored research programs. Applicants are Invited to submit completed resumes and three references to: Dr. George E. Hoag. Acting Director, Environmental Research lnstltute for Hazardous Materials & Wastes, The University of Connecticut, Box U-210, 191 Auditorium Road, Storrs, CT 06268. We are an Affirmative ActionlEqual Opportunity Employer, mlf. (Search #8A184).


2 TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS for August 1988 at assistant/associate professor level: an Organlc Chemist and an Analytlcal Chemist. Ph.D. required; postdoctoral experience desirable. Teaching at graduatehndergraduate levels. Especially interested in those with active research programs in environmental chemistry. Send vita, transcripts, research plans, 3 letters to: L. Keller, Dept. of Chemistry, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199. Closing date: 2/11/88. Flu, The State University of Florida at Miami, has a current enrollment of 17,000 students. Flu has B.S./B.A. programs in chemistry and environmental studies and a new M.S. program,in chemistry. New science building planned for occupany in 1990. FiU is an AA/EO employer.

Envlronmental Englneerlng Specialist, M.S. in environmental science or city and regional planning. Must have knowledge or experience in water quallty engineering design and industrial and hazardous waste treatment: computer modeling studies on ground water problems: San Francisco Bay Delta Toxicity (metal pollution studies). Must be familiar with state and federal research and monitoring programs on agricultural drainage problems in the Delta and Central Valley. 40 hours per week, $2640 month. Job sitelinterview, Sacramento, CA. Send this ad and a resume to Job #AW12514, P.O. Box 9560, Sacramento, CA 95823-0560, not later than 1-31-88.