Toxins from Marine Invertebrates - ACS Symposium Series (ACS

Jan 29, 1990 - Against such a background, the objectives of this chapter include: 1) Outlining the extent of knowledge concerning marine invertebrate ...
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Chapter 24

Toxins from Marine Invertebrates M. J. A. Walker and V. L. Masuda

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Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, The University of British Columbia, 2176 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5, Canada

It is increasingly realized that many toxins are very site-specific i n their actions and hence are o f value as biological tools. A s a result, there is an increasing explorat i o n o f toxins from marine sources, especially those from invertebrates. Plant toxins were o f paramount importance i n the elucidation o f the mechanisms by which tissues communicate (e.g., neurotransmitters and autacoids). M o r e recently, animal toxins (e.g., tetrodotoxin and alpha bungarotoxin) have been o f equal value i n analyzing c o m m u n i c a t i o n across the cell membrane, i.e., through receptors and i o n channels. Against such a background, the objectives o f this chapter include: 1) O u t l i n i n g the extent o f knowledge concerning marine invertebrate toxins; 2) E n s u r ing that most marine invertebrate toxins receive some consideration; 3) Generalizing u p o n molecular mechanisms o f actions; 4) O u t l i n i n g search strategies for identifying new toxins and their possible mechanisms o f action. A s a result, this chapter w i l l review, although not comprehensively, marine invertebrate toxins not considered i n detail elsewhere. In addition, it w i l l speculate o n relationships between toxins from the phylla which make up the marine invertebrates. T h e relationships to be considered are those concerned w i t h the use toxins are put to i n defense, offense, and digestion. T h e i r use as defensive o r offensive weapons cannot be discussed without considering the target at which they are directed since, to be effective, a toxin has to utilize the underlying physiology o f the target organism. F o r example, a toxin which specifically blocks sodium channels w o u l d be expected to be effective only against a species in which such channels are vital. Thus, it is useful to consider the nature and actions o f toxins w i t h i n the c o n text o f the physiology o f target species. O v e r the last few years, there has been widespread recognition that toxins c o n tain very site-specific molecules and as a result there has been a surge o f interest i n using them for analyzing cellular mechanisms. However, the upsurge i n screening toxic animals for the presence o f site-specific toxins has not been correspondingly large. Thus this chapter w i l l specifically consider the need to screen biologically all marine invertebrates for toxins. A p p r o p r i a t e consideration o f the pharmacological basis o f various screens, and o f the relationships between a toxin and its biological function, should make it possible to identify putatively the cellular mechanism which a toxin targets. In other chapters o f this v o l u m e considerable attention is given to marine toxins whose cellular sites o f action have been identified. F o r example, saxitoxin, brevetoxin, and sea anemone toxins are prototypes o f toxic molecules whose chemical structure is k n o w n , and whose actions o n ionic channels i n the cell membrane have been elucidated. Recent additions to such toxins are the piscivorus cone

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In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


toxins; these startlingly exemplify the principle that toxins w h i c h are used as offensive weapons can be targeted to fundamental physiological mechanisms responsible for l o c o m o t i o n i n the prey species. In contradistinction to site-specific molecules there are other toxins which, i n a sense, create their o w n specificity. Thus i o n o p h o r e toxins, by opening u p t h e cell membrane to sodium and calcium ions, create their o w n specificity. P r i m e examples o f this are found i n cytolytic toxins i n general, and jellyfish toxins and palytoxin i n particular. Before considering marine invertebrate toxins i n detail, it is useful to define some o f the terms to be used. M a n y o f these terms are teleological, nevertheless they have a usefulness. A toxin is any single (or multiple) chemical entity produced in o n e species capable o f producing pathological changes i n a second species. N o clear distinction can be made between toxins and venoms although t h e latter are often considered to be actively injected by the secreting species. Toxins that have evolved function i n offense, defense, and digestion. Bakus et al. (2) have given an overview o f marine chemical ecology i n which the emphasis was placed o n the value toxins have i n preventing predation, ensuring a clear and free environment, giving species dominance, etc. W h i l e a particular toxin may only fulfill a single role o f offense, defense, o r digestion, there is n o a priori reason against a toxin having m u l t i p l e roles. T w o examples illustrate this point, the previously mentioned conotoxins have a m a i n role o f offense. They rapidly i m m o b i l i z e a victim so that it may be engulfed and digested but appear t o have n o direct role i n digestion; any defensive role is probably fortuitous. Olivera et al. (2) have commented i n detail u p o n this topic. O n t h e other hand, jellyfish toxins play all three roles w i t h equal facility. Thus, jellyfish (nematocyst) toxins are highly effective i n subduing prey species and ensuring that prey become entangled i n tentacles for subsequent transportation into t h e oral cavity. Such cytotoxic (and cytolytic) nematocyst toxins also begin the process o f digest i o n and, i n addition, deter other animals from preying u p o n jellyfish. A t least two types o f defense can be recognized: active defense where toxin is actively injected into the attacking o r intruding organism, and passive defense, w h i c h includes environmental defense, whereby an organism dissuades competing organisms from living i n its territory. Antibiotic-type toxins are probably examples o f passive defense. Targets for toxins can be considered to exist at various levels. Toxins may evolve w h i c h subdue prey by either blocking the systems responsible for l o c o m o t i o n , circulation, o r for central coordination, i n t h e potential victim. I n order t o disable these systems, advantage is often taken o f t h e fact that their physiology depends u p o n specific transmembrane channels such as those for sodium, potassium, and calcium ions. T h e chemical nature o f marine toxins is extremely varied. M o l e c u l e s such as saxitoxin and palytoxin are varyingly complex organic molecules w h i l e sea anemone toxins are polypeptides. O n e may speculate as to why there is such variety. There are advantages associated with polypeptide and protein toxins. F o r example, their structure readily responds to genetic reshuffling w i t h resulting improved specificity; i n order to achieve t h e same sort o f change w i t h non-peptide organic molecules, a w h o l e panoply o f synthesizing enzymes has to be changed i n order t o change t h e parent molecule. However, polypeptides and proteins are readily broken down (as i n t h e gut) and are absorbed with difficulty. Small organic molecules are readily absorbed a n d passed easily from one species t o another, as is t h e case w i t h t h e paralytic shellfish toxins.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



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Toxic Marine Invertebrates In the animal kingdom, many toxic species are to be found among marine invertebrates. T h e marine invertebrate kingdom consists o f the following phylla, P r o t o zoa, Porifera, E c t o p r o c t a , Coelenterata, Echinodermata, Platyhelminthes, R h y n c h o coela, A n n e l i d a , Sipunculida, M o l l u s c a , and A n t h r o p o d a . These phylla range from the simplest organisms to animals such as the cephalopods which have complex circulation and nervous systems. E a c h phyllum consists o f a number o f classes and extensive orders and families. F o r example, the class Crustacea, i n the phyllum A n t h r o p o d a (25,000 species), contains over 18 orders. T h e phyllum M o l l u s c a has over 10,000 species divided into 7 classes. B y their very nature, most o f these invertebrates are potential victims o f the faster, more mobile, and more intelligent, vertebrates. I n partial compensation, the organisms that have prevailed through evolut i o n are i n many cases equipped with an impressive array o f toxins for defense and offense. S o m e idea o f the spectrum o f toxins to be found i n marine invertebrates is shown i n Table I while the review o f Halstead and V i n c i (3) gives a comprehensive overview o f which phylla and species are toxic. E v e n w i t h i n a single order, a host of toxins differing i n their actions and structure may be found. Prominent toxincontaining phylla include Coelenterata, Echinodermata, A n n e l i d a , and M o l l u s c a and w i t h i n each phylla, a l l classes and orders contain species which are toxic to vertebrates o r invertebrates. However, n o simple rule allows us to predict which are likely to be toxic. A n additional complication is that some species seem to acquire toxicity from their environment and thus contain exogenous toxins. A classical example are the molluscs which accumulate toxins, such as the saxitoxins, from dinoflagellates living i n their environment. A l t h o u g h this example is perhaps the most well-known, it is tempting to speculate as to h o w c o m m o n is such acquired toxicity. The following section outlines the range o f toxins found i n the various phylla that constitute the marine invertebrates. T h e toxins and toxicity o f some o f the these phylla have been reviewed recently (4-7).

Protozoa and Porifera.

T h e Protista, which l i e somewhere between plants and animals, include protozoans, algae, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. S o m e 80 marine species have been found to be toxic to humans and other animals; most are dinoflagellates, free-living motile single cell organisms. Dinoflagellates are a source o f toxins that accumulate i n many fish and shellfish (see Chapters 3, 8, and 11 i n this volume). A s i d e from dinoflagellates, toxic protists include the marine alga, Spindina subsala, which kills shrimps. O t h e r blue green marine algae are capable o f producing a contact dermatitis due, i n some cases, to production o f the inflammatory toxin, debromoaplysiatoxin (8). However, most o f the toxic blue green algae are found i n fresh water. A full list o f protista found to contain o r release toxin or to be responsible i n someway for deaths o f marine species are to be found i n Table I i n Russell's monograph (9). The sponges (Porifera) are simple colonial animals (over 8,000 species) w i t h a silica calcinate skeleton. T h e phyllum Porifera consists o f the subphylla Gelatinosa and N u d a . T h e Gelatinosa has three classes and over 10 orders. Table III i n Russell's monograph (9) lists a l l o f the k n o w n toxic sponges which are most c o m m o n i n the family H a l i c o n i d a e . S o m e sponges k i l l fish when placed i n close proximity. M o r e than 7 0 % o f coral sponges appear to be toxic i n this manner. Only 30% o f cryptic sponges are similarly toxic (10-12) suggesting that the extrusion o f toxin is part o f a sponge's defense system. A few teleost fish can safely eat such toxic sponges and some nudibranchs even acquire toxicity by feeding u p o n them (13,14). L D values can be determined for alcoholic extracts o f sponges by 5 Q

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Toxins from Marine Invertebrates

Table I. Some Marine Toxins Toxin



LZV ug/kg

Saxitoxin Brevetoxin Maitotoxin Ciguatoxin Okadaic acid Palytoxin

Dinoflagellate Dinoflagellate Dinoflagellate Dinoflagellate Coelenterate Coelenterate

309 900 3,300 1,111 786 3,300

Amino Acid Composition

3.0 95 0.13 0.45 192 0.15

Conotoxins Conidae (Mollusca) Conidae (Mollusca) Conidae (Mollusca) Conidae (Mollusca)

a oj

K 1

13-15 22 25-29 25

L D estimates were obtained in mice after ip injection. 50

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.




observing the behavior o f fish i n an aquarium with the end points being behavioral changes and ultimately death. Bakus and T h u n (10) found that o f 54 Caribbean sponges examined i n this manner, 31 were toxic.

Ectoprocta and Bryozoa. These phylla contain species which exist as sessile tufted organisms o r branched cell colonies. They are often found attached t o bethonic animals, kelp, shells, o r rocks. Clinically, the most important is curty-weed o r sea chervil (A. gelatinosum o r A. hirsutwn) which are responsible for the Dogger B a n k syndrome found i n N o r t h Sea fishermen. This allergic c o n d i t i o n involves sensitizat i o n t o the hapten 2-OH ethyl dimethylsulphoxonium.

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Coelenterates and Echinoderms.

I n t h e phylla Coelenterata and Echinodermata approximately 90 species have been investigated for toxicity (see Tables II and in). O n l y 20 o r so have been extensively studied (e.g., sea anemones, sea cucumber, and jellyfish). E v e n so, while relatively complete studies have been made o n isolation, characterization, and elucidation o f mechanisms o f action, i n no one species have all o f the toxins present been identified. Thousands o f species have not been subjected to even the most cursory examination. T h e coelenterates, the first organisms to have signs o f a mesoderm, divide into two sub-phylla, M e d u s o z o a and A n t h o z o a . T h e former has the classes H y d r o z o a and Scyphozoa (true jellyfish). T h e latter divides into A l c y o n a r i a (Octocorallia), Z o a n t h a r i a (Hexacorallia) and Ceriantipatharia. Schyphozoan toxins are mainly contained w i t h i n stinging organelles (nematocysts) from which they are expressed via a h o l l o w stinging thread. Typical coelenterate toxins are considered i n this v o l u m e by F r e l i n and Burnett (see Chapters 13 and 25 i n this volume). A b o u t 70 o f t h e 10,000 coelenterates are either venomous o r toxic t o humans (75). T h e sub-phyllum A n t h o z o a (6,500 species) contains the classes A l c y o n a r i a (soft corals, sea fans, sea pens, sea pansies), Z o a n t h a r i a (sea anemones and true corals), and Ceriantipatharia. T h e Scleroactinia (Madreporaria-true o r stony corals) build the massive coral reefs and atolls which occur i n tropical waters. A c c o r d i n g t o H a s h i m o t o (25), toxicity t o humans is mainly found i n t h e fire o r stinging corals (Millepora sp.) and, t o a lesser extent, i n the stony corals (Goniopora sp.). T h e echinoderms (5,900 species) are spiny skinned animals generally found o n the sea floor. They have a 5-rayed, symmetrical body varying from 5 m m t o 1.0 m i n size; some species are covered with stalk-like appendages (pedicellariae) which have pincers at their tips. These pedicellariae serve cleaning, offensive, and defensive roles. T h e sub-phylum C r i n o z o a (sea-lillies, feather stars) contains about 600 species while t h e Asterozoa (3,600 species) is composed o f sub-classes, t h e Asteroides (starfish) and O p h i u r o i d e a (brittlestars). T h e sub-phylum E c h i n o z o a contains two classes, the E c h i n o i d e a (sea urchins, heart urchins, and sand dollars) and H o l o t h u r i o i d e a (sea cucumbers). I n sea urchins, toxins are found o n spine-tips and in pedicellariae. Spine-tips o f some urchins (e.g., Diadema sp.) are covered by a sac lined with toxin-containing cells. H a s h i m o t o (25) recorded that spines o f sea urchins such as Diademata, Phormosoma, Acanthaster, and Echinothrix are capable o f producing injuries i n humans while the pedicellariae o f Temnopleuridae and T o x o p neustidae can cause envenomation. Sea cucumbers (Holothurioidea) contain highly toxic saponins which presumably play a role i n protection since t h e relatively unprotected bodies o f these species make them particularly vulnerable t o predation. W h e n "attacked", a sea cucumber expels Cuverian glands whose projections elongate and enmesh an assailant while, at the same time, exuding ichthyotoxic saponins t o discourage further attacks. Some 30 species o f sea cucumbers contain saponins which are highly toxic t o other marine creatures as well as fish.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


Table II. Partial List of Coelenterates from which Toxic Substances Have Been Isolated Subphylum Class




hydroids Medusozoa




Physalia physalis

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fire coral Medusozoa




Medusozoa Medusozoa Medusozoa Medusozoa Medusozoa

Scyphozoa Scyphozoa Scyphozoa Cubozoa Cubozoa

Semaostomeae Semaostomeae Semaostomeae Cubomedusae Cubomedusae









Anthozoa Anthozoa Anthozoa Anthozoa

Zoanthraria Zoanthraria Zoanthraria Zoanthraria

Actiniaria Actiniaria Actiniaria Zonanthiniaria

Metridiidae Aiptasiidae Aiptasiidae Zoanthidae

Millepora sp.

jellyfish Pelagidae Pelagidae Cyanidae Carybdeidae Chirodropidae

Pelagia noctiluca Chrysaora quinquecirrha Cyanea sp. Carybdea rastoni (Chironex flecked) Chiropsalmus quadrigatus)

sea anemones Actinia equina (Anemonia sulcata, Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Condylactis sp., Tealia felina) Stoichactis sp. (Radianthus kosierensis, Gyrostoma helianthus) Metridium sp. Aiptasia sp. Parasicyonis sp. Palythoa sp.

soft corals Anthozoa Anthozoa

Alcyonaria Alcyonaria

Alcyonacea Alcyonacea

Alcyonidae Alcyonidae

Sinularia sp. Sarcophyton glaucum

sea whips Anthozoa




Lophogorgia sp.

stone or true corals Anthozoa




Acvropora palmata





Goniopora sp.

(Astrocoeniina) (Fungiina) SOURCE: Reproduced with permission from Ref. 5. Copyright 1988 Marcel Dekker.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Table III. Partial List of Echinoderms from which Toxic Substances Have Been Isolated Subphylum Class




starfish Asterozoa




Asterias forbesi (Asteroidea)

sea urchins Echinozoa








Diadema antillarum (Euechinoidea) (Toxopneustes pileolus Tripneustes gratilla)

sea cucumbers Echinozoa




Holothuria sp (Aspidochirotacea)

SOURCE: Reproduced with permission from Ref. 5. Copyright 1988 Marcel Dekker.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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ToxinsfromMarine Invertebrates


Marine Worms. (Platyhelminthes, Rynchocoela, Annelida, Sipunaelida.) A variety o f species from w o r m phylla have been found to contain toxins. There are approximately 56,000 species o f worms (14,000 annelids, 25,000 platyhelminthes, 15,000 nematodes, and 800 nemertines), and o f these, most o f the toxic species are found i n the nemertines. T h e most well-known toxin is nereisotoxin which has been modified t o form a very useful insecticide. T h e annelids include the bristle worms and b l o o d worms i n w h i c h toxicity is associated with bristle-like setae and/or biting jaws. In the order Polychaetae, toxicity is usually found i n three genera (Chloeia, Eurythoe, H e m o d i c e ) . T h e platyhelminthes are n o t associated with many cases o f h u m a n toxicity. T h e only class o f platyhelminthes i n which toxicity can readily be found is i n the Turbellaria. I n the Rhynchocaela (ribbon worms), toxic species include Lineus sp. S o m e platyhelminthes (e.g., Planocera multitenta) have been found to contain tetrodotoxin (76). Mollusca and Athropoda. O f the 80,000 species i n the 5 classes o f molluscs, only 85 are k n o w n to be toxic to humans. T h e phyllum M o l l u s c a contains two notable classes w i t h toxic species; these are Gastropoda and C e p h a l o p o d a . T h e i r relevant toxicology and zoology have been reviewed by Fange (17). I n the class Gastropoda, there are a variety o f orders and families i n which toxic genera utilize toxic substances to subdue their prey. A s originally discovered i n the 1860's, many tonnacean gastropods have the ability to secrete free sulfuric acid from their salivary glands (18,19). I n addition to secreting acid there is evidence o f the presence o f neurotoxins i n their secretions. There has been a report o f tetrodotoxin being present (20) as well as other neurotoxins (21). In the order M u r i c i d a e these carnivorous snails attack molluscs o r sessile crustaceans by boring holes i n their shells using softening secretions. H y p o b r a n c h i a l and other glands contain small molecular weight substances with pharmacological activity (e.g., murexine, 5 H T , etc.). T h e order Mesogastropoda contains the family C o n i d a e (400 species) whose venom apparatus consists o f a barbed h o l l o w tooth through which venom is expressed from a venom duct using a bulb as the source o f pressure (see Chapter 20 i n this volume). T h e cone shells, as discussed previously, are divided o n the basis o f their prey species be it fish, worms, o r other shellfish. In the order Buccinidae (whelks) the salivary glands contain large amounts o f tetramine and other small molecular weight substances such as c h o l i n e esters. H o w ever, there is little evidence for their use as toxins according to zoological observations (22). In the order Opisthobranchia (sea slugs, sea horse) the nudibranchs (3,000 species) are shell-less and appear i n desperate need o f protection. They achieve some protection by excreting from their skins various toxins. These are sometimes obtained by grazing o n toxic sponges, for example, as occurs with Phyllidia varicosa which grazes o n Hymeniacidon sp. However, toxins have also been isolated from the digestive glands o f nudibranchs (23). A m o n g the 33,000 other gastropods, toxic species are found among Aplysia, Haliotis, Murex, Thais, and Neptunae. T h e ingest i o n o f Haliotis sp. (abalone) has been associated with a photo-sensitizing dermatitis (15). T h e cephalopods often secrete venom from their posterior salivary glands and hence secretion o f venom probably forms part o f the process o f digestion. C e p h a l o pods include species, such as octopi, capable o f injecting various venoms including simple amines such as tetramine. O n the other hand, maculotoxin isolated from the octopus H. maculosa was eventually determined to be tetrodotoxin (24 ). T h e multiple-jointed animals i n the phyllum arthropoda do n o t usually use toxins as offensive weapons. However, a variety o f crabs have occasionally been shown to be the cause o f food poisoning (25,26).

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Chemical Nature of Toxins

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In this section the range o f chemical structure found i n marine invertebrate is considered. T h e different phylla are considered as i n the previous section.


Protista and Porifera. A wide variety o f substances w h i c h are toxic or potentially toxic have been isolated from Porifera. H a s h i m o t o (25) lists over 60 individual or classes o f compounds many o f which (e.g, amino acids, nucleosides, etc.) are found i n most biological tissue. A variety o f antibiotic substances such as terpenoids, furanoterpenes, brominated phenols, and pyrroles have all been isolated from sponges (25). Polyethers are increasingly found i n various species. M a n y are similar to i o n o p h o r i c polyethers and crown ethers. This type o f c o m p o u n d has the ability to form membrane spanning rings through which ions can shuttle backwards and forwards across the cell membrane. A n i o n o p h o r i c polyether monocarboxylic acid, okadaic acid, has been isolated from Halichondria okadai (27-29). Bryostatin is a macrolide ester discovered i n bryozoans (30). Small molecular weight amines and amino acid derivatives, such as N-acyl-2-methylene beta alanine from Fasciospongia cavernosa (52), have been obtained from porifera. T h e sponge Hymeniacidon sp. produces a sesquiterpene (9-isocyanopupukaenane) and this c o m p o u n d is concentrated i n nudibranchs w h i c h graze u p o n them (28). A saponin-like substance, agelasine, was isolated from Agelas dispar (10). Suberitine from Suberites domcuncidus was originally isolated by R i c h e t (32) and was shown to be heat labile and have a M W o f 28,000 by Cariello et al. (33). A cyclic peptide, dolastin, was isolated from Dolabella auricularia (34). Coelenterates and Echinoderms. Coelenterate and echinoderm toxins range from small molecular weight amines, to sterols, to large complex carbohydrate chains, to proteins o f over 100,000 daltons. M o l e c u l a r size sometimes reflects taxonomy, e.g., sea anemones (Actiniaria) all possess toxic polypeptides varying i n size from 3,000 to 10,000 daltons w h i l e jellyfish contain toxic proteins (ca. 100,000 daltons). Carotenoids have been isolated from Asterias species (starfish), E c h i n o i d e a (sea urchins), and A n t h o z o a n s such as A c t i n i a r i a (sea anemones) and the corals. These are sometimes complexed w i t h sterols (35). A c c o r d i n g to Tursch et al. (36) small molecular weight terpenoids have only been isolated from the subclass A l c y o n a r i a (soft corals, gorgonians) o f coelenterates. Examples include sarcophine from Sarcophyton glaucum (37) and stylatulide from Stylatida species (38). S o m e o f these terpenoids are toxic to mice and fish (e.g., sarcophine) but others are not. Antineoplastic and antifungal activity have been reported for coelenterate terpenoids. L o p h o t o x i n from sea whips (Lophogorgia sp.) is a neuromuscular blocker that belongs to the cembrene class o f diterpenoids (39). G o a d (40) and others have extensively reviewed coelenterate and echinoderm sterols including the saponins found i n starfish and sea cucumbers. Cholesterol is a c o m m o n sterol i n most families, except for gorgonians and zoanthids; some soft corals contain polyhydroxylated sterols. T h e amount o f variation associated w i t h phylogeny is illustrated i n the echinoderms by the fact that crinoids, ophuiroids, and echinoids contain A 5 sterols while holothuriodeans and asteroids contain A 7 sterols. S o m e classes contain uniquely structured sterols. Saponins are complexes o f sugars and steroids or triterpenoids (as aglycones) which occur widely i n plants but are rarer i n animals. T h e saponins from sea cucumbers are triterpenoids, whereas those from starfish are steroidal saponins (41). A variety o f aglycones have been isolated from H o l o t h u r i o i d e a (42,43), w h i c h vary little i n their structure. T h e ubiquitous nature o f the distribution o f the aglycones and holothurins i n H o l o t h u r i o i d a e and A c t i n o p y g a is exemplified i n Tables I V - X I I o f H a s h i m o t o ' s review (25). T h e sugar moieties, D-xylose, D-glucose, D-quinovose, and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose attached to the aglycone, confer solubility.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


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O f the five classes o f echinoderms, both the Asteroidea (starfish) and H o l o t h u r i o i d e a (sea cucumbers) invariably contain saponins, w i t h their content varying w i t h species. T h e active compounds from the Cuverian glands are given the general name o f holuthurins. H o l o t h u r i n o g e n was recognized to be the prototypical aglycone by Russell (44), while R o l l e r et a l . (45) gave a rigorous p r o o f o f the structure o f holothurinogens. A variety o f similar substances has been isolated from many sea cucumbers [e.g., H o l o t o x i n A and B from Stichopus sp. (46)]. T h e asterosaponins w h i c h can be isolated from starfish were first recognized by H a s h i m o t o and Y a s u m o t o (47) o n the basis o f extracts which repelled molluscs and fishes. Large molecular weight toxins have been isolated from sea anemones. E q u i n a toxin, a lethal cytolytic toxin from A. equina is o n e such toxin (48,49). M o l e c u l a r weight estimates for parasitoxin, a lethal hemolysin, were 19,000 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 17,000 by sedimentation (49). Three lethal and hemolytic toxins from Actinia cari (caritoxin I, II and III) are basic proteins o f 20,000-35,000 daltons (51). Similar toxins are found i n related species (52). A basic toxic protein o f 18,000 daltons has been isolated from Stoichactis kenti (53) while S. helianthus has a 17,000 dalton basic protein cytolysin, and two 5,000 molecular weight neurotoxins o f unusual structure (54). Haemolysin from S. helianthus (cytolysin III) has 153 amino acid residues and both alpha helix and beta chains (55). V a r i o l y s i n from the anemone Pseudactinia varia has a molecular weight o f 19,500 (56). M e b s et a l . (57) have isolated ichthyotoxic hemolysins o f approximately 10,000 daltons (48 amino acids) from Gyrostoma helianthus, Radianthus koseirensis, and Rhodactis rhodostoma. A 31,800 toxic protein occurs i n the nematocysts o f Aiptasia and Pachycerianthus sp. (58) . A l d e e n et a l . (59) described 12,000-14,000 dalton extracts from Tealia felina that had hemolytic actions. Further purification yielded a protein o f 7,800 daltons (60). B o t h sea anemones (order Actinaria) and stony corals (order Scleractinia) belong to the class Zoantharia and sub-phylum A n t h o z o a and therefore it is not surprising that toxic polypeptides o f 12,000 and 30,000 daltons have also been isolated from G o n i o p o r a corals.

Mollusca and Arthropoda. T h e basic polypeptides utilized by C o n i d a e are discussed elsewhere by O l i v e r a et a l . (2, Chapter 20 i n this volume). Tetramine and tetramine-like quaternary a m m o n i u m compounds have been found i n Tonnacean gastropods; i n the Muricidae, such compounds include small molecular weight substances such as murexine and dihydromurexine, which are similar to other pharmacologically active cholines such as senecioylcholine, acrylylcholine, and seneciloylcholine. These substances can be extracted from various glands (salivary, proboscis, hypobranchial) o f genera such as M u r e x , Thais, and Neptunea (67). Toxlcological and Pharmacological Actions Protozoa and Porifera.

T h e pharmacology and toxicology o f the dinoflagellate toxins w h i c h act u p o n the voltage- and time-dependent sodium channel found i n nerves o f vertebrates and invertebrates, and the skeletal muscle o f vertebrates, are discussed i n other chapters i n this volume. Suberitine, a small protein from the sponge Suberites domcuncula, has a variety o f actions. It is not very toxic but causes hemolysis i n human erythrocytes, flaccid paralysis i n crabs and depolarization o f squid axon and abdominal nerve o f crayfish. A variety o f extracts from Porifera have been shown to be toxic to fish and generally have cytotoxic and hemolytic actions (62,63). A s discussed previously, a variety o f sponges exude substances that are toxic to fish.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



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Cytotoxic and hemolytic activity has been obtained from the sponge Pachymatisma johnstonii (63). Debromoaplysiatoxin, which causes contact dermatitis and a pustular folliculitis i n humans and severe inflammation i n rabbits, is o n e o f the most potent skin irritants k n o w n (64).

Coelenterates and Echinoderms. Toxic proteins have also been found i n echinoderms. A l e n d e r et al. (65) found a 67,000 dalton basic protein i n pedicellarean toxin from Tripneustes. F l e m i n g and H o w d e n (66) suggested that toxin from Tripneustes was an acidic protein. T h e partial purfication o f a toxic protein from Toxopneustes pileolus has been described by Nakagawa and K i m u r a (67) w h i l e M e b s (68) isolated o n e o f 25,000 daltons from T. gratilla. Three toxic proteins (hemoagglutinins and hemolysins) have been isolated from coelemic fluid obtained from Holothuria polii (69). V e n o m from the globiferous pedicellariae o f sea urchins is lethal to mice, rabbits, crabs, lobsters, and worms (70). Seasonal changes i n toxicity o f such toxins (71) have been observed. T h e L D estimate (mice) for toxic fractions from the urchin Tripneustes gratilla ranged from 0.05-0.5 mg/kg (70). T h e pharmacology o f echinoderm toxins centers o n the pharmacological actions of saponins from sea cucumbers and starfish. Such pharmacological actions have been reviewed many times. I n general, many o f the toxicological actions o f saponins are consistent with their ability to lyse cells v i a a detergent action. F o r example, R u g g i e r i and Nigrelli (72) discussed the variety o f actions such saponins produce, including those o n growth and differentiation (especially o n sea urchin eggs). H o l o t h u r i n s also i m m o b i l i z e sperm, arrest growth, and lyse a variety o f tissues. Similar actions may account for the antifungal and antiparasitic actions o f h o l o t h u rins. H o l o t h u r i n s can cause contraction o f skeletal muscle and irreversibly block neuromuscular transmission, as well as disturb electrogenesis i n cardiac tissue. Asterosaponins isolated from starfish share such actions (73). T h e toxicological actions o f the various saponins isolated from starfish and sea anemones have been extensively discussed by various authors. T h e major findings are that saponins have toxic actions o n mammals, fish, and invertebrates. T h e hemolytic actions o f the saponins can contribute to the lethal and toxicological actions o f these substances i f substantial intravascular hemolysis occurs. In addition to saponins, the sea cucumbers and starfish contain other pharmacologically active substances. B o t h clotting and irreversible smooth muscle contracting activities can be isolated from the coelomocytes o f Asterias forbesi (74). Sea urchin toxins extracted from spines o r pedicellariae have a variety o f pharmacological actions, including electrophysiological ones (75). Dialyzable toxins from Diadema caused a dose-dependent increase i n the miniature end-plate potential frequency o f frog sartorius muscle without influencing membrane potential (76). A toxin from the sea urchin Toxopneustes pileolus causes a dose-dependent release o f histamine (67). Toxic proteins from the same species also cause smooth muscle contracture i n guinea p i g ileum and uterus, and are cardiotoxic (77). L o p h o t o x i n , a triterpenoid toxin isolated from sea whips (Lophogorgia sp.) appears to have specific actions o n the neuromuscular j u n c t i o n (78). It abolishes b o t h miniature and end-plate potentials i n rat diaphragm and frog cutaneous pectoris muscles, as well as the depolarization induced by direct application o f acetylcholine (79). L o p h o t o x i n is a nicotinic receptor blocker which possibly acts at a site remote from the acetylcholine recognition site (80). However, its binding to nicotinic receptors can be prevented by both nicotinic agonists and antagonists (81). 5 0

Marine Worms (Platyhelminthes, Rynchocoela, Annelida, and Sipunaelida). Nereistoxin ( C H N S ) homeotherms. The L D 5



5 Q

kills fish and insects but is relatively non-toxic to value i n mice varies from 30-1000 mg/kg depending o n

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on April 13, 2013 | Publication Date: January 29, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0418.ch024

the route o f injection. However, the toxicity to insects approaches that seen w i t h D D T and pyrethrin (25). Large groups o f proteins from the genus Glycera are proteolytic and cause paralysis o f insect heart. Similarly, proteolytic enzymes w h i c h cause sustained contraction o f whelk muscle have been obtained from A n n e l i d s (52). Mollusca and Arthropoda. A variety o f pharmacological actions are induced by the toxins found i n molluscs (27). F o r example, surugatoxin is a potent mydriatic (83), ganglion blocker (84), and a potent hypotensive agent i n cats. A p l y s i n has marked effects i n mammalian tissue and produces hypotension, bradycardia, neuromuscular paralysis, and contracture o f intestinal smooth muscle (85). Aplysiatoxin causes an elevation i n b l o o d pressure resistant to adrenoceptor blockade (86). M u r e x i n e and related compounds have marked actions o n the nicotine receptor as expected from choline esters (87-89). Toxins from the digestive glands o f nudibranchs have marked effects o n the cardiovascular system o f the rat (23). A n t i v i r a l and antibacterial substances have been obtained from molluscs (90,91). T h e pharmacology o f the amines such as octopamine, 5 H T , and noradrenaline isolated from cephalopods has been well documented and the mechanisms o f action are well understood. T h e more complex toxins such as cephalotoxin have more complex actions i n that they are often species specific (25). E l e d o i s i n has a m u l t i plicity o f actions. It is a hypotensive secretagogue capable o f affecting vascular smooth muscle. Erspamer (92) investigated the actions o f eledoisin and found that it caused vasodilation but stimulated smooth muscle and salivary glands. K e m and Scott (93) found a similarly acting protein i n the squid (Loligo peali). T h e octopus, Octopus vulagaris, produces two paralyzing proteins from its posterior salivary glands (94). Sites o f A c t i o n In order to ensure that a toxin used for offense incapacitates a prey species so as to render it available for digestion, it is essential that the toxin "attacks" mechanisms that are critical for l o c o m o t i o n i n the prey species. F o r vertebrate prey such critical mechanisms can be readily identified. T h e activation o f skeletal muscle l o c o m o t i o n depends critically u p o n axonal transmission, neurotransmitter release, neurotransmitter reception at the end-plate, excitation-contraction coupling, and finally contraction. C o n t r a c t i o n mechanisms are hidden beneath the cell membrane and therefore are not such a suitable site for toxin action. However, okadaic acid may be an exception to this i n that it appears to have direct actions o n the contraction mechanism (95). A t each o f the other sites noted above, there are a number o f fundamental molecular sites at which a toxin might act. F o r axons these are the voltage- and time-dependent sodium and potassium channels. A t nerve endings there is, i n addition, a calcium channel whose activation ensures transmitter release. T h e action o f the transmitter, acetylcholine, at the nicotinic skeletal muscle receptor is an obvious site o f toxin attack, a site notably attacked by the snake toxin, alpha bungarotoxin. Excitation-contraction c o u p l i n g depends critically u p o n the maintenance o f a n o r m a l resting membrane potential and thus o n a variety o f i o n i c channels and membrane p u m p systems. Invertebrate prey species contain analogous, but not identical, sites to those considered above. I n many phylla, calcium channels play the role normally ascribed to sodium channels i n vertebrates. I n addition, the peripheral l o c o m o t o r neurotransmitter is n o t acetylcholine but amino acids such as gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). I n other phylla, the channels w h i c h underly l o c o m o t i o n remain poorly understood.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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In a l l higher species, l o c o m o t i o n is controlled by a central nervous system and, therefore, it might be argued that this system w o u l d provide an "ideal" target for toxins. However, when the nervous system is centrally located there is often in-built protection from blood-borne toxins and this "blood-brain" barrier offers protection, especially against large molecular weight toxins. W i t h respect to toxins which target specific sites, insight can be obtained from the anomolies that are observed. F o r example, both puffer fish and tetrodotoxincontaining crabs (96) are insensitive to tetrodotoxin. T h e investigation o f such insensitivities can provide information about membrane channels and their toxin binding sites. In the light o f such considerations, it is possible to discuss toxins which have already been analyzed i n terms o f their sites o f action. Such a discussion is best conducted by categorizing the various possible cellular sites at which a toxin might act. T h e most obvious sites are the membrane channels for ions, receptors for neurotransmitters, membrane pumps, and the membrane itself. Invertebrate toxins acting o n membrane channels include the conotoxins (10) and several o f the sea anemone toxins (97). A n o t h e r possible target for toxins are the receptors for neurotransmitters since such receptors are vital, especially for l o c o m o t i o n . I n vertebrates the most strategic receptor is that for acetylcholine, the nicotinic receptor. I n view o f the breadth o f action o f the various conotoxins it is perhaps not surprising that alpha-conotoxin binds selectively to the nicotinic receptor. It is entirely possible that similar blockers exist for the receptors which are vital to l o c o m o t i o n i n lower species. A s mentioned previously, l o p h o t o x i n effects vertebrate neuromuscular junctions. It appears to act o n the end plate region o f skeletal muscle (79,80), to block the nicotinic receptor at a site different from the binding sites for other blockers (81). T h e fact that toxins target a specific membrane system has been commented u p o n many times. W h e r e a toxin does not have such a specific site o f action a general cytotoxic strategy appears to have been selected. Cytotoxicity can be regarded as occurring through o n e o f two actions. T h e first involves an attack o n the cell membrane so as to destroy its function as a barrier, w h i l e the second is to attack the fundamental chemistry o f the cell. I n many cases the fundamental chemistry that is attacked is that involved i n nucleic acid chemistry, i.e., growth and differentiation. W i t h regard to toxins which act o n the membrane i n general, and not o n a particular structure, they can either disrupt the membrane completely o r alter the membrane i n such a manner as to disrupt its function. Saponins, and similar cytolytic toxins, can completely disrupt cellular integrity; however, i o n o p h o r i c toxins create selective o r non-selective channels which, as a result o f "ion-loading" i n the cell, may cause cell lysis. A variety o f toxins are capable o f forming their o w n channels i n cell membranes. F o r example, okadaic acid has been shown to be an i o n o p h o r i c polyether (27,29). T h e actions o f proteins isolated from sea anemones, o r other coelenterates, involve mechanisms different from those described for saponins. Thus, hemolysins from sea anemone R macrodactylus are capable o f forming i o n channels directly i n membranes (98). T h e basic protein from S. helianthus also forms channels i n black-lipid membranes. These channels are permeable to cations and show rectificat i o n (99). This ability o f S. helianthus toxin III to form channels depends u p o n the nature o f the host lipid membrane (100). Cytolysin S. helianthus binds to sphingomyelin and this substance may well serve as the binding site i n cell membranes (101-106). T o x i n from the jellyfish, Chrysaora quinquecirrha, creates large cation-selective channels with 760 p S conductance and no rectification. T h e channels are equally

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


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permeable to sodium, l i t h i u m , potassium, and cesium (104). Cobbs et a l . (105) have also reported that C. quinquecirrha toxins forms pores (31 p S conductance) for monovalent cations i n black-lipid membranes. There has been considerable discussion regarding the mode o f action o f the sea cucumber and starfish saponins. B o t h the triterpene and steroidal glycosides inhibit b o t h N a / K A T P a s e and C a / M g A T P a s e (06) possibly as a result o f their aglycone structures. However, their detergent properties cause membrane disruption which w i l l influence the activity o f membrane-bound enzymes such as the ATPases. I n investigating the actions o f saponins o n multilamellar liposomes, it was found that cholesterol serves as the binding site for such saponins and that cholesterol-free l i p somes are not lysed by saponins (107). M a n y o f the toxins obtained from coelenterates and echinoderms, because o f their hemolytic o r cytotoxic actions, are assumed to have a general disruptive action o n cell membranes. However, since many o f these toxins are capable o f forming pores o r channels i n the plasma membrane o f cells, their cytolytic actions may be a result o f this highly selective action. O n the other hand, the saponins from starfish and sea cucumbers have a direct lytic action as a result o f their detergent action o n the integrity o f cells.

Strategies for Discovering and Identifying Marine Toxins and for Elucidating Possible Mechanisms of Action In the absence o f armies o f toxicologists, pharmacologists and zoologists, it w i l l be very difficult to systematically screen a l l marine invertebrates for toxins. There are, after a l l , hundreds o f thousands o f species that can be investigated and even the most cursory o f examinations consumes months o f research activity. F o r example, it t o o k many years to elucidate the mechanisms o f action o f tetrodotoxin. I n the past, tracing the route from lethality to underlying biochemical o r cellular mechanisms was both tortuous and prolonged. T h e route involved first determining lethality and then actions o n organ systems. After identifying target organs, the next step was to identity the target cells and finally the underlying mechanism. W h i l e it is intellectually satisfying to trace such a route, i n many recent studies analysis o f cellular mechanisms has preceded analysis o f actions i n whole tissue, isolated organs o r the intact animal. However, it should not be assumed that techniques for analysis o f biochemical o r cellular mechanisms have completely superceded the stepwise analysis o f actions i n the whole animal, component organs, tissues, and cell types. Despite the availablity o f more and more techniques, there are n o universal shortcuts for elucidating the nature and actions o f toxins. W h a t are needed are strategies and procedures for both identifying and analysing mechanisms o f actions o f toxins. Just as obvious is the need to identify toxic species. Approaches are required for the following stages: identification o f toxic species, screening techniques for detecting toxicity, techniques for purifying toxins and provisionally identifying chemical nature, and techniques for tentatively identifying mechanisms o f action. O n c e these four stages are passed, it becomes a relatively easy process to dissect out the molecular site and mechanism by which a toxin may act. Consideration o f the four stages listed above, indicates that sets o f reasonable guidelines can be used to direct a study through the various stages.

Identification of Toxic Species.

I n trying to identify toxic species suitable for further studies, careful consideration should be given to zoology and, where applicable, clinical toxicology. Z o o l o g i c a l knowledge allows the identification o f the species which use toxins for purposes o f offence and/or defense. F o r example, observations o f carnivorous fish showed that many appear able to identify toxic species and avoid

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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eating them. Similarly, zoological observation showed that cone shells c o u l d be divided into classes o n the basis o f prey species. V a r i a t i o n i n prey species suggested that different toxins were evolved by different cone shells i n order to confer specificity for particular prey species. Thus, zoological knowledge allows identification o f toxic species o n the basis o f interaction between species. This knowledge leads to identification o f prey species, identification o f avoidance behavior o n the part o f species and effects o n species w h i c h live i n the same environment. In the case o f humans being the interacting species, toxicity manifests itself by a variety o f responses to oral ingestion or contact. A n interesting example o f both acquired defensive toxicity and the importance o f biological observation is the acquisition o f toxicity from the sponge (Hymerdacidon sp.) by the nudibranch Phylida varicosa. T h e original observation was that a specimen o f the nudibranch placed i n an aquarium was sufficiently toxic to k i l l most o f the other occupants. It was subsequently discovered that the material c o u l d be m i l k e d from the surface o f the nudibranch to the extent that it c o u l d be literally m i l k e d dry o f the toxic material, 9-isocyanopupukeanane (Scheuer, personal c o m munication). Later field observations showed that the nudibranch aquired its toxicity by grazing o n sponges. Screening Techniques for Detecting Toxicity. S i m p l e toxicity screening techniques are necessary to identify toxic species and to m o n i t o r the efficacy o f isolation and purification procedures used to purify toxins. A t t e r w i l l and Steele (108) have recently comprehensively reviewed i n vitro methods for toxicology and so m u c h o f the following is i n the nature o f a general overview. In attempting to quickly elucidate the possible mechanisms o f action o f a toxin, there are a number o f obvious routes to take. In the case o f a toxin w h i c h has a rapid and acute lethal action, the route is especially obvious, but w i t h toxins having effects o n growth and differentiation, the best approach is more obscure. In order to establish the presence o f a toxin i n a particular species, o r i n an extract from that species, a variety o f procedures can be followed. W h e r e a toxin is specific for a particular prey species, it is best to use that prey species for assessing toxicity. Unfortunately, marine prey species are often not readily available and r o u tinely available laboratory animals have to be used as substitutes. There are advantages i n using w h o l e animals to test for toxicity since careful observation, plus m o n itoring o f vital functions, may give useful clues as to possible mechanims o f action. Different routes o f administration can give clues as to the chemical identity o f toxins. F o r example, proteins and polypeptides are usually inactived when given orally. Charged and/or large molecular weight toxins often appear less toxic when injected into a site (i.e., subcutaneous) with p o o r absorption. U s e o f w h o l e animals also avoids complications w h i c h may arise from the presence o f contaminating, but not really toxic, substances present in crude extracts. Such contaminants can badly obscure analysis i n many i n vitro systems, such as cultured cells. W h e n m o r e than o n e toxic molecule is present i n an extract, complications are m u l t i p l i e d although careful observations should give clues as to the possible presence o f m u l t i p l e toxins. In attempting to analyze the actions o f toxins by means o f observing behavioral changes, care has to be exercised to avoid misinterpreting behavioral observations. T h e literature is replete with false deductions drawn from such observations. One example is the sometimes erroneous interpretation o f convulsions i n rodents as being due to central nervous system actions. A lethal dose o f a cardiotoxin w i l l produce convulsions i n both mice and rats. Such convulsions are secondary to cerebral hypoxia which occurs as a result o f ventricular fibrillation. T o avoid such errors, the investigator should have experience i n m o n i t o r i n g behavioral responses, i n different test species, to lethal injections o f a variety o f toxins w i t h different but unambiguous mechanisms o f action.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Toxinsfrom Marine Invertebrates


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W h e n lethal doses o f a toxin are determined by a number o f different routes o f injection, further clues as to h o w a toxin might be w o r k i n g are obtained. I n addit i o n to the time required to produce death, the injection site should be examined for local signs o f irritation and tissue damage. I n any determination o f lethal doses it is obviously important to perform a thorough autopsy. A full histological examin a t i o n may n o t be necessary, but the autopsy should include a meticulous examinat i o n for hemorrhage, lung edema, exudates, cardiac state, hypoxia, etc. F o r example, where death is o f a non-cardiac origin, the heart, o r at least the atria, can often be observed to be slowly beating i f examined immediately after death. W h e r e a toxin kills by cardiotoxic actions, ventricular fibrillation and/or cardiac contracture is often observed. It is generally true that i f a toxin kills a particular species by o n e mechanism it w i l l k i l l other species i n the same phyllum by the same mechanism. H o w e v e r mechanisms o f lethality cannot necessarily be expected to cross phylla. Such c o n siderations o f zoology should play a role i n assessing toxicity especially where the species used to test for toxicity is the prey-species. I n such a situation o n e w o u l d expect rapid lethality and a toxin targeted to a fundamental physiological function o f that species. M a r i n e toxins are not always acutely toxic. This may be particularly so for toxins which are used to deter competing occupants for living space since they often have comparatively slow actions o n growth. W i t h such toxins, the procedures for the evaluation o f acutely lethal toxins cannot apply. However, interesting discoveries may be made by using the simplest o f screen o f alcoholic extracts for cytolytic actions as exemplified i n Table I o f Shier (109). T h e above considerations also apply to the next step i n the analysis o f a toxin's action, which is analysis i n a anesthetized animal i n which variables such as b l o o d pressure, E K G , E M G , and respiration, are monitored. L e e (110) has considered i n some detail the manner i n which toxins can be investigated i n such preparations. H e has demonstrated, with various classes o f toxins, that the spectrum o f toxicological action i n anesthetized rats and mice is characteristic for different classes o f toxins. Thus cardiac toxins produce markedly different responses than those w h i c h k i l l through actions o n nerve conduction. T h e preparations used by L e e are relatively simple i n that anesthetized animals are cannulated for b l o o d pressure recording and iv injection together with E K G and phrenic nerve recordings. W h e r e appropriate, the animal can be ventilated artificially. O n l y a moderate degree o f skill is required to record from a phrenic nerve w i t h i n the chest o f animal w h i l e still allowing the animal to breathe spontaneously. If these and similar procedures were to be standardized, it w o u l d be relatively simple to ascertain h o w a toxin kills acutely.

Techniques for Purifying Toxins and Provisionally Identifying Chemical Nature. C h e m i c a l techniques for the isolation, purification and elucidation o f the structure o f toxins have evolved to the extent that it is frequently a routine procedure to identify the chemical nature o f a newly discovered toxin once it has been purified, although difficulties arise when the toxin is a very large polypeptide, protein, o r a very complex organic molecule. However, it is sometimes found that a toxin becomes progressively more labile and stabilizing contaminants are removed by the purification processes. A n example o f this is Cyanea toxic material which becomes increasingly labile w i t h each purification step (111).

Techniques for Tentatively Identifying Mechanisms of Action. O n c e the mechanism by w h i c h a toxin kills has been assessed, and toxin reasonably purified, it becomes relevant to try and ascertain as efficiently as possible the cellular mechanisms "targetted" by the toxin. This is a necessary step before final analysis o f action using pure toxin and site-specific procedures such as the patch-clamp technique.

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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In trying to isolate the cellular mechanism by w h i c h a toxin might work, it is useful to consider what mechanisms are k n o w n to be influenced by toxins. P r i m e examples are i o n i c channels, membrane pumps, membrane carrier systems and the integrity o f the cell membrane. A c t i o n s at these sites generally produce marked effects o n cellular electrogenesis and subsequent intracellular potentials; thus, an electrophysiological analysis may often provide rapid insights into the actions o f a toxin. S u c h an analysis should not be confined to o n e type o f tissue i n view o f the varying participation o f different i o n channels i n different cell types. It is practical to record intracellular potentials from cardiac, skeletal muscle and certain types o f neuronal tissue. T h e neuromuscular junctions o f different phylla gives insights into mechanisms responsible for neuronal transmission as well as transmitter release and reception. W i t h a panoply o f tissues it should be relatively easy to make an educated guess as to w h i c h membrane system(s) a toxin might be w o r k i n g o n . W h i l e electrophysiological preparations have great usefulness, conventional i n vitro pharmacological preparations should not be ignored. However, some o f these preparations should be approached w i t h caution since their apparent simplicity often hides a wealth o f complexity. O n e example is the guinea p i g i l e u m . This tissue not o n l y consists o f complex smooth muscle but also contains so many complex neuronal elements that it is inherently difficult to analyze even a simple contraction. Brevetoxin causes contraction o f smooth muscle but contraction is mediated v i a the release o f transmitters as a result o f the toxin's action o n nerves (112). It is best to use tissue whose physiology has fewer component parts, and which is better understood. Thus the classic neuro-skeletal muscle preparations are relatively simple and the sites at w h i c h toxins might work are better understood. Similarly, red b l o o d cells are relatively simple systems which can be damaged i n relatively wellunderstood ways. Cardiac tissue is also useful i n that its physiology is comparatively well understood and secondary effects mediated by nerves, etc., are generally not a complicating factor. T h e inotropic, chronotropic, and electrical effects o f toxins are easily recorded i n such tissue and are related to the underlying physiology i n a fairly well-understood manner. F o r example, the positive inotropic effects o f sea anemone polypeptide toxins are not unexpected i n view o f their effects o n sodium channel activation (113). T h e above considerations were based o n the premise that toxins act primarily o n the cell membrane i n an acute manner. However, we k n o w that certain toxins do n o t have actions at the cell membrane but rather act directly u p o n the processes responsible for cell metabolism and growth. Such toxins may act directly o n nuclear systems (at the level o f D N A o r R N A ) while others may disrupt the process o f miosis and mitosis, for example, as occurs with saponins and plant toxins such as colchicine. W h e n dealing with such toxicity, reliance has to be placed o n the use o f cell cultures. A full array o f cell cultures ranging from well-differentiated primary to poorly differentiated i m m o r t a l cultures are n o w available. There are many cell lines derived from neoplasms that are readily used for screening for effects o n growth. O n e note o f caution is that a huge variety o f acutely acting toxins w i l l cause the death o f cultured cells. A n y toxin which has a major action o n cell membranes has the potential for k i l l i n g cells by virtue o f disturbing the intracellular m i l i e u . Such an action should not be confused w i t h more specific actions o n cell growth and differentiation. Conclusions Studies into the toxic substances that can be extracted from marine invertebrates are growing at an increasing rate. Despite this, we are a long way from having c o m plete explanations o f the zoological importance o f k n o w n toxins i n terms o f their

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on April 13, 2013 | Publication Date: January 29, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0418.ch024



Toxins from Marine Invertebrates


usefulness as defensive, offensive, or digestive chemicals. Similarly, we have not identified all of the cellular mechanisms by which toxins may produce their actions and the toxins which influence them. Some of the small molecular weight substances that have been isolated from marine invertebrates are well understood. For example, the chemistry and biology of amines from molluscs and the saponins isolated from echinoderms have been extensively studied. The list of pharmacologically interesting substances that have been isolated continues to grow. Good examples include the polypeptides isolated from sea anemones, conotoxins, etc. Some of these afford both specific labels for ion channels and tools for specifically altering channel activity. The chief impetus for research into marine invertebrate toxins appears to arise from the realization that such toxins are often exquisitively site-selective in their actions and thus are useful in helping to solve problems in physiology and biochemisty. In addition there are still outstanding problems concerning the zoological usefulness of toxins as well as the treatment of human cases of poisoning and envenomation. In addition marine toxins may well provide paradigms and prototypes for the development of new drugs. In the past, toxins and poisons have provided the main source of new drugs and they continue to be a useful source although in a less direct manner. One of the most recent notable examples has been the development of the newer antihypertensive drug, captopril. This drug was developed as a result of investigations into the bradykinin potentiating actions of a polypeptide fraction from snake venom. In particular, the marine invertebrate toxins may provide the impetus for developing new channel blocking drugs. Such toxins as omega-conotoxin may lead to potent and selective drugs acting on the N-type calcium channel.

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August 23, 1989

In Marine Toxins; Hall, S., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.