Toys in the chemistry classroom - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Oct 1, 1977 - Using toys to teach chemical principles; lists common toys and their ... For a more comprehensive list of citations to this article, use...
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Gene R. Zlegler Upper Merlon Senior High School Klng of Prussla, Pennsylvania 19406

Toys in the Chemistry Classroom

Commercially available toy and novelty items have been incorporated into our chemistry programs because they are very effective teaching aids a t all levels of academic performance. The physical presence of the toys captures the students' interest and stimulates them to ask questions. T h e questions then lead to the learning of or review of the scientific principles involved. We have found this approach to be useful from the lowest high school general science classes to the top levels of chemistry. Of course, a t different levels of instruction the teacher provides different depths of sophistication. We have found the use of the patent literature particularly germane to teaching with these toys. The students have had little or no experience with patents and this gives the teacher the opportunity to discuss what a patent is, what types are available, and this often leads to vigorous discussions as to what is and what is not protected by a patent. We have summarized in tabular form a description of each toy, the principles involved, and some additional practical applications of those principles.


'Edrnund Scientific Company, 544 Edscorp Bldg. Barrington, New Jersey 08007. "or two articles on using a giant drinking bird ta irrigate the desert see: Lear, John, Sot. Reu., 49, (June 1957) and Murror, Richard B., Sot. Reu.. 51 (June 1957). :'US Patent 3,387,396. WS Patents 3,576,987and 3,597,362. 5For practical uses of these flares see: Dresner, Simon, Pop. Sci., 64, (January 1975). 6Available from Walter Drake and Sons. Inc., 94 Drake Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80940. "For two general articles on liquid crystals see: Fergason, James L., Sci. Amer., 16 (August 1964);Heilmeier, George H., Sei. Amer., 100 (April 1970). WS Patent 3,588,099. 9An interesting historical account of using solar energy is given in "How Archimedes Stole Sun to Burn Foe's Fleet2'astow of how Ar-

Other Appllcatlons

Vapor Pressure Wlnd-Chlll factor Heat of Vaporization Pressure Cooker Heat Engines lrrlgatlon of the Desert' Same as above Low Meter-Thls device c~nslpts Vapor Pressure of two glass bulbs connected by Heat of Vaporlratlon for drlnklng blrd a splral 01 glass tublng. The Heal Englnes vessel IktIIIed wlth a low bolllng liquid. The person holds the bollom bulb and the " M e r " the person Is the laster the liquid rises l o the upper bulb. Lava Lamp-Spherlcal blobs ol a Mlsclblllty 01 Llqulds Water Repellents waxy material continuously Thermal Expanslon Expanslon move up and down In a water Surface Tendon jolnb s o l ~ l l as ~ nheat Is applled lo the Density bottom ol the lamp.f Convection Heatlng Energy levels and Flreflias Chemlcal Hlghway Flares-Cold the transltlons Luminescent Llght-The plastlc tube Is bent between them flsh and lo break the Inner vial. The Dlanto chembals react to eroduca Chemllumlnerence Ilght3,5 Weather Predlclor-The simple Water of Hydrstlon Blue dyes In old devlce changes fmm red to blue Coordlnntlon pottery as lhe humldlty decrease%In the compounds "Magic" more complicated devlcer a LeChateller's wrltlng series ol mixtures ol two salts. Prlnclple CoCb and NaCI, are used to pmduoe red to blue changes over a range ol h~mldlties.~ Magic Rocks-The rocks are Slllcata networks Mlnsral placed In the apeclal growlng lorm structures ~olullonand lhey torm stalaglrom water mites. glass and heavy metal sans Drinking Bird-This much publlclzed toy continues bobblng up and down as long as ns specially made beak Is kept wet.

Nearly all of the toys are available from Edmund Scientific Company' or through mail order housewares catalogs.

Prlnclple* Dlgltat Thermometer-Diglta appear as temperature changer7

Liquld crystab Scatterlng of llght

Other Appllcatlons Other llqvid crystal devices

MoodRW-Rlng m a w s COIOT~S Llquld crystals the mood 01 the wearer Scattering e l Llght changes.

D p a orver-mls is a modifled Carteslan d l w spe~lallymade lo plck up objects lrom the hottom of the tank?



Boyle's Law Pas~aI'sLaw Arehlmeder' Principle

Submarlne Automobile brakes Hydraulic llltr

Solar Cloarelfe Llohtsr-A concave m l m r wllh a clamp at the locus lo kOld the clparene allows you ID light the clgarene In brlgM sun In about 15 8.O

Llght Is energy Mlrror Laws from physics

Can7 Blow Out Candles-Once Ill the candles keep rellghtlngafter you blow them out.

Flre trlangle

Density Chsnglw Sun Glasses-

Photochsmlstryand Photosynthesis Photochromlsm Photo produced

When golng from dull llght to brlght sun the glasses turn dark, the reverse occurring when aolna lndaarr. --~..-

Flre flghtlng teehnlques


Super Faam-Mlx Ihe two parts and In a few seconds a loam Is produced. The loam hardens In less than one minute.

Polymers and Polyurethanes

Polymers ol general use

Castlng Resln-MIX the two parts and add the Initlator. In a few mlnvtes a hard clear material forms.

Polymers and polymethacrylates

Polymers of general use

Volume 54, Number 10, October 1977 / 629