MATHESON' Compressed Gas Notes
Tracing the Jw/ïreiie-KRYPTON-85 T h e Lost B r u s h
Advantages o f M a t h e s o n As a S o u r c e
Recently an underground pipe, many miles long, w a s being t h o r o u g h l y cleaned. T h e device used for cleaning was a mechanical brush pulled through the pipe by a cable. Between stations, the cable severed, the expensive brush was left in an uncertain location somewhere beneath the ground. To locate it, the pipe would have to be opened — but where?
Matheson, with years of experience in preparing all kinds of gas mixtures, can make and analyze radioactive mixtures of definite activity. We have developed proper analytical techniques to assure accurate mixtures. (Matheson is the nation's leading source for more than 95 compressed gases and gas regulating equipment for laboratory use).
A mixture of Krypton-85 in air was introduced into the pipe. A portable geiger counter was carried on the ground above the top of the pipe. T h e difference in radiation indicating where the pipe was blocked became obvious. The crews dug through the ground, opened the pipe, recovered their brush and sealed u p the pipe.
These radioactive materials frequently should be supplied in mixture because of the infinite sensitivity of the counter. Almost unbelievable dilutions i n t r o duced into the blood stream can chart the intricate workings beneath the skin as accurately as if they were exposed to the eye.
Medical T r a c i n g
For Information —
Krypton-85 is principally used in mixtures for tracing operations. Matheson supplies t h e s e m i x t u r e s in various concentrations, and hundreds of uses suggest themselves. Among the most important are medical uses, to trace blood flow into the cells of the brain, or to determine if a malfunctioning heart has a defective valve.
At present, Matheson supplies radioactive mixtures only from East Rutherford, New Jersey, although all branches are connected to East Rutherford by T W X and the branch managers are trained technical sales representatives. If you want more information call Mr. Fazzi a t WEbster 3-2400 (area code 201). W e will be delighted to answer any questions.
O b t a i n i n g Radioactive Gases
W h a t Radioactive Materials Are Available?
A specific by-product material license More than most people think. Matheson must be obtained from the Atomic Energy Commission before ordering radio- lists 13 Carbon-14 labeled hydrocarbons active gases or materials. Application in their current catalog, 4 Tritium lafor license should be made to: Division beled gases, 2 Sulfur-35 labeled gases of Licensing a n d R e g u l a t i o n Isotope and Krypton-85. Branch, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington 25, D.C. E. The Matheson Company, Inc., P.O. Box 85,
Up to 50 microcuries per container of carbon-14 or sulfur-35 label compounds and 250 microcuries per container of tritium labeled compounds may be obtained without a specific AEC license. A maximum of 10 such containers may be possessed a t any one time.
Information on this subject is provided on page 34 of the Matheson Gas Catalog. Use the coupon below to send for a copy. Want to know more about compressed gases? Check the coupon for information on the Third Edition of The Matheson Gas Data Book—needed wherever gases are used or stored.
Rutherford, N . J .
Please send the following: Π Matheson Compressed Gas Catalog
Π Information Matheson Gas Data Book, 3rd Edition
City A license must be obtained for any quantity of the above mentioned Krypton-85.
The Matheson. Company, Inc. Compressed Gases and Regulators
East Rutherford, N . J .
Joliet, 111.
La Porte, Texas
Newark, Calif.
M i a t l i e s o n . o f C a n a d a . , L t d · wwtby, ont.