Tracor Xray

Available at affordable cost. UV-120 UV-VIS. 0A. Spectrophotometer. UV-120 is available in ... SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinj...
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No compromise spectrometry and double-beam stability

low stray light and high resolution. Video copier/printer plotter is standard and the baseline is battery protected.


A UV-260 UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer Shimadzu's new UV-260 UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer with CRT and graphic printer offers true difference spectroscopy—corrected— in realtime. Two-dimensional slit adjustment. And an absolute dynamic range from -3.000 to +3.999 Abs. User programmability adds more to Shimadzu's no compromise spectrometry—as does a 190 to 900nm wavelength range. The high-performance monochromator combines a blazed holographic grating and sealed casing for

Designed for day-to-day quality spectrophotometry Available at affordable cost /M>


^UV-120 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

' UV-120 is available in two models—190~ "lOOOnm and 4 325~1000nm. With digital display, stable/low-noise silicon photocell and blazed holographic grating for minimized stray light, CIRCLE 281

Shimadzu's No Compromise Spectrophotometer Family. Microprocessor-controlled double beam, rapidresponse printer plotter, and data processing are standard features Y IR-435 Infrared Spectrophotometer

High performance saving

IR-435 gives the speed advantage of a line printer that can follow any quick change of spectrum—0.08 sec. full-scale response. Optional ROM memory for expanded program functions. CIRCLE 284

at a

A UV-240/250 UV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer The UV-240/250 features low stray light, double-beam optics and advanced data processing functions that make a very affordable researchgrade instrument. The premonochromator reduces stray light 1/50 and extends the linear dynamic range from 3.999 to 5.000. CIRCLE 282

Concave, holographic grating and oft-plane optics for high-energy throughput with low stray light and energy correction • RF-540 Recording Spectrofluorophotometer RF-540 combines research-grade optics with full microprocessor functions—printer plotter and data processing. The xenon source lamp housing is an ozone shielding type. CIRCLE


Shimadzu SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. Phone: (301) 997-1227 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) G M B H Acker Strasse 111, 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. Phone: (0211) 666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Phone:Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SH MDT J.

Fits all biomedical research needs «4UV-3000 UV-VIS DualWavelength Double-Beam Recording Spectrophotometer The UV-3000 combines high-quality optics with a wide dynamic range to make possible the latest dual-wavelength scanning techniques and spectral recording of the entire UV or VIS spectrum range in the dualwavelength mode. In addition to the dual-wavelength mode, it has double beam, difference, dual-wavelength scanning, derivative and singlebeam modes. CIRCLE 2 8 6 O N READER SERVICE



Shimadzu Offers No Compromise Measurement of Turbid Samples. High quality.



• MPS-2000 Multi-Purpose Recording Spectrophotometer This fine low-cost multi-purpose spectrophotometer system features a double-beam, single end-on photomultiplier for sharp spectra of opaque, turbid or normal samples from 190 to 900nm. The -3.000 to +3.999 Abs range, large sample compartment, low stray light and complete accessories round out a high performance-oriented standard. CIRCLE 2 8 5 O N READER S E R V I C E


S H I M A D Z U SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. Phone: (301) 997-1227 S H I M A D Z U (EUROPA) G M B H Acker Strasse 111, 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. P h o n e : (0211) 666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Phone:Tokyo03-346-5641 Telex;0232-3291 S H M D T J.

True Quantitation unaffected by Spot Shape, spot Position, Plate Thickness or Background Changes

A CS-930 Dual-Wavelength TLC Scanner

A sophisticated microcomputer-controlled scanner that offers more for less

The CS-930 Dual-Wavelength Scanner with signal averaging, automatic lane change, zigzag and linear scanning, Kubelka-Munk equation curve linearization and printer all as standard. With Shimadzu, you can measure transmission, reflectance, fluorescence and record spectra. The dual-wavelength method eliminates baseline drifts caused by irregularities of layer thickness. Small light-beam zigzag scanning eliminates errors due to irregularly shaped spots. CIRCLE 3 0 7 O N READER SERVICE


Shimadzu's TLC Scanner Family. «4CS-920 High-Speed TLC Scanner Shimadzu's CS-920 is unaffected by spot shape, spot fusion, plate thickness or baseline fluctuation. Automatic lane changing permits rapid analysis of a large number of samples. CIRCLE 3 0 8 O N READER SERVICE

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