Tracor Xray

you won't find on any othersystem. And it does it all at a price that makes. EDXRF a cost effective alternative or complement to other elemental anal-...
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The world of XRF will never be the same again» _

Announcing the all new SPECTRACE "4000 XRF Analysis System from Tracor Xray. Energy d i s p e r s i v e x-ray fluoresc e n c e (EDXRF) revolutionized elem e n t a l analysis. Now, T r a c o r Xray r e v o l u t i o n i z e s EDXRF, w i t h t h e SPECTRACE 4 0 0 0 — a compact XRF analysis system that puts the power and versatility of EDXRF to work for you with a combination of hardware, software and p e r f o r m a n c e features you won't find on any other system. And it does it all at a price that makes EDXRF a cost effective alternative or complement to other elemental analysis methods.

A simpler world The SPECTRACE 4 0 0 0 takes the confusion out of instrumental analysis. It uses menu-driven commands t o h e l p you select and s e t - u p t h e analysis methods best suited to your objectives and provides a c o m p r e -

hensive set of programs ranging from the classical empirical methods to the simplest element identification. And once you've established procedures for y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n s , t h e SPECTRACE 4 0 0 0 makes it easy, by automatically storing them for future use.

A more flexible world Use the SPECTRACE 4 0 0 0 in the laboratory, in the warehouse or on the production line. Its modular design lets you convert the system from a fully programmable, multi-sample, laboratory configuration to a simple push-button, single-sample QC system in minutes. You can even remove the keyboard when all you need is mistake-proof, pushbutton operation.

A world of new possibilities. W h e n y o u ' r e not using the SPECTRACE 4000 for XRF analysis, use it as a general purpose computer. The software operating system is CP/M86 based, so you can use off-the-shelf programs for word processing and data base management, as well as programming. C o n t a c t T r a c o r Xray for comp l e t e i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e SPECTRACE 4000. We'll show you what's new in the world of XRF Tracor Xray 345 East Middleneld Road Mountain View, CA 9 4 0 4 3 , USA (415)967-0350.

Tracor Xray